The Everyday-Everyone Quadrants

This is a simple model that I came up with by myself and have been using to judge business ideas that I had or saw. I'm sure some other people use similar models.

In my model, the Everyday-Everyone Quadrants model, there are two dimensions:

  • X-axis: would people use it on daily basis, or only once a while?
  • Y-axis: would this be used by everybody, or only a specific group of people?

Quadrant I is the products that would be (at least in theory) used by nearly everybody out there, and on daily basis (or at least on regular basis like a few times every week or every month). The companies behind these products could reach 100s billion market cap. Everybody wishes they would have an idea in this quadrant and make it a business. On the other hand, for sure it's very hard to build something that everybody would want to use everyday.

The Everyday-Everyone Quadrants Model

Neighboring to Quadrant I, Quadrant II and IV each takes one element out of the "everyone-everyday" formula: either the "everyone" part, or the "everyday" part.

Quadrant II is these "everyone-but-not-everyday" products, such as LinkedIn, Zillow, Expedia and Angies List. That's quite obvious: most of us only change job every a couple years (LinkedIn), only buy/sell/rent home every a few years (Zillow), only travel a couple times a year (Expedia) and only need to look for contractors when something needs to be fixed (Angies List). It's worth noting that some guys in Quadrant II want to move into Quadrant I, by getting users to use their product more often. For example, LinkedIn. They said you should visit more frequently, rather than only when you want to change job. LinkedIn puts more emphasis on "professional social network". They told people you can be a passive job seeker by well maintaining your LinkedIn profile. They are trying to be a professional publishing platform, starting from Influencers and later opening up to all members.

At the contrast to Quadrant II, Quadrant IV is "everyday-but-not-for-everyone". These are specialty products (StackOverflow and GitHub for developers), or targeting at a specific interest group (Twitch for gamer). If done right, companies in Quadrant II and IV can reach 10s billion market cap, or at least billion dollar level. That's for sure that their sizes can't compare to those in Quadrant I: the products in Quadrant II and IV are either not getting used less frequently, or not getting used by fewer people.

Quadrant III is kind of the "Do Not Enter" zone, because if a product is only needed by a small group of people, and they only use the product once a while, why would that product become a sizable business? There are some successful products in Quadrant III, but in general, the potential in Quadrant III is much smaller than in the other three quadrants and the return would be smaller, too. From time to time, I did have some idea popping up and after examining it with this Everyday-Everyone Quadrants model, I found it fell into Quadrant III. Then I told myself to forget about it.

"Signoff" Is the Word to Prohibit

Recently I saw an email thread in which people in a team were asked to sign-off on a hotfix. The BVT run of that hotfix only passed 97% (11 failures out of 380 test cases in total). I told them that something in the team’s engineering practice is wrong when there is such a thread asking people to sign-off on a BVT result of a hotfix.

That is because:

  • The reason there is a request to signoff is because the BVT is not 100% passing. If it were 100% passing or just 1 failure, they wouldn’t need such a signoff thread.
  • BVT should be 100% passing for all the time or just 1-2 intermittent failure at worst. It’s a big problem that a BVT has 11 failures (97% passing).
  • It’s an even bigger problem that BVT is only 97% passing on a hotfix. The code (including test automation) in a hotfix branch should be in very good quality and very reliable.
  • If this 97% passing BVT result were due to test environment issue, they should have very quickly fixed the environment issue and get another BVT run (which should have got result in at most a couple hours). It would have been another problem if they weren’t able to quickly fix test environment issues that caused large amount of failures in BVT.

Actually, not just in this specific team, not just on BVT result , no modern established engineering team should be doing any kind of signoffs. Signoff means making decisions heavily based on human judgments, which shouldn’t be in the equation when it comes to determine whether a piece of code is good enough to ship or not. Signoff should be prohibited in day-to-day work in software engineering. The use of the word “signoff” usually indicates issues in the team’s engineering practice and culture.

Instead of “signoff”, the right word to use is “override”. It’s like in the airports. In many airports, passengers go through the screening machines and only if the screening machines beeps, there is an officer to do pat-down. After pat-down, the officer can let us go (overriding the outcome of a machine), or send us back if they do find something suspicious (confirming the outcome of a machine). Things should work the same way in shipping software: the code just goes out of the door when the automated validation says “Good”. We only stops the train when the test automation beeps, then it comes human inspection and judgment: we can still let the code ship (overriding), or pull the code back if we do find something suspicious.

Of course, test automation sometimes may be more complicated than a screening machine. For a sizable product, there is a whole lot of work to do to make sure test automation not to beep too often nor too rarely.

LeetCode Is Like Doping in Sports

How to prepare for coding interview is an open secret nowadays.

