Roger Boisjoly

今天公司里的一个项目上的争论让我又想起了Roger Boisjoly。那是半年前了,看到的那篇关于他的文章

Roger Boisjoly was an engineer at solid rocket booster manufacturer Morton Thiokol and had begun warning as early as 1985 that the joints in the boosters could fail in cold weather, leading to a catastrophic failure of the casing. Then on the eve of the Jan. 28, 1986, launch, Boisjoly and four other space shuttle engineers argued late into the night against the launch.

Boisjoly could not watch the launch, so certain was he that the shuttle would blow up. In the months and years that followed, the disaster changed his career and permanently poisoned his view that NASA could be trusted to make the right decisions when matters came to life and death.

Boisjoly was not the only engineer who attempted to stop the launch and suffered for blowing the whistle. Allan J. McDonald was Thiokol's program manager for the solid rocket booster and became the most important critic of the accident afterward. When he was pressed by NASA the night before the liftoff to sign a written recommendation approving the launch, he refused, and later argued late into the night for a launch cancellation. When McDonald later disclosed the secret debate to accident investigators, he was isolated and his career destroyed.

当时看了以后就想,如果我是Roger Boisjoly,如果我在他当时的那个位置上,我会怎么做。我会像他一样去做么。如果我知道那样做的结果,我仍然会像他那样去做么。其实我们每个人都应该问一下自己的内心,如果我们在他当时的那个位置上,我们会怎么做。如果我们知道那样做的结果,我们仍然会像他那样去做么。并非道德审判,只是我们需要知道我们自己内心是怎样的一个人。

悲观一点的看,处在Roger Boisjoly当时位置,无论怎么做都是错。报告问题是错,不报告问题也是错。报告问题,你就是花剌子模的信使。 不报告问题,等出了问题,你就是背黑锅的人。横竖都是输,看不到赢的出路。或许出路就是当初不要做这份工作。




今天又看到一个新的例子。事情是这样的:最近有人在华盛顿州提起诉讼,声称Mitt Romney所在的共和党应该被是做一个小党(minor party),而不再是一个大党( major party),因此要求法院禁止Mitt Romney出现在今年十一月的总统选举选票上。将共和党视作小党的理由是:州法律规定,满足大党的条件是该党的正式候选人在上一次选举年中获得超过百分之五的选票,而华盛顿州的共和党并没有在2010年的华盛顿州国会参议员选举中正式提名任何一名候选人。

诉讼的结果是:法院裁定诉讼无效。法院认为,虽然华盛顿州共和党在上次选举中没有正式任命候选人,但是他们仍然有通过一定的程序选择了Dino Rossi作为他们的候选人,并且最终获得了48%的选票。所以共和党仍然可以被是做一个大党。
