Wangjianshuo’s Blog App on Apple App Store

During the weekend, as part of my process to learn Swift 3, I wrote a small application to show all the blog posts, and comments of Wangjianshuo’s Blog. Here is the link to download the App:

All the few thousands post and about 40 thousands comments are quickly available on your iPhone. Try it out.


Blog is Dead – Let’s Move On

Ruanyifeng brought a message to me. He said I was too quiet for too long on the blogshpere. In a typical blogger manner, I response publicly (nothing identify a blogger better than talking publicly on blogs when the mobile phone or other communication channel is easily available).

I have announced that I stopped regular update to blog on my 10th year’s anniversary. I joined many people who have predicted that blog was dying. Now should say, I have joine the people who witnessed the death of blogging.

To state something is dying is always over-statement, but it is not far from the truth. There are still many people, and organization blogging, and I am not surprised that the total number of blogging content is still increasing, but that does not mean blogging is not dying. It is already not the best way to do a lot of things. The analogy is that electronic bulb usage is still increasing after almost a century, but making traditional electronic bulbs may not necessarily to be an interesting business.

I will not resume regular update to blogging, since in terms of distribution, and interaction, blogging falls far behind Weibo, or WeChat. Even for self recording, it is not good enough because of lack of mobile and hardware support. I am not a person who enjoy putting labels to myself. Although I was one of the first bunch of bloggers in China, and arguably one of the most famous bloggers in English blogsphere, I have removed blogger label.

Having said that, Ruanyifeng’s comment is still valid that I was too quiet. Now it is the time to re-think about the right tool to make some noise. I understand the desperate feeling of a Kong-Fu master see a gun. But the miracle always comes from the person who quickly learn to use the gun, instead of compete with gun by practicing Kong Fu hard.

Blog is dead. R.I.P., and let’s move on.


Anyone Still Read Blog?

I am just curious: is there anyone reading this blog at this time? Obviously blog is the “old” way of communication. If you are still here, would you please raise your hand so I can see you? (Well, leaving a comment seems better way for me to see you).


10 Year Anniversary of Blogging

Today is the 10th anniversary of my blogging.

Starting from Sept 11, 2002, with my first blog, I have been blogging for ten years. I cannot believe it! Ten year doing one thing everyday seems crazy for anyone, and I am surprised I am that crazy guy.

However, the bad news is, I realized that I am not as calm and as peaceful as 10 years ago. With the increase of age, and increase of responsibility, it is harder and harder to sit down at the desk, and write something. Email flys in; mobile rings; Weibo checking; Yifan calls…. More importantly, within my mind, thousands of things flying to different directions. I heard something  this morning: with the increase of age, especially after 35, there are too many distraction that few can stay calm and concentrated. It needs a lot meditation and understanding of what is important than the younger time. I believe I may entered another stage of life after 10 years of blogging. Look at the frequency, topic, and depth of the blog entries I wrote in the last three years, and I can clearly see the path of the declination in frequency, decrease in interestingness, and decrease in depth. I am full aware of it, and I know it is the competition of attention for me. The competition just get stronger when I am connected to more, and it is the time to cut something from my life.

Look at the simple life of Yifan, and I know days are long for him. There are a lot I can learn from Yifan – to keep focused and keep doing the important things.

That will be the word for my next 10 years of blogging.


Blog is Better than Microblog of me

Disclaimer: I am only talking on behalf me, and stating a fact that just works for me. Not anybody else.

More Honest to One’s Self

There is some benefits about not being that public. Weibo or twitter is really good at spreading the message to as many people as possible, but it is too public that you can hardly have time to be quiet and be honest to yourself. Writing a blog, if you are too concerned about the public response, chances are, you are not writing anything that worth recording. We often fell into the trap to believe we are somebody. We try to act everyday to be a “proper” person, but it turned out that no one really cares about you as much as ourselves. Well. One experiment I did for almost years is, to publish my mobile phone number to this popular blog – check the home page and look at right. So far, basically nothing happened. We are way too concerned about privacy, about this and about that. But if we are not honest with ourselves, blog is not a blog. It will be a personal propaganda to the world.

In short, blog is an environment that selected people will take the time to follow your writing, not everyone, and that helps us to write more honestly. Hmmm. Do you think twitter or weibo is better for showing off?

Time for Reflection

The time devoted to blog are deep nights for me most of the time. That is the better time to do a little bit reflection on the day, sometimes on the last few days. The time alone is critical for people’s improvement. Ann has the habit of running 7 kms everyday to have that lonely time to face her heart. For me, the time is more like blogging. Twitter? The time are more likely to be in cars, or waiting for coffees. That just does not work for me.

Blog Works Better

When I am back to the pace of writing blog in my way, I am more confident in keep writing. At the end of the day, I am the most important reader of this blog, not anyone else.

Shall I be Back with Blog?

I tested to work on Weibo for some time, and it is good for instance publishing, and it did consumed much of my time. Now it is the time to do some reflection of the experiments, and understand what is the next thing to do.

Shall I return to blog after pausing for some time?

I think the answer is “YES”. You may be happy with my final decision. Here is why.

Distribution? Microblog wins

On the distribution of content, Microblog definitely wins. If you post something on Sina Weibo, it gets many comments immediately – 2 to 100 comments, which is hard to get from this blog, even at the peak time.

Time Used? Microblog wins

The time needed to publish a Weibo is much less than a blog, and if you just want to share some photos, like photos with Jack Ma, or other important people, it is nice tool. Share some scenery photos, Weibo wins.

Depths, and Help on Thoughts? Blog Wins

However, the reason I want to start a blog is not about the readership, and not about getting responses. To be honest, the response I got from Weibo is not as high-quality as I got here, and it is not easy to engage in in-depth discussion.

I am Back

After leaving blog for a while, I just realized I thought less than before, and didn’t take the chance to summarize what is happening around me, and reflect on what I did. Writing takes time, but so does thinking. No writing, no thinking (at least no in-depth thinking). That’s it.

I am back.

Categories of My Blog

I have put the about 3000 blog entries into many categories. Here is a list of all the categories I created, and you can explore more about the content of this site. I am also trying to write in a balanced way that I can cover most of the categories within a year.

Death of Blogging?

I am trying to avoid this topic, but as a 9 year blogger, I have to admit that the declining of blog sphere has been an obvious trend, and we have to face it.

The whole Internet is involving quickly. Just like the cannot be hot for ever as its first few years, blogging cannot be as cool as 2001 – 2005. Comparing to the newest media, and tools, blog started to fall short in many aspects.

Real Time Web

The Internet has never been as instant as today. The whole Internet is more like a big IRC chat room by itself. When you enter some short messages, and hit enter in or, you are like chatting with the world like old MSN or chat room days. Your message is broadcasted to people, not only at the other side of your IM, or people  in a chat room, or a IRC channel. Your message is seen by the whole Internet. That type of real time is never possible before.

Blogging has been the frontier of the Internet of real time web. Blogs have been quicker than news in early days, but now, it is slower than twitter, or weibo.

Information Fragmentation and Defragmentation

To make real time web possible, you have to cut what you are going to ship into smaller chunks. You just cannot input 500 worlds before you hit “Send” in your Instant Messager (MSN or QQ). Only information pieces, not articles, or longer paragraphs can goes fast enough, and make it easier to consume on the reader side. It is easier to combine many short 140 characters sentences into a bigger article that makes sense, than putting many paragraphs togather.

