
今天看到内部邮件里面在争论1个billion到底是多少,参与争论的有来自美国、墨西哥和欧洲的同事。到最后才搞清楚,原来在美国one billion is one thousand millions (1,000,000,000),而在墨西哥和欧洲,one billion is one million millions (1,000,000,000,000)。对于one thousand millions,欧洲人用另外一个单词来称呼,叫做milliard——没错,法语就是用milliard的;其实英语里面也有,在Merriam-Webster里面可以查到,只不过我从小到大的英语教材里面都没有这个词。至于欧洲人所说的billion (1012),美国人叫做trillion(但欧洲人的trillion是1018)。不过这一传统也有所改变:In 1974, the government of Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced that henceforth "billion" would mean 109 and not 1012 in official British reports and statistics.

有兴趣探究的可以继续看Names for Large Numbers



中国人写信或者发帖子的时候,客气一点的会说“在下愚见”、“抛砖引玉”或者“一家之言”。英语里面也有类似说法,可以说"Just my thoughts"。还有一种比较地道的说法是"my one cent"(直译:我的一分钱)。有时候说"my 2 cents"的也有,但我今天头一回看到有人这么说:

"Just my $0.06 (2 cents + tax + inflation)"


Comments on “Million、Billion与Milliard

  1. Lisa November 12, 2004 07:35 PM


    but , isn't it be 'just my $0.6'?
    otherwise , tax+inflation would be 97%?!

    BTW , I've found the 'basis point' explanation in that dictionary you linked:
    Prior to the introduction of the basis point, these fluctuations were measured clumsily in 64ths of a percent.
    That's probably provides origins for why bond quotes 64th , 32th .As like 94-17=94%+17/32% , and 94-17+ =94%+17/64%

  2. Takol November 15, 2004 04:08 PM

    "兆"是千億,但在中國卻是 Mega,那麼 Giga 中文一般都怎麼說呢?

  3. mvm November 15, 2004 04:13 PM





    如果是4 billion,就是四十万万。

    解放前(sorry, Takol, 我习惯这么说了)和50年代的PRC,也有用多少多少万兆作为财政收入的技术单位的说法,比如六万兆元

  4. January 19, 2009 12:53 AM

    THX a billion....

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