"Still Waters", 只求再听为快

不算那些精选碟,"Still Waters"是Bee Gees的倒数第二张专辑,产于1997年。国内没有引进过。1999年前后我在泰兴路淘到过原版的打孔CD,爱不释手,反复听。


Bee Gees也真的是,愈老愈有味道,老辣。他们最后一张专辑"This Is Where I Came In"也是很灵的,2001年出的。可惜,后来不久Maurice Gibb就死了,就是"Still Waters"封面上左边那个。


但那张打孔的"Still Waters"经过几次搬家以后彻底找不到了,只有那句"I don't want to be alone"的味道还一直萦绕在脑袋上。只求再听为快,原版CD,盗版CD,自己翻刻CD,MP3,RM,都可以。

Comments on “"Still Waters", 只求再听为快

  1. Wendy November 18, 2004 06:27 PM

    Hi! I just want to say that Maurice was not the 'man in the middle', he was the one standing on the left hand side. I had got that two CDs at home too.('This is where I came in' and Still Waters') They are perfertly great things!

  2. bybye November 18, 2004 10:16 PM


    我下个月5号回到北京 你要的话把联络方法发到我邮箱里

  3. bybye November 19, 2004 12:51 AM


    I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke
    I could make a woman hang on every single stroke
    I was an iron manI had a master plan
    But I was alone
    I could hear you breathing with a sigh of the wind
    I remember how your body started trembling
    Oh what a night it's been and for the state I'm in
    I'm Still Alone
    And all the wonders made for the Earth
    And all the hearts in all creation
    Somehow I always end up alone
    Always end up alone
    So I'll play. I'll wait
    Cause you know that love takes time
    We came so far
    Just the beat of a lonely heart
    And it's mine
    I don't want to be alone
    Well, since I got no message on your answer phone
    And since you're bust every minute
    I just stay at home, I make believe you care
    I feel you everywhere
    But I'm still alone
    I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate
    Cause I know it isn't heaven, is it love or hate
    Am I the subject of the pain
    Am I the stranger in the rain
    I am alone
    And is there glory there to behold
    Maybe it's my imagination
    Another story there to be told
    So I'll play. I'll wait
    And I'll pray it's not too late
    You know we can so far
    Just the beat of a lonely heart
    And it's mine
    I don't want to be alone
    And all the wonders made for the Earth
    And all the hearts in all creation
    Another story there to be told
    So I'll play. I'll wait
    And I'll pray it's not too late
    We can so far
    Just the beat of a lonely heart
    And it's mine
    I don't want to be alone
    Gone but not out of sight
    I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home
    Face the heat of the night
    The one that you love's got a heart that's made of stone
    Shine and search for the light
    And sooner or later you'll be cruising on your ocean
    And clean out of site
    I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home

  4. Ricky November 19, 2004 03:15 AM


  5. Jing November 19, 2004 04:01 AM

    我也很喜欢Bee Gees,过去,这几年没有怎么听了。看了这一篇,立刻跑去Amazon订 still waters,呵呵 (13.98USD @ Amazon. 如果需要我可以买一张或拷贝一张给你。我是说如果你能够等那么久的话因为我要春节左右回上海,也会去北京)

    BTW,我从Wendy F 的link发现这里.非常喜欢你写的东西!:)

  6. Derek November 19, 2004 08:57 AM


  7. mvm November 19, 2004 10:35 AM


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