Information defragmentation involves a process of information distribution, and combination. “Follow”is a much easier action than RSS – people can learn to click a button quicker than installing a RSS reader, locating the small orange RSS icon, get the URL of XML, and add it to the reader. People like simple stuff. Always.

Personalized Web

With the fragemented information in real time, that is huge volume of information. You have to personalize the web. Different people should see different thing on the same page. To give everyone the same thing – the last tweets from everyone – just does not make any sense. The reader will complain there is nothing interesting on the homepage of twitter, and the writer complains that their message got skip to the 100+ page in one secnd. The only solution is personalized web – everyone has its own news feed (in Facebook’s term) or time line (in twitter’s).

Blogging itself is not personalized to user. It has to be used in combination with a RSS read and manual work of many people. That is also a reason why people prefer microblogging.

The Death of Blog?

Does the evolution of Internet claim the death of blogging? Not that quick yet. Although I see significant decline in number of blog posts people write, and less readership than before, and at the mean time, the microblogging writer and readership went up dramatically, I still think blogging will survive and be a long lasting platform for people to write stuff, although not as hip or cool as before.  It is still the best way to write longer articles that has long last values, instead of real time information like news, or dinner appointments.

At the end of the day, blogging or microblogging or the future stuff are just the tools of thoughts, and the only thing that matters are the thoughts behind it, and the people around it.

Attending China Blogger Conference 2010

I am going to attend the China Blogger Conference 2010. This year, the conference will be held downstairs of my office – at 55 Guangyuan West Road, Haoran Hi-tech Building, Shanghai, China.


This is the sixth conference. I attended the first one in Shanghai and the second one in Hangzhou. I missed the Beijing one, didn’t go to Guangzhou conference, and completely ignored the Lianzhou one. Since this year’s conference is in Shanghai, I am happy to return to the conference.

Are you going there? See you at the conference.

Ping me at twitter @jianshuo, or send me SMS. My mobile is on the homepage of this blog.

Busy Days for Blogging

I skipped blogging in the last few days, rare in the 8 years of history. Here are some outlines of what I did.

  • Went to Hangzhou via the highspeed train for a  day – 45 minutes, and the experience was great – better than Maglev.
  • Welcome to the new hires on Baixing. There are many recruiting events going on and I continue to feel honored to work with the talented young guy got on board.
  • Played tennis and basketball at nights and Sundays. It is good to get back to sports.
  • Yifan is doing well. Wendy went to school during the weekends in the last few weeks, so I took the role to take care of Yifan – we hung out in KFC for three hours this morning.
  • Watched movie "The Social Network" – first on, and then downloaded from Good movie, although it is said to be far from reality.
  • Conducted some interviews and the article to be published was pushed back to the next week because of the Asia Games opening the last Friday.
  • I enjoyed the ceremony of Guangzhou Asia Games – good one without being too exaggerate on money spending.

Anything else I left?

I will be back to blogging gradually.

Using iPhone to Blog

With the help of iMT plugin, I am using iPhone to publish this entry now. Although the iPhone keyboard is more suitable for 140 character of twitter, at least I have some decent tool to blog on the go. I still don’t have any idea how it changes the way I blog. The most possible outcome of this tool is, I simply forget about it soon. The other possibility is, it may turn my blog into a mini blog, or twitter (if you want to use the more popular name for that kind of thing). It will be both good and bad – good to capture the inspiration on the go, but the other side of the coin is, maybe it is not as worthy as before.

BTW, I am still at Qingdao. The city is too charming to leave.

8 Years of Blogging

I almost forgot about the 8 years of blogging anniversary if my reader hadn’t notified me about it. We should celebrate it a little bit, right? (Well, as always, I don’t want to be too high-profile of it due to our respect to the people who lost their lives in 911 – The two days are just co-incidentally the same).

8 years – about 10% of one’s life – with daily blogging. Isn’t it crazy?

Restart the Daily Blog

In the last two months, especially the last month, I didn’t keep my daily blogging int he last 8 years. There are many things to do in the last month, and I think I am completely occupied by my business world – hiring was one of the key job I did. To be honest, I was pretty stressed out.

Now, I feel I am starting to get back to the original energy level, so, I think I am able to get back to the daily blog schedule which I kept for years.

P.S. I will write about where I am today. It is somewhere near where the ideas of where the movie Cars came out.

My Twitter Dump from March 12, 2007

Here is a backup of all the twitter message I sent out (including my hand-written, and automatic generated from RSS, and some spam my mistake). Thanks to (via @jjxiao) to allow me dump everything.

Tweet Date Tweet In Reply To

Apr 26 2010, 12:43 UTC 百姓网空缺职位…

Apr 26 2010, 12:42 UTC 百姓网现在空缺的职位,欢迎大家帮我们推荐合适的人选,或转发。我们在上海,欢迎全国的朋友来上海工作。

Apr 26 2010, 4:10 UTC 彪悍的人生: 本人会撬后备箱还会人民币半真半假拼接技术,换什么都可以

Apr 24 2010, 14:50 UTC Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache

Apr 24 2010, 14:28 UTC Facebook is soooooo…. ambitious, and I believe they can archive what they described.

Apr 24 2010, 14:10 UTC Facebook is …. Scary

Apr 24 2010, 13:48 UTC 2 of 4 Mark Zuckerburg F8 Feight Facebook Keynote 4/21/2010

Apr 24 2010, 13:48 UTC I liked a YouTube video — 2 of 4 Mark Zuckerburg F8 Feight Facebook Keynote 4/21/2010

Apr 24 2010, 6:39 UTC RT @ruanyf: 我要改名。从此,在google里搜索旧名字,找不到我的后半生,搜索新名字,找不到我的前半生。(–某台湾网友)

Apr 24 2010, 6:36 UTC 了不起的发现 RT @rtmeme: RT @tangzhijian RT @luosheng: 中午的CCAV新闻说,有关部门经过历时一年半的研究,发现女性上厕所的时间比男性长,所以有针对性地调整了世博会的厕所配置。

Apr 24 2010, 6:35 UTC Brought Yifan to General Motor finished car parking. Yifan was completely amazed by thousands of cars there.

Apr 23 2010, 13:19 UTC Yifan’s View of Kindergarten

Apr 22 2010, 14:24 UTC Worried for Expo

Apr 22 2010, 5:49 UTC RT @wintbros: RT @whshang: 波兰总统没有死,他只是去了大船,接下来每个国家领导人都会离奇消失或死亡, #2012 要来了,你们懂的……

Apr 22 2010, 5:27 UTC RT @xlight: 什么情况?RT @luosheng: 我震惊了…… RT: @dalmaer: RT @mahemoff: replicating the entire PHP library in JavaScript

Apr 22 2010, 4:39 UTC 不懂。百姓网不需要登录的 RT @yeahcao: @jianshuo 县城里的百姓网没有用户注册服务?野草在省城的百姓网注册了,但访问县城里的百姓网时却没有登录信息。

Apr 22 2010, 4:39 UTC 那你是有阵子没来了。RT @qichangxing: 健硕 @jianshuo 同学,不会吧,百姓网又改了?那个成交数据呀、图呀都被你拿掉了?

