

Subject: 2004 Review and 2005 Plan

Dear Alice,

How is going on? It's the end of 2004. Here I like to update with you my status of this year.

In 2004, I've taken more additional responsibilities, such as stock management, stock invoice checking and going deeper with the SAP system. Besides, in early this year, we did physical stock checking together. My skill-sets also got improved in those assignments and ready to take bigger challenges. I'd like to thank you for your support in this year and sending me to the training of Blahblah in Hong Kong.

As my plan for 2005, I am going to move forward along my career path in Northwind. With your support, I am always committed to doing my best job, regardless the local sales manager changing. I am pleased to take ownership of more items, such as offering, market info, and sort of things which was in sales' scope. My workload will be heavier than before since I will assist Bob, the acting sales manager, negotiate with customers, in both con-call and onsite meeting. Plus, Chris's blahblah business grows fast and brings much more customers and orders.

I've been in Northwind for ~3 years. I love this company and feel happy with my workmates. The benefit is also satisfying while I expect 15% merit increase to my annual salary as a recognition to my value to company and my achievements in 2004.

Looking forward to your comments.

Best Regards

当然,这里面的Alice、Bob、Chris和Diana都是假名,熟悉密码学的应该很了解,这就和中文里面的甲乙丙丁或者张三李四的用法是类似的。Northwind是我们给客户作demo solution时常用的假公司。

原信在修改前的主要talking point是:我活很多很重,所以我应该多劳多得。这样说效果并不好,因为老板会说:Ok,既然你活很重,那么拿掉一点给别人。原信还提到自己的能力在工作中提高了,因此也要涨工资。这条理由更是站不住脚的了。


Btw,我相信很多Microsoft的人看到这封修改过的信都会觉得很亲切。因为里面很多说法都是极具Microsoft特色的英语,例如take big challenge,以及I love this company。

各个公司都有自己极具特色的英语。Louis V. Gerstner(郭士纳)在他的"Who Says Elephant Can't Dance" (谁说大象不能跳舞)里面提到,IBM也有自己的独特的一些英语用法,以致于新来的员工一时竟虽能看懂词句却不知道确切是什么意思。他在书中将此列为沟通障碍问题。

Comments on “极具Microsoft特色的英语

  1. fangzhiyuan November 23, 2004 11:49 AM


  2. mas November 23, 2004 01:04 PM


  3. Elaine November 23, 2004 03:37 PM

    呵呵,IBM style的英语在于首字母缩写暴多。一句话里夹若干个缩写,新人读起来句子通顺就是不知道什么意思,不知道mvm的同学Yagni当时有没有同感。

  4. John November 23, 2004 11:23 PM

    Get your points, but hope you can think twice regarding the following:

    My skill-sets..ready to take bigger challenges;

    regardless the local sales manager changing;

    sort of things which was in sales' scope; and

    I will assist Bob, the acting sales manager, negotiate with customers, in both con-call and onsite meeting.

  5. Takol November 24, 2004 12:00 AM


    不過或許是因為大環境不同,台北高科技的工作機會多,所以通常我都是利用換老闆來幫自己加薪。我畢業工作十幾年,換了八到九間公司,不但擴展了自己所學和接觸的市場,也幫助自己以平均 15% 的成長率調高了薪資。


  6. 开心就好 November 24, 2004 02:10 PM


  7. 厚油静物 November 24, 2004 08:38 PM


  8. doudou November 24, 2004 11:24 PM

    "My workload will be heavier than before since I will assist Bob, the acting sales manager, negotiate with customers, in both con-call and onsite meeting."

    You missed a "To" before "negotiate".
    "Meeting" should be "Meetings".
    There are grammar problems in your revised email.


  9. mvm November 24, 2004 11:53 PM

    nnd, 原先是用help的,后来改成了assist觉得更妥,便忘记了改后边,才让你抓到错的,哼哼

  10. mas November 25, 2004 03:15 AM

    呵呵,好像要么说 What's going on? 要么说 How are you doing?

  11. cg November 25, 2004 08:32 AM

    对啊,第一句就有问题的……what's going on?或者how's going? 吼吼
    这个,我觉得是跟找工作的难易度成正比的。亚洲机会多,可以跳来跳去来威胁。90年代high tech bubble的时候,北美也这样。但现在,工作很难找,往往把住了就再也不走了……但大公司也往往摆出自己的低turnover rate来吸引别人……

  12. iteem November 25, 2004 09:37 AM



  13. 小却 November 27, 2004 06:56 AM


    我们实验室都改用Alice, Bob, Caccy,...了 ^_^

  14. yagni November 29, 2004 10:51 AM


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