Search for LeetCode in GitHub. For a software engineer who is serious about changing job, he just needs to commit a couple hours a day for a month or two, going through the one hundred and seventy-ish coding problems in LeetCode for two to three times. Then he is good to go. As long as he has been a workable developer before, with the help of LeetCode and such, plus books like “Cracking the Coding Interview”, the chance is very high for him to pass the coding interviews in nearly all software companies (including Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., with Google being probably the only exception) -- although some may still fail to nail an offer due to other reasons like design (e.g. “Tell me, how to design the Timeline in Facebook”) or communication.

LeetCode and such are like doping in sports (except for the difference in legality). They are very effective boosters that raise your performance in coding interviews. But the boosters only last so long. Before long, you will go back who you truly are. As the result, in the recent years, repeatedly I have seen developers writing production code with bugs that will never pass coding interviews. Here is a few real examples of such bugs (with necessary obfuscation and slight simplification for formatting and other obvious reasons), which had all previously caused (sometimes very expensive) live site incidents -- it would be a separate topic about how come they slipped through code review and uncaught by unit tests.

Example 1: what if the length of the tokens array is 0?

internal static IPSubnet ParseSubnet(string subnetString)
   string[] tokens = subnetString.Split(IPHelpers.PrefixDelimiter);
   IPSubnet subnet = new IPSubnet();
   subnet.Prefix = byte.Parse(tokens[1]);
   //more code...

return subnet;

Example 2: what if link doesn’t contain “.vhd”?

private string GetImageName (Uri link)
   string str = link.ToString();
   int startPos = str.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
   int endPos = str.LastIndexOf(".vhd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
   return str.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);

Example 3: what if bufferSize is 0?

public static int GetIndex(int bufferSize)
   int index = 0;
   while ((bufferSize & 1) == 0)
      bufferSize = bufferSize >> 1;
   return index;

Example 4: what if fromTime is Feb.29, 2012?

// Setting certificate expiry.
endTime.wYear = fromTime.wYear + 1;
endTime.wMonth = fromTime.wMonth;
endTime.wDay = fromTime.wDay;

I am sure the engineers who wrote these bugs weren't like this during the coding interviews. It’s just that in their day to day work, they are not asking themselves these “what if” questions as they would have during interviews. That’s because it’s not a part of them. They don’t have that habit. Their performance during coding interview was the result of preparation and the boosters. As the result, it’s very sad that in today’s tech industry, people produce their best quality code only during job interviews.

Of course, software engineers must be able to write solid code really quick, just like soccer players must run fast, basketball players must jump high and chefs must be able to slice the onions very thin. Good scouts make sure the players run this fast or jump this high year around, and can tell if the guy's performance today is because of 5 cans of Redbulls or not. The challenge for the hiring in tech industry is to be able to exclude the influence of the boosters and find out what the candidate is really capable of in day to day work.

How Do We Measure An Engineering Practice

Note: in this article, I raised a question without answer. Rather, I wanted to point out that we have a problem to work on and there is a large space for new innovations and opportunities.

The problem is: how do we measure an engineering practice. How do we prove it works/doesn't work; how do we prove it's superior than other ways; etc.

For examples,

  • How do we measure hackathon? How do we prove it works; how do we prove that hackathon brings values which we won't get in other ways; etc.

  • How do we measure the return of investment in unit test?

  • How do we measure DevOps? How do we prove that it’s superior to other models

  • … (the list can go very long)

Take hackathon as an example. There are a lot of arguments in favor of it. Most of them are subjective, about personal feeling and observation, and appeal to perception and using reasoning rather than numbers. For example, some said “lots of good ideas emerged from hackathons”. Then the question would be: would these ideas have been emerged anyway in other ways? How to prove that some of these ideas would never have emerged without hackathon? For another example, some said “hackathon boosts team morale”. Then the question would be: how do you measure the boost? Are you sending a survey to the participants? In companies, such surveys are not to be trusted. People are afraid of say negative things, especial to the things arranged/sponsored/initiated by top executives. If someone say “we found good hires from hackathon”, then the question would be: could you have found good hire equally effectively (if not more effectively) through other ways? Some arguments were logically flawed: "Facebook does hackathon, Facebook is successful, so hackathon must help make a software company successful".

Talk about unit test. If someone uses “unit tests will help cut bug count by up to 90%” to support unit test, the number will get questioned really hard, since no two projects are the same. In many other fields, such as in sociology, we can exam tens of thousands of similar samples and use statistical regression to prove that “being exposed to bilingual environment from age 0-6 will help boost the annual income at age 30 by 2.5%”. That kind of study and numbers in sociology is sound and solid. But we can't do that for software engineering. We don't have thousands of similar software companies/projects to study and come up with some numbers like “companies that heavily invested in unit test get boost in their revenue by 5%”. Many people (including me) strongly believe in unit test and practice in our daily work, not because we were convinced by some statements like "smoking increases the chance of cancer by x%", instead, because we tried it and found it was helpful.