Apr 22 2010, 1:45 UTC 所有百姓网广告的右上方都有”转发给朋友”RT @yeahcao: @jianshuo 您给的那个短网址有问题,提示401 Not Found。

Apr 22 2010, 1:44 UTC 以前一直有,使用量太低,开来我们应该在帮助里面建议大家用Feed43,用了一下,挺好的RT @yeahcao: treply 12610215539 @jianshuo 建议百姓网提供RSS订阅服务呀。野草现在逼不得已只得使用feed43自己烧制了一个RSS。

Apr 22 2010, 1:39 UTC 你说这个功能? RT @yeahcao: @jianshuo 建议百姓网增强网站的社会化,比如分享到XX,同步到XX,收藏到XX什么的。

Apr 22 2010, 1:17 UTC Hehe。看你在关注百姓网呢。RT @yeahcao: 今天下午收到twitter的邮件提醒,说王建硕 @jianshuo 竟然在twitter上follow 我了。这让野草兴奋不已!王建硕可是野草心目中的超级达人呀!  

Apr 21 2010, 15:46 UTC The World of Leadership of Management

Apr 21 2010, 13:53 UTC 发

Apr 21 2010, 10:34 UTC RT @gowers: 很奇怪,停止娱乐,怎么个定义”娱乐”?看世博算不算是娱乐?

Apr 21 2010, 10:34 UTC RT @qihu2009: RT @shiniankanchai: 玉树地震,当然令人悲伤,但凡事要尊重人性和现代社会起码规则。那种皇帝一下旨意,天下臣民举哀的场景,非是哀悼死者,乃是显示权力。想起了侯宝林说的相声,清朝国丧期间北京的小商贩卖红皮萝卜都是犯忌。

Apr 21 2010, 10:10 UTC A nice meeting…

Apr 21 2010, 7:30 UTC 汤唯:被封杀后我在英国街头卖艺又”卖身”

Apr 20 2010, 8:38 UTC @ShanghaiEXPOsed I saw your picture about Expo preview. May I use your photo in my blog at

Apr 20 2010, 8:35 UTC RT @: SNEAK PREVIEW!! Behind the scenes look at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo on and on flickr

Apr 19 2010, 14:25 UTC Role of a People Manager

Apr 19 2010, 10:34 UTC 这个流程倒是挺清楚地,不过靠谱吗?看起来怎么怪怪的。难道这行儿也有中介?RT 上海医院人类精子库 招捐精志愿者

Apr 18 2010, 13:22 UTC My Car is Named Bandenger

Apr 17 2010, 14:45 UTC RT @likuku: RT @Lordnine: 买房和租房的区别:面对的房东不同,一个是政府,一个是私人。

Apr 17 2010, 4:19 UTC RT @xiaolai: 如果不能够正确思考,再多的GTD软件都没用──浪费生命的最有效方法是有计划地做错事。

Apr 15 2010, 14:46 UTC 这个交友年纪也太小了吧。

Apr 14 2010, 6:37 UTC 上海正在下冰雹。行人满街乱跑。

Apr 14 2010, 0:35 UTC 和小孩子在一起,越发觉得说什么不重要,重要的是做什么。小家伙只比对自己做了什么和从爸爸那里得到了什么,直接忽略爸爸说了什么这个无关紧要的中间环节。

Apr 14 2010, 0:27 UTC 不断的做A/B测试爸妈对他的行为的反应是王小宝的全职工作。现在总能哭得如此可怜,让爸妈不得不听他的指挥。

Apr 13 2010, 11:47 UTC 准备四月底把twitter的头像加上。

Apr 13 2010, 8:59 UTC 在花旗银行大厦。

Apr 13 2010, 8:50 UTC fm9544

Apr 13 2010, 6:58 UTC 企业发展的不同阶段。。。

Apr 13 2010, 6:47 UTC RT @nkchivas: RT @delphij: 能够测量是改进的前提。

Apr 12 2010, 16:20 UTC 睡觉。Signing off.

Apr 12 2010, 15:19 UTC Traffic Getting Worse before Expo

Apr 12 2010, 14:21 UTC RT @tweetmeme Is RMB and Yuan the Same? Yes

Apr 12 2010, 14:19 UTC RT @kloo010: Shanghai has world’s 2nd longest metro @ 424km – Took just 15 years to build. C.f. London’s 439km of track which took 147 years

Apr 12 2010, 12:47 UTC ESTJ的人生就是一张to-do list,比如我的Wendy

Apr 12 2010, 12:44 UTC 冒雨给逸凡小朋友买奶粉。

Apr 12 2010, 1:36 UTC buzz

Apr 12 2010, 1:20 UTC Reading: “How China Taught me to Drive Better” by @farwestchina

Apr 12 2010, 0:30 UTC RT @Beichen: 苍井空博文:”即使是AV女演员,即使是四处流浪的的武士,即使是NEET族,无论是怎样的职业,都有自己的感情。人不能否定自己,尽管被所有人否认”。 (via ChaeWi)

Apr 12 2010, 0:21 UTC RT @msittig: TGI…M?

Apr 12 2010, 0:16 UTC 上海小雨中。又让人思考天气和心情之间的关系这类哲学问题。

Apr 11 2010, 15:39 UTC RT @xiaolai: 同问。RT @zuola: 啊,@zhengyun 居然4月以来就没上twitter说过话,但 @rtmeme 却一直在工作,不知道郑昀近况如何了。

Apr 11 2010, 15:29 UTC Metro Line #10 Opens

Apr 11 2010, 15:16 UTC 睡觉了。signing off.

Apr 11 2010, 13:53 UTC 正在看面对面。关于王家岭。

Apr 11 2010, 13:36 UTC 两个我认为最贴切地铁别名:地铁六号线 – Hello Kitty线。地铁10号线 – 校园爱情线。前者因为粉红色的标示和座椅,后者因为串起了交通大学,同济大学和复旦大学

Apr 11 2010, 13:25 UTC @DavidFeng I was always wondering why they choose this strange word

Apr 11 2010, 13:10 UTC Always wondering what is alight. RT @DavidFeng: “Please get ready to EXIT from the left side”, no longer “alight”.

Apr 11 2010, 13:08 UTC 有谁懂得经济学里的Duration Theory吗?甘犁教授说,用它可以估算出一个市场的平均成交率。。。

Apr 11 2010, 13:04 UTC The recent news draws my attention to Poland – a chance for many people in China to study the history of this country.

Apr 11 2010, 12:16 UTC RT @mranti: RT @flyfeather: 今晚 柴静《面对面》要讲述王家岭的故事,她会说些什么呢?很好奇。王家岭现在就像是一个谜一样。柴静能拨开这层层迷雾吗?

Apr 11 2010, 11:32 UTC RT @DanielRFeldman: RT @wolfgroupasia: “Entrepreneurism is simply the art of solving problems at a profit.” – T. Harv Ecker

Apr 11 2010, 9:32 UTC 小逸凡很喜欢爸爸给他做的两辆小车。

Apr 11 2010, 5:21 UTC I’m at People’s Park (Nanking road).

Apr 10 2010, 16:12 UTC 睡了。signing off.

