Aidan offered Carrie an engagement ring. Carrie nodded "Yes". But they broke up soon. Carrie said "I love you, I like to live with you, but I am not ready for marriage".
I was ever told the same too.
Once upon the time, I offered a girl an engagement ring. She accepted the ring, lost it in a few days and I lost her finally, though she promised that she will keep the ring in her mind. She said "I would like to be with you, ...I care about you, I miss you...but I do think it is too early to talk about marriage right now".
What a heart breaker.
Zhuyi lost her ring (Read more), the wedding ring. I see her deep deep sadness.
Well, a Sunny noon in Beijing? Why so sad? I have an English article, A Sometimes Beautiful Thing, copied from a book several years ago, but not available right now. Please give your email address and I'll send it to you next week. My English teach thought it beautiful but extremely sad. You can call it a love story.
Oh. No. Losing the ring is a very bad thing I thought about. Last time, when I found my ring was not on my finger, my shirt was completely wet. Thank God that it is still on my finger now. However, since I wear it everyday, it is so easy to get lost by some chances. If there is a hardward back machine, I will do the daily backup.
我被偷儿拿掉的手机,相机和mp3再也回不来了:( 其实很多时候属于自己的物品不在于价值,而是用惯了,用顺了,就舍不得换了.即使别人看着觉得破,自己喜欢就行了.