Look at DevOps. There were some data to prove that's a good idea. But these data are not that solid to pass strict exam. “Job satisfaction increased by 10%” --- according to what? Some internal survey? We know that people “engineered” such surveys to get the result the way they want to see. “Release cycle shortened by 50%” --- could that also have been equally effectively achieved without DevOps? “Live site incidents reduced by 30%” --- May be the team was already on steady trend toward higher efficiency. It's a common logic fallacy that people mistakenly think when two things happen in sequence, the first one is the cause of the second one.

By questioning these, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't be searching for and trying out new ways in software engineering to be more effective and produce better outcome. We should never stop searching and trying and getting better.

When we think we are becoming more data driven to adopt new practices, our approach of advancing engineering practice is still very pragmatic today: some people has got ideas and go ahead trying. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it works, they tell people. Others have tried, see the benefit, and tell more people. More people follow suit and over the time, it became common and popular and eventually everybody adopts it as a standard way of doing things. When we want ourselves to become more data driven, we should realize that the data we use are often weak evidences, misuses of statistics or subject to interpretation.

A Manager Must Hide The Disagreement?

I came across a blog post about being a manager. The author believes that a manager can disagree up, but can’t disagree down and if the manager disagrees with the company’s decision, he must hide that disagreement (in front of his team). Speaking from my own experience (nearly 10 years as a manager), that’s wrong.

For the completeness, here is the original words in the blog:

It is your responsibility as a manager to support the company’s decisions. Not just to execute on them, but to support them, to communicate that support, and if you disagree then you must hide that disagreement in the service of the company. You can disagree up — though even that is fraught with danger — but you can’t disagree down. You must hold yourself apart from your team, putting a wall between you and your team. To your team you are the company, not a peer.

The impact of complaints filtering up is much different than the impact of complaints filtering down. In some sense as a manager you must manufacture your own consensus for decisions that you cannot affect. You are probably doing your reports a favor by positively communicating decisions, as they will be doing themselves a favor by positively engaging with those decisions. But their advice is clear: if you are asked your opinion, you must agree with the decision, maybe stoically, but you must agree, not just concede. You must speak for the company, not for yourself.

The right way should be “disagree and say yes”. There are two reasons why a manager should do so, in front of his manager as well as his team:

  1. You can’t fake it. We are all grown-ups and we are all smart people (with college degree and working in good companies after harsh interviews and emerging from all the job seekers). So we don’t give bullshit to each other because we can easily tell and when someone does, we tell him “don’t give me the bullshit, treat me like an adult”. We do social lying (“hey, your daughter is so cute”) but we all know what it is. We have to be ourselves or it will be very difficult and stressful to keep telling the lies. Manager is a particularly stressful job (not only need to take care of yourself, but also take care a number of people who reports to you, directly/indirectly), so you don’t want to add more stress to it or you get burned out very quickly.

  2. You want to be treated the same way by your team, when you ask them to do something or do things in some ways that they disagree. At work, sometime it’s a dirty work that I got from my manager (who may have got it from his manager, so on and so on) and I just need someone in my team to get it done. Sometime it’s the right thing to do, but may be uncomfortable -- just like getting my boy to brush his teeth. In all those occasions, I want my team to just say yes and do it, though they disagree. To build a team like that, the key is to show them that the manager is doing the same to his own manager, just like one day our children will treat us the same way how we treat our own parents today.

At the end of the day, if one find he’s in disagreement with the company or his management chain so often, it’s a sign that he should find another company or another team.

Comment on Box’s Flaky

Flaky is a test tool that Box shared with the community about a year ago. In my opinion and own experience, the tool solves the problem it wanted to solve, but it's a poisonous tool to have for any engineering organization who wants sustainable success. Here is the comment that I left on their blog post:

I was in the same spot in the past: a few years back, we’ve had tests that failed intermittently and the causes sometime were external to our component, but in other services owned by folks in the other floor/building. Naturally, we built a similar way to rerun the failed tests automatically.

Later, I found a problem in this approach: it discouraged people from doing deep investigation and hide some bugs in our own component. Discourage: as long as the rerun passed, no one would look at the failure in the first run. Hide bugs: there are product bugs that have intermittent nature (rather than causing some functionality 100% failing); also, there were test automation bugs that genuinely cause intermittent test failures (lack of test repeatability, or test automation reliability issue). It was also a slippery slope: over the time, the amount of rerun increased (since no one spent time looking at why the tests failed on first attempt), which caused the total duration of the test pass to increase.