Apr 10 2010, 15:55 UTC Gravity is so good

Apr 10 2010, 15:52 UTC I Started to Get Interested in Economics

Apr 10 2010, 15:28 UTC RT @tengbiao: 挑战计划生育而被解聘的杨支柱说:如果我在不给领导带来麻烦和不要自己的孩子之间做出选择而我选择了前者,那我就不是一个合格的父亲,不是一个有人性的人。

Apr 10 2010, 15:19 UTC RT @qhgy: RT @tengbiao: 挑战计划生育而被解聘的杨支柱说:我一点也不后悔。这首先是因为我的行为再普通、再正常不过了,是因为强制计划生育扭曲了绝大多数人的人性才使我的行为显得怪异。

Apr 10 2010, 15:18 UTC 我的影评里说,估计很多人会觉得Boring,我也有些这样的感觉,但这部电影就像”boring”的交响乐,听起来舒服流畅,偶尔总有几个动人的音符,让人记忆到现在。换句话说,它像真实的生活一样拖沓。RT @twijean: /节奏还是有点拖沓沓,不过喜欢汤唯。

Apr 10 2010, 14:58 UTC RT @twijean: 今天看了两部电影,从不错到很棒:月满轩尼诗,窃听风暴。 //强烈推荐月满轩尼诗,很久没有看到这么细腻的电影了。最近走在街上,总是能够看到电影里那些形象的影子。

Apr 10 2010, 14:53 UTC 纠结。看来我真的要放一个头像在Twitter上了。固执的我呀。

Apr 10 2010, 14:41 UTC RT @craignewmark: thanks, great to hear! @JordanRaynor: 1 hr 22 min after posting “FREE Washer” to Craigslist, someone picked it up …

Apr 10 2010, 14:38 UTC RT @craignewmark: thanks, great to hear! RT @stevebeste: RT @JordanRaynor: 1 hr 22 min after posting “FREE Washer” to Craigslist, someone…

Apr 10 2010, 13:58 UTC RT @Young: “在 Google,我们的人才策略很简单:我们邀请优秀的人才加盟并鼓励他们实现自己的梦想。我们推崇勤奋的工作、愉悦的工作环境、以及背景各异的人才相互碰撞激荡出的创造力。Google…

Apr 10 2010, 12:44 UTC RT @summy: 买房买到群租小区,有啥招吗? //上海的群租有专门的”上海治理群租热线12319″,不过法理上要业主委员会通过决议。

Apr 10 2010, 12:41 UTC RT @c06658: 波兰是中欧最大的国家,卡钦斯基当总统期间实现了经济的飞速增长。但是卡总统仍然不肯换飞机,因此他死于节俭,一个中等富裕国家的总统还坐着早已被淘汰的图-154型飞机。卡总统的廉洁,证实了他早年在团结工会时的誓言:让波兰人活得自由有尊严!

Apr 10 2010, 12:39 UTC 为什么我就是打心底里不喜欢新浪微博呢?是偏见吗?是不愿意尝试新东西吗?是带着墨镜看世界吗?

Apr 10 2010, 12:15 UTC 教育不等于培训。以前在大公司,比如微软,过于着迷于培训的魔力了。

Apr 10 2010, 10:57 UTC 甘梨教授的演讲很精彩。国外的学者回国在长江商学院聚集,带来了一种务实的学术风格。佩服中。

Apr 10 2010, 10:53 UTC RT @theliuyan 上海活动 – Location-based Services在中国的发展 – 4/17下午举行 – 请有兴趣的朋友在网上报名!@theliuyan 请帮忙RT,谢谢 (via @allenhsieh)

Apr 10 2010, 6:19 UTC 在去长江商学院的路上。

Apr 10 2010, 3:13 UTC Wendy’s new blog about Yifan:

Apr 10 2010, 2:14 UTC Good morning, my twitter world.

Apr 10 2010, 1:15 UTC 85度C早上没有大福卖。世界末日呀!

Apr 9 2010, 17:48 UTC RT @qshmilu: RT @hecaitou: RT @anegie: 上海张江地铁站某臭豆腐摊的广告语:Smell Smelly, Taste Tasty! 人才啊。

Apr 9 2010, 16:33 UTC RT @zuola: 摘錄:人身攻擊的謬誤,通常簡稱作人身攻擊,是指在討論時針對或提出對方的人格、動機、態度、地位、階級或處境等,而進行攻擊或評論,並以此當作提出了理據去駁斥對方的論證或去支持自己的論點,此乃犯了人身攻擊謬誤。此即所謂「對人不對事」或「因人廢言」。

Apr 9 2010, 15:52 UTC 睡了。当我sign off的时候,怎么觉得像阿凡达中的Jack。不知Twitter的世界是潘多拉星球,还是所处的世界就是。

Apr 9 2010, 15:47 UTC @kanezhu Twitter世界对于我来说是一个电影的名字:《当你沉睡时》

Apr 9 2010, 15:18 UTC RT @NiuB: 出云南记 天安时间当代艺术中心 | BEIJING CENTER FOR THE ARTS 北京市前门23号院 2010.03.28-2010.05.09:

Apr 9 2010, 15:17 UTC 今天下午在@xindanwei听到有朋友谈论物联网,说冰箱会在牛奶没有的情况下自动订货。。。我会心的一笑。这个场景是2001年微软.NET平台发布的时候我常用的例子来各地的TechNet, DevDays解释什么是.NET。那时,这是微软的梦。现在,这是Google的了。

Apr 9 2010, 15:17 UTC Expo is 22 Days Away

Apr 9 2010, 15:15 UTC 以twitter为中心的世界在我不知不觉的时候已经变得如此丰富了。正在看。这个互联网真的是越来越丰富,越来越美丽了。

Apr 9 2010, 15:12 UTC Signed up, and now got, but don’t know what’s next yet.

Apr 9 2010, 15:01 UTC Just posted some photo of the China Pavilion here.

Apr 9 2010, 14:55 UTC First tweet from gravity on my nokia. It works great.

Apr 9 2010, 14:28 UTC 谢谢@iuui @romainshen @telefan。Twitter大神又显灵了。

Apr 9 2010, 14:21 UTC Twitter大神,Nokia上面最好的Twitter客户端是什么呢?就像Twidroid那样的?

Apr 9 2010, 14:20 UTC RT @inezha: 哪吒热点:东京女孩4月新发型 //哪吒热点是怎么产生的呢?

Apr 9 2010, 14:14 UTC 刚刚在世博会旁边转了两圈,中国馆正在试灯,还在试烟花。测量了一下,从世博到家里正好3公里

Apr 9 2010, 14:09 UTC 对下午的@xindanwei Chit Chat比较失望。看来跨界跨得大了,还是有些问题的,和5G后来的感觉很类似,都是很不错的人, 但是讨论的广度足够,深度不足。适合对新思想有执著的追求的人,不很适合实用主义者。

Apr 9 2010, 12:11 UTC RT @winserzhao: @jianshuo 你也有时间体验twitter了? // I have to. I am already late to the party.

Apr 9 2010, 12:10 UTC @yoursunny Right. I attempt to sync everything onto my blog, which may be a bad idea (even conceptually).

Apr 9 2010, 12:09 UTC @DavidFeng I was surprised that I didn’t follow you before. I should.

Apr 8 2010, 13:48 UTC 吉吉说:”不偶尔打一下酱油,就吃不到红烧肉了”,以此捍卫打酱油的正当性。

Apr 8 2010, 13:41 UTC 我fo了800个fo我的人。有人警告说一个不可能同时关注那么多人。我觉得,一眼望过去,广场上有上万人,虽然不能一个一个都看仔细,但偶尔的扫一眼,不小心注意到的几个人已经可以让我们知道天气冷暖或这个城市的一些感觉了。

Apr 8 2010, 13:39 UTC RT @kenyth: 不用这样吧, @jianshuo 貌似把fo了自己的人都全部fo回去了,我还说怎么fo我了呢。 //总算明白过来,一个人是有精力同时关注很多人的。

Apr 8 2010, 13:37 UTC 玉米花机|老式爆米花机|大炮爆花机 – 280元 名字起得有气势。。小时候总眼馋爆米花,看这东西我真想买一个放在家里,看一个够,

Apr 8 2010, 13:33 UTC RT @cvbbbn: 微博上,谁在说话很重要,说什么不重要;Twitter上,说了什么最重要,谁说的不那么重要。

Apr 8 2010, 13:32 UTC 准备回家了。上海下雨中。

Apr 8 2010, 13:24 UTC RT @number5: XD RT @wangpei 在消费者的强烈投诉下,苹果终于给出了ipad不能实现多任务的解决方案:同意顾客一次买两台ipad。

Apr 8 2010, 13:13 UTC Why I Didn’t Understand Social Media

Apr 8 2010, 13:11 UTC RT @blazingcd: RT @newkhonsou: RT @fanium 新来了个漂亮MM实习生,满脸疑惑地站在碎纸机前。于是热心上前问是否要帮忙。MM道:”这个东西怎么用呢?”…

Apr 8 2010, 11:51 UTC RT @williamlong: 搜狐微博竟然不限制输入字符的数目,可以输入任意长的文字,该微博的手机用户这回悲剧了。

Apr 8 2010, 11:30 UTC RT @cindol: RT @m__w: RT @violetskyq: RT @beckyeeky: RT @nanhui: RT @onlycup: 今天是交通大学114周年庆! #sjtu from 1896.4.8

Apr 8 2010, 3:09 UTC RT @dning1: #share IPAD使用感受: IPAD是我迄今为止使用过的最好的电子产品,虽然看上去它只像一个放大的IPHONE或者ITOUCH,但那块高分辨率的大屏幕改变了一切体验。无论浏览网页…

Apr 8 2010, 3:09 UTC RT @rtmeme: RT @gaoizm RT @ag108lau: 什么时候可以像蜗牛那样,拥有自己的房子,掌握自己的节奏,走自己的路?

Apr 8 2010, 3:09 UTC RT @xiaolai: 我们是几个留美学生,组建了一个集体blog 希望借助老师在推上的人气帮我们宣传。…

Apr 8 2010, 3:08 UTC @yoursunny backuplet stopped at page 44 and hang there for ever. :-) I will try it later. Maybe you should give it a more unique name.

Apr 8 2010, 1:26 UTC RT @dning1: …RT @yimaobuba: 我又象月经一样每月一次的冲向了上海

Apr 8 2010, 1:24 UTC RT @isaac: 键盘:你该修剪指甲了

Apr 8 2010, 1:24 UTC RT @mranti: RT @agan_gz: 禁用外文缩写,捍卫民族语言纯洁是很有必要的。不仅如此,我们还应该追求社会和文化的纯净,清除一切不纯的事物,实现一个民族,一个国家,一个语言。当然这么伟大的理论不是我提出来的,这是当年纳粹党魁希特勒的观点。

Apr 8 2010, 1:23 UTC @jiajiasunshine My Twitter Dump is done by exporting from

Apr 8 2010, 1:22 UTC @yoursunny Sorry, what is “backuplet”. I googled it but didn’t get anything about it. Thanks.

Apr 7 2010, 13:03 UTC My Twitter Dump from March 12, 2007

Apr 7 2010, 12:15 UTC @jjxiao 毕竟还是需要手工操作。设置这个东西就像风水先生放置的一个是都,只有在自己已经忘记的时候还在发挥着它应该发挥的作用的东西,才是我寻找的。不然我一定忘记备份。

Apr 7 2010, 12:12 UTC @likuku 我的意思是,可以把twitter内容放在自己的blog上面永久保存的那种。Email和Google Reader无法完成。

Apr 7 2010, 11:48 UTC 有没有什么可以方便的把Twitter的内容dump成永久保存的文件的工具呢?自己懒得写程序了

Apr 7 2010, 11:46 UTC 关于Dadoop Hive最形象的描述:晓良说:就是一个没有索引的数据库

Apr 7 2010, 11:42 UTC RT @hanlei: 谁说SSH一定在国外了? RT @dayuer3000: RT: @yuishy: 在淘宝上买了8元/月的SSH,悲剧地发现他的服务器在国内。靠。

Apr 7 2010, 11:33 UTC @popoever说他种的菜是给孩子的幼儿园老师留的,别人不要偷

Apr 7 2010, 11:07 UTC Metro Line #2 Extends to Pudong Airport

Apr 7 2010, 10:31 UTC RT @isaac: Blog:,what’s happened last two weeks visually?:,what’s happened last two weeks visually? Orig……

Apr 7 2010, 10:31 UTC RT @xiaolai: 分辨因果关系是否成立的能力,很可能是心智成长的最大关键。

Apr 7 2010, 10:30 UTC @bsun Hadoop of Apache Foundation – well, Yahoo is the biggest contributor. Others include Facebook.

Apr 7 2010, 7:23 UTC @jiajiasunshine No idea. I was in Zhangjiang this morning, but didn’t take the car.

Apr 7 2010, 7:23 UTC @jiajiasunshine Considering the long distance between PVG and Longyang Road station, and the transition at Guanglan Road, that is possible.

Apr 7 2010, 7:18 UTC What? Two hours between the two airport via Metro Line #2?

Apr 7 2010, 7:18 UTC Anyone has any experience on Hadoop? It seems a nice idea to gather and share learning about this magic Swiss knives.

Apr 7 2010, 6:40 UTC @ryunhe说早上体验九号线换乘通道迷路,迟到10分钟

Apr 6 2010, 13:43 UTC Xindanwei is Cool

Apr 6 2010, 13:30 UTC @POPOEVER @isaac,周五我们三个人过去听social media的讲座,需要注册吗?

Apr 6 2010, 13:27 UTC RT @twijean: 有的人电话短信邮件MSNGtalk都联系不上,只有twitter DM才联系的上

Apr 6 2010, 13:24 UTC @isaac 坚持说我”不好意思呀,您真的是中文用户吗”。怪了。

Apr 6 2010, 13:21 UTC 2006年1月到6月,我的MSN签名一直是:”新年快乐”,7月到12月,换成”不是新年快乐了”. 无数人提醒我换MSN签名。 现在,大家提醒我换Twitter头像。时间在变,技术在变呀。

Apr 6 2010, 13:10 UTC 旅行途中的孤寂这幅画表现得非常好

Apr 6 2010, 13:00 UTC @POPOEVER Hehe. Pleasures is mine. I got back to office, and asked if anyone know Popo – 15% people raised their hands.

Apr 6 2010, 12:59 UTC @yqz Wendy在开。

Apr 6 2010, 10:16 UTC RT @xiaolai: RT @flyfeather: “我本质上是一个倾向于妥协的人,因为我从来不敢肯定自己占有真理。”–甘地 #changshi

Apr 6 2010, 10:16 UTC Very nice talk with @popoever and @isaac #xindanwei. To be honest, I didn’t understand social media.