Seeing those problems, I stopped the rerun. I told the team because our component has deterministic nature (rather than fuzzy logic products like face recognition, speech, relevancy, machine learning, ...), our tests should be deterministic and highly repeatable. I forced the team to investigate every intermittent failure. It turned out that we found a lot of genuine issues in the product code as well as the test automation. We fixed them. I also tenaciously push all the teams (not only my own team, but also folks on other floors/buildings) to improve the design/architecture so that it's easier to write more repeatable test automation. It paid off pretty well. After about 1 year since stopping the rerun, the amount of flaky tests significantly dropped (from more than 5% of the entire test automation to <0.5%). The total duration of test pass dropped. People are less frustrated by dealing with intermittent failures all the time.

In short, having a tool to automatically rerun failed tests is poisonous. It makes life easier now, but sends your engineering toward the wrong direction.


每个人有每个人的育儿观。有些父母希望自己的孩子是一个有爱心的人,有些父母培养自己的孩子吃苦耐劳。而对于我来说,我最希望郑轶嘉能够学会自己决定what to do,并且stand behind his own choices

“学会自己决定what to do”意味着:

  1. 知道自己要什么。

    在我和郑轶嘉的日常对话中,我一直避免使用“听话”这个词。尽管follow instructions是重要的,且是一种重要的社交能力,但中文里的“听话”和英文里的“follow instructions”有一些重要而微妙的区别。“听话”带有一点点不动脑子的味道。”听话”也或多或少和培养独立思考能力背道而驰,进而会导致人云亦云。“听话”的一个典型的例子是:不少人谈起自己的过去的时候,父母扮演了决定性的因素--- 考大学的时候是我爸妈要我选这个专业的,找工作的是我爸妈要我考公务员的,找女朋友的时候是我爸妈更喜欢这个而不是那个,…

    知道自己要什么还意味着知道what makes me happy。很多人不快乐的源头之一是并不知道什么使自己快乐--- 这是显然的:选饭店和点菜的时候如果不知道自己喜欢吃什么,那就有更大的可能会吃到不好吃的。

  2. 不要犹犹豫豫。

    俗话说,鱼与熊掌不可兼得,you can’t have a cake and eat it。每个人每天都只有24小时。24个小时里面能做的事情是有限的: 选择了多看一个钟头电视,就要从其他事情(比如睡觉、健身)里面扣掉一个钟头。大部分的人可以支配的财富也都是有限的,一年的工资就那么点,花了五千块买了新手机,就要在其他东西上面少花五千块。说得好听点叫做time management,priority management,personal finance, career planning。说穿了,全都是选择题。有得必有失。知道自己要什么,知道what makes me happy,也会有助于决定要得什么和失什么。


  3. 了解自己行为的后果。



    将来,我还希望他能清楚的明白一些更重大的后果,比如:不戴安全套是会把其他小姑娘的肚子搞大的,小孩如果生下来,会多多少少毁了他自己的人生的。又比如说,拍一堆裸照并存在自己的手机和电脑里会导致什么可能的结果。对于成年人来说,英语里的比较接近的说法就是”make educated decision”。

“Stand behind his own choice “意味着:

  1. 不后悔。

    世界上没有后悔药。生活不可能像打游戏那样save & load。后悔是没有用处的,不能改变任何东西。后悔只能增加自己的不快乐。后悔只能增加挫败感,并且把这种负能量传播给周围的人。

    与其后悔,不如对于自己做的决定保持密切的观察,观察实际情况,并进行必要的调整。另一方面,对于每一个重大决定,要学会尽量考虑周全,要做好风险管理(不要轻易all-in),还要考虑好plan B。这就像打麻将一样:虽然已经打算做清一色了,但先不要把其他花色里的对子打掉。万一打了一会儿发现自己坐了二等舱,还有机会可以换方向,换成碰碰胡。

  2. 言出必行。

    每一次吃自助餐,我们都让郑轶嘉自己去选自己要吃什么。在把菜夹到盘子里面之前我都会跟他再确认一下:“你确定要吃这个么?”以及“拿了就要吃掉的,你保证一定会吃掉?” 拿好菜坐到座位上开始吃以后,我们会督促他实践他刚才做出的承诺。有时候,一盘早餐会吃一个多小时,就是为了给他时间,让他自己做到自己答应的事情--- 在我们看来,“浪费”这些时间是值得的。


  3. 承担自己行为的后果。

    “承担后果”在中文里面有一点贬义,如果是放在英文里面,“consequence”或“outcome”会稍微更中性一点。总的来说,无论结局是好是坏,都要自己承担,好的可以心安理得地放自己口袋,坏的要自己擦屁股。不要指望别人帮你擦屁股。自己的玩具要自己clean up,自己扔在地上的东西要自己捡起来。