Apr 6 2010, 10:05 UTC 我觉得各种翻墙方式中,还是直接用VPN比较靠谱,SSH Tunnel还是麻烦。

Apr 6 2010, 9:59 UTC @kanezhu 改用中文。不管我的其他的follower了

Apr 6 2010, 9:54 UTC RT @xindanwei: via @parisyoung: 新单位茶话会第一期社会化媒体与我4月9日 16:30-18:30 免费

Apr 6 2010, 9:45 UTC RT @xlvector: “同一个世界,同一个梦想” 反过来念念? “想摸个一筒,就是个一筒!”

Apr 6 2010, 9:44 UTC @kanezhu True. Since I have to take care of my followers who only speaks English – 70% my blog readers comes from outside China

Apr 6 2010, 9:43 UTC RT @isaac: @jianshuo 说他家的奶茶店每天有一个乞丐来用二百元硬币兑换纸币,奶茶店因此不愁硬币零钱

Apr 6 2010, 9:01 UTC Xindanwei is a nice place. I will ask Wendy to get a membership there. #xindanwei @xindanwei

Apr 6 2010, 8:54 UTC I only have 800 followers. I am not the big mouth in twitter world – I just noticed that.

Apr 6 2010, 1:51 UTC Nice Technical Blogs

Apr 5 2010, 15:07 UTC A Highschool Classmates Gather

Apr 4 2010, 14:14 UTC Shanghai Expressway Map

Apr 3 2010, 15:05 UTC Movie – Crossing Hennessy

Apr 2 2010, 13:18 UTC Yifan’s Song – Night of Military Port

Apr 1 2010, 14:42 UTC Expo Taxi and More Blurred Night Shots

Apr 1 2010, 12:53 UTC Bet is Greatest Tool to Increase Visability

Apr 1 2010, 12:48 UTC RT @cnet Shanghai subway may expand into neighboring province | Sinobyte: China and technology – CNET News

Apr 1 2010, 2:08 UTC I favorited a YouTube video — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: TechCrunch Interview

Apr 1 2010, 2:08 UTC Check this video out — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: TechCrunch Interview

Apr 1 2010, 1:53 UTC RT @TechCrunch The Speed Of Share

Mar 31 2010, 14:12 UTC Expo is Nearer

Mar 30 2010, 10:08 UTC Yifan Fell Asleep by Himself

Mar 29 2010, 13:45 UTC GM EN-V Unveild in Shanghai

Mar 28 2010, 13:40 UTC Travel is Life Intensified

Mar 27 2010, 15:31 UTC @kanezhu Thanks

Mar 27 2010, 15:31 UTC Forward Hindsight

Mar 26 2010, 14:39 UTC Complicated Roads to Hongqiao T2

Mar 25 2010, 21:47 UTC Posted via email…

Mar 25 2010, 14:40 UTC Jian Shuo Got His New Car

Mar 24 2010, 13:18 UTC I Love the Garage in Hongqiao T2

Mar 24 2010, 4:10 UTC I’m at Charme 港丽茶餐厅 (港汇广场六楼).

Mar 23 2010, 23:36 UTC good morning. shanghai is rainning againing

Mar 23 2010, 15:37 UTC Look up! The World Above! – Part II

Mar 23 2010, 14:30 UTC Long Taxi Lines in Hongqiao T2 Too

Mar 23 2010, 9:55 UTC For the third year, Baixing is going to host GMIX program for Stanford Graduate School of Business. …

Mar 23 2010, 5:10 UTC The New Home of Google in China

Mar 23 2010, 4:43 UTC I’m at 百姓网Office (广元西路55号浩然大厦18楼, 恭城路, 上海市).

Mar 22 2010, 14:18 UTC I’m at 大华锦绣华城.

Mar 22 2010, 14:18 UTC I just unlocked the “Crunked” badge on @foursquare!

Mar 22 2010, 13:39 UTC the war started. feeling nice to fight real battle.

Mar 22 2010, 13:30 UTC @kanezhu i take metro daily

Mar 22 2010, 13:28 UTC shanghai metro is now a real network. i enjoy metro much more than driving

Mar 22 2010, 13:17 UTC I’m at 地铁4号线虹桥路站 (虹桥路, 凯旋路, Shanghai).

Mar 22 2010, 11:16 UTC I’m at 上海交通大学徐汇校区 (华山路1954号, Shanghai).

Mar 22 2010, 6:39 UTC I’m at Baixing Office (1808, 55 Guangyuan West Road, at Gongcheng Road, Shanghai).

Mar 22 2010, 0:12 UTC on metro line seven now. happy to have seat. so far there is nobody who needs assistant around for me to give seat to.

Mar 21 2010, 14:53 UTC I’m at 大华锦绣华城.

Mar 21 2010, 14:53 UTC I just unlocked the “Newbie” badge on @foursquare!

Mar 21 2010, 14:50 UTC going bed now.

Mar 20 2010, 6:22 UTC G60 Shanghai-Kunming National Expressway

Mar 19 2010, 14:31 UTC 7 Year Anniversary of Wedding

Mar 16 2010, 12:31 UTC 小宝说: 电脑刚才怎么没电了,吓死我了。

Mar 16 2010, 12:20 UTC Yifan’s Second Day in Kindergarten

Mar 16 2010, 11:06 UTC 和小宝一起坐地铁

Mar 16 2010, 2:26 UTC with hao

Mar 15 2010, 13:13 UTC Happy Birthday to Goudaner (6th Year)

Mar 14 2010, 13:44 UTC Yifan’s Parking Lots – Part II

Mar 13 2010, 16:51 UTC I finally understand that travel cross different timezones build early raiser, and coding build late raisers.

Mar 13 2010, 14:44 UTC People Started to Wait at Red Lights

Mar 13 2010, 2:37 UTC Baggage Check in Shanghai Metro

Mar 13 2010, 0:41 UTC at shangri-la in Sat morning

Mar 12 2010, 4:56 UTC

Mar 12 2010, 2:39 UTC

Mar 12 2010, 2:31 UTC How long have I stick to a default icon on twitter?

Mar 12 2010, 2:30 UTC GFW set a barrier for twitter, making the current Chinese on twitter an interesting group of people sharing something in common.

Mar 12 2010, 2:29 UTC Ops. Just realized what I did in YouTube, it is automatically synced to Twitter. Sorry for the spam.

Mar 12 2010, 2:18 UTC twidoid via gae works

Mar 10 2010, 15:18 UTC Posted via email…

Mar 10 2010, 15:18 UTC Posted via email…

Mar 10 2010, 14:40 UTC This Moment, in Shanghai

Mar 10 2010, 9:43 UTC I subscribed to drshizhao’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to obnard’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to RebeccaMacK’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to michetravi’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to jianfengpan’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to jtjarrett22’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to lifetreeblog’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to pugneih’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to cindibaca’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to uptakenetworks’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to reinjin’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to Joeduncan42’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:42 UTC I subscribed to RailroadersBand’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:36 UTC I subscribed to yixu12951’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:36 UTC I subscribed to marmootsingh’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:36 UTC I subscribed to areyoulookon’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:36 UTC I subscribed to Zhutubao’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:36 UTC I subscribed to QEMDRAGON’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to zolazhou’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to mossyland’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to windtown82’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to lixiaolai’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to rkguaruja’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to kuhneguaruja’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to liuyongsxs’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to sjreporter’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 9:35 UTC I subscribed to hjsutub’s channel on YouTube

Mar 10 2010, 4:31 UTC In Market We Trust – Part II

Mar 10 2010, 1:12 UTC Shanghai Snows – Heavily, Shortly

Mar 9 2010, 5:22 UTC In Market We Trust

Mar 9 2010, 0:44 UTC Lining up for Metro – Part II

Mar 8 2010, 14:16 UTC Metro Line 7 and 9 Became Full Time

Mar 8 2010, 13:04 UTC ThinkPad to Dell Latitude E4300

Mar 8 2010, 13:04 UTC Photo in Google, 2010

Mar 8 2010, 2:07 UTC @ruanyf You got it wrong. I mean, the cheaper hotel is better than more expensive one. – I mean the listing price.

Mar 7 2010, 2:03 UTC 回来了。依然倒时差。

Mar 7 2010, 1:00 UTC I am a Hotel Tester

Mar 6 2010, 7:28 UTC In Pictures: Nine Young Chinese Entrepreneurs To Watch – Forbes –

Mar 6 2010, 6:36 UTC Yifan’s Stories

Mar 6 2010, 5:19 UTC Breakfast Meeting in Shanghai

Mar 6 2010, 0:43 UTC The Scare of Shanghai Heals

Mar 5 2010, 10:31 UTC Travelogue of Tahoe

Mar 4 2010, 15:40 UTC Wrapping up 2010 Winter Trip

Mar 2 2010, 8:55 UTC Jian Shuo Wang in Forbes

Mar 2 2010, 8:09 UTC Picture with Jianshuo @Google!…

Mar 1 2010, 2:04 UTC google wifi for mount view

Feb 27 2010, 22:30 UTC Skiing in Tahoe

Feb 27 2010, 11:35 UTC In Tahoe the five hour trip turned out to to be nine

Feb 27 2010, 1:59 UTC [New CN Blog] Facebook初探

Feb 26 2010, 15:10 UTC Waked up.seems people buzz more on on mobile

Feb 26 2010, 9:42 UTC First buzz from NEXUS ONE

Feb 26 2010, 9:08 UTC I Should Not Open Nexus One at Night

Feb 25 2010, 16:36 UTC why Google does not support VCF format.

Feb 25 2010, 7:44 UTC I subscribed to thomascrampton’s channel on YouTube

Feb 25 2010, 1:56 UTC Met with Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Feb 24 2010, 18:35 UTC Street Names in America is Mystery – Part II

Feb 24 2010, 18:35 UTC I Bought Nexus One

Feb 24 2010, 18:35 UTC Reported by New York Times

Feb 24 2010, 18:20 UTC The Priceline @TheNegotiator Rocks! Just got me a 3 star Hotel in San Jose, CA for $50 on Priceline! Find it here:

Feb 24 2010, 18:13 UTC @Robert Mao your blog has some coding error.

Feb 24 2010, 15:47 UTC Busy and Excited

Feb 24 2010, 8:48 UTC Content Scattered on the Web

Feb 23 2010, 18:12 UTC The first 20% of the time scheduled to do something, like email, or check website is the most effici…

Feb 23 2010, 17:06 UTC The Hills of Sillicon Valley is GREEN

Feb 23 2010, 7:50 UTC 决定买Nexus One了

Feb 23 2010, 7:31 UTC Building Safty by Increasing Vulnerablity

Feb 22 2010, 20:03 UTC How Stupid I am Not Knowing Priceline

Feb 22 2010, 16:57 UTC Priceline 783-629-891-02

Feb 22 2010, 7:05 UTC Learnt What Open House is

Feb 22 2010, 1:51 UTC [New CN Blog] 酒店的等级

Feb 21 2010, 15:41 UTC Why Restaurant’s Menu is Printed Daily?

Feb 21 2010, 7:18 UTC Street Names in America is Mystery

Feb 20 2010, 20:58 UTC @Robert Mao I read your blog about Nexus One. Do you recommend me to buy one? I think the answer is …

Feb 20 2010, 19:31 UTC @elliottng Thanks. Jet lag is hitting me now.

Feb 20 2010, 19:00 UTC Hello Fron Palo Alto

Feb 20 2010, 16:35 UTC I just don’t feel right to have just passport and credit card to visit US. Before, i need to have in…

Feb 20 2010, 16:24 UTC Just landed at SFO. As always, at gate 95.

Feb 20 2010, 5:27 UTC ady to fly. Jian shuo signing off.

Feb 20 2010, 5:19 UTC Sitting at 41B of UA858, waiting for departure to SFO

Feb 20 2010, 5:14 UTC Using mobile to update buzz

Feb 19 2010, 15:47 UTC Flying to SFO tomorrow.

Feb 19 2010, 5:13 UTC @Wendy Fan @*** @*** @刘润 @*** @*** See you at 和平官邸 very soon.

Feb 18 2010, 13:46 UTC Shoreline of Xiangshui Bay…

Feb 18 2010, 10:19 UTC @Wendy Fan Hi Wendy, saw this public message?

Feb 18 2010, 10:19 UTC Back in Shanghai. … Life in Hainan seemed to be like a dream for me.

Feb 18 2010, 3:46 UTC @Jian Shuo Wang It seems Google Buzz with @ sign can be a good way to deliver public email.

Feb 18 2010, 3:43 UTC @Robert Mao , would you help me to check whether my RSS feed with PubSubHubbub link on it works? I j…

Feb 17 2010, 16:22 UTC Fireworks for God of Fortune

Feb 17 2010, 15:52 UTC I subscribed to GoogleWebmasterHelp’s channel on YouTube

Feb 17 2010, 14:17 UTC Enabled PubSubHubbub on my Blog

Feb 17 2010, 14:17 UTC I have Driven Around Hainan

Feb 17 2010, 13:55 UTC So far, pubsubhubbub setup on my MovableType does not work. Still work on it.

Feb 17 2010, 13:32 UTC I am back from Hainan to Shanghai

Feb 17 2010, 13:15 UTC My First Car Rental Experience in Hainan

Feb 17 2010, 9:17 UTC 海南铁路…

Feb 17 2010, 8:51 UTC After unfollow some very productive friends, my buzz started to be quiet.

Feb 17 2010, 8:05 UTC I am on Google Buzz

Feb 17 2010, 7:31 UTC I heard you can just send an email to so your title will appear in the Buzz stream. Is it true?

Feb 17 2010, 7:27 UTC It seems I feel more comfortable when I write a blog knowing that it will be reflected in the Buzz account.

Feb 17 2010, 7:26 UTC I just feel more people can see this short Buzz, when I hit post button, than I do when I write a blog entry.

Feb 17 2010, 6:19 UTC I don’t understand why install a simple software like Windows Live Messenger takes so much time.

Feb 14 2010, 15:03 UTC Very Disappointed in Haikou

Feb 14 2010, 15:03 UTC Wenchang to Wanning

Feb 13 2010, 2:51 UTC On the way from Haikou to Wenchang.

Feb 13 2010, 2:49 UTC Happy new year!

Feb 13 2010, 2:12 UTC Sanya Bay

Feb 13 2010, 1:11 UTC Yifan on the Road

Feb 12 2010, 17:58 UTC Jianfengling Ridge in Hainan

Feb 12 2010, 12:51 UTC I Really Love Interaction of Buzz

Feb 5 2010, 15:54 UTC 8.8 mm

Feb 3 2010, 15:56 UTC Yifan’s Latest Picture

Feb 2 2010, 9:45 UTC 1% everyday is the philosophy.

Feb 2 2010, 1:16 UTC [New CN Blog] 关于两个机房的讨论

Feb 1 2010, 17:36 UTC People are Basically Good

Feb 1 2010, 1:15 UTC [New CN Blog] 人肉云计算

Jan 31 2010, 15:59 UTC Spring Festival 2009

Jan 31 2010, 14:57 UTC weight in my gym: 40 kg to get started. Then the next time, will start from the P1 program.

Jan 31 2010, 13:21 UTC back to home.

Jan 31 2010, 1:14 UTC [New CN Blog] 做好人的原因

Jan 30 2010, 16:15 UTC Long Lines for Avatar 3D IMAX

Jan 30 2010, 9:59 UTC @chedong En. 这种备忘很有用。

Jan 30 2010, 1:12 UTC [New CN Blog] 老冒的Revolution .vs. Evolution

Jan 29 2010, 15:48 UTC Started to Walk

Jan 29 2010, 14:45 UTC I need to get myself emptied – too busy working on different stuff, and don’t have time to idle.

Jan 29 2010, 10:23 UTC Finally two options are the same option or at least very similar options

Jan 29 2010, 10:10 UTC @nisky80 I wrote a tool using PHP and cURL and then a BAT. Maybe will share it in my blog later.

Jan 29 2010, 10:06 UTC How to distribute the datacenter in two locations? One is simple, two is harder, but the same as 10 or more.

Jan 29 2010, 1:11 UTC [New CN Blog] 中国哲学体系的困惑

Jan 28 2010, 15:41 UTC I just created a very simple PHP based client to access Twitter at command line, with “twitter” followed by the message.

Jan 28 2010, 15:40 UTC I enjoy using the Twitter via the Windows->Start->Run – that small window is a perfect client for Twitter.

Jan 28 2010, 15:24 UTC Trend Against Semantic Web

Jan 28 2010, 7:56 UTC Year end. Budgeted a lot of time for various gather, new year dinner, and meetups.

Jan 28 2010, 7:08 UTC I love walking in the Xujiahui Area – walking is good for health, good time for meditation, and good way to feel that I am a human.

Jan 28 2010, 5:47 UTC How to distribute the datacenter in two locations? One is simple, two is harder, but the same as 10 or more.

Jan 28 2010, 5:24 UTC Will be in the Sillicon Valley from Feb 20 to Feb 28. My friend there, let’s schedule meetups!

Jan 28 2010, 5:22 UTC Back from Lanzhou Noodle in SJTU – simple cheap and nice lunch is more interesting than well-decorated restaurants.

Jan 28 2010, 4:06 UTC 1 hour passed this way. I love to twitter in the Windows Run box.

Jan 28 2010, 3:58 UTC Going to lunch now.

Jan 28 2010, 3:50 UTC MyEnTunnel + cUrl + Twitter API works.

Jan 28 2010, 3:43 UTC Unit test is important

Jan 28 2010, 3:33 UTC I should share what I created with others.

Jan 28 2010, 3:32 UTC 40 minutes just to have twitter ready

Jan 28 2010, 2:55 UTC If twitter is a way to get better self-consciousness, let me try it.

Jan 27 2010, 5:14 UTC I subscribed to GoogleDevelopers’s channel on YouTube

Jan 27 2010, 3:48 UTC @xiaolai You are very welcome to visit our office on the SJTU campus.

Jan 26 2010, 14:28 UTC @swuhoo We can meet in Beijing, together with Yi Jin the next time

Jan 26 2010, 14:28 UTC @swuhoo Haha. Just had a phone call with Yi Jin the last Friday, when he was in Shanghai, but was not able to schedule a meetup.

Jan 26 2010, 13:47 UTC Notes on Justice Video

Jan 22 2010, 17:38 UTC My Favorate Road – Xingguo Road

Jan 21 2010, 15:10 UTC How to Access Twitter and Facebook in China

Jan 21 2010, 12:19 UTC @eddie_w Expo tickets seem to be over-supply in the current stage. Don’t worry. You can easily get it today.

Jan 21 2010, 12:18 UTC @inetpm Ops. 为什么用”老师”这个陌生的称谓?

Jan 21 2010, 12:16 UTC @swuhoo It was just two day trip, and was not in the mood to host a meetup in (politically) cold winter.

Jan 20 2010, 15:41 UTC Avatar

Jan 20 2010, 1:01 UTC [New CN Blog] 小宝对老婆的看法

Jan 18 2010, 16:16 UTC Google in China – Business Decision?

Jan 17 2010, 16:24 UTC My Brain Does not Work Well

Jan 15 2010, 16:19 UTC Crazy Week in 2010

Jan 15 2010, 16:19 UTC Snow of Beijing Airport

Jan 13 2010, 16:29 UTC Google’s (Rig

Content Scattered on the Web

From time to time, editors came to me to ask to republish the content of this blog to other blog sites. I generally agree to the request, and grant free permission. Examples are:

Wangjianshuo on

Wangjianshuo on

Wangjianshuo on

Wangjianshuo on

Although I do not disapprove the content replication, I do doubt the effective of this, especially when they use editors to check the blog content and publish it onto another web. That is very traditional way of doing magazine. The Internet has evolved, and it is not about media – the carrier any longer. Copy and paste an article to a newspaper or magazine makes sense, but to another website, especially manually does not add too much value.

The result is, you can see some of them stopped as early as 2006 (4 years from now), and some stopped later, and some just get started, and I am sure it will stop over time. That can be waste of time in the long run.

I also replicate the content to other places, like Facebook, and recently Google Buzz. The problem is, if someone comment on my content in Facebook, chances are I cannot see them, since I do not check Facebook often. For many conversation, when the discussion scattered in both Google Buzz and comment section of this blog, it is a big lose for community of both side. I am really thinking about a way to sync Google Buzz comments with MovableType. It should be easy, and I like the idea, but don’t think I have the time to write some sample code.

P.S. Good news is PubSubHubbub implementation on this blog worked very well, and I am happy to see when Google Reader support it, you can get this blog update in Google Reader in almost real time. It is an important step for this blog.

I Really Love Interaction of Buzz

If there is anyway that I can post my blog as easy as that in Google Buzz, and get my comment, and reply to it as easy as in Buzz, that would be wonderful. (A typical Twitter message, but it seems not the right length for a blog post on my regular blog. See the difference?)

Regarding Buzz, I commented: “Buzz puts us into further to the center of distraction”.

P.S With all the competing products and services, MovableType (my favorite), was again thrown out of the conversation further. Six Apart had Motion, a similar idea, but far behind what Google offered: just like Notepad vs Gmail…

My Brain Does not Work Well

There is too much information for me to consume these days.

My brain does not work very well. There are many things I want to comment on but don’t know how to start, like the Google’s case, Baidu’s case, and the recent news happening to many companies.

I just feel I cannot find quiet time to sit down to think about all these. The busy hours at work and busy schedule seem to be pretty hard for me.

When I started a new blog entry, I just feel where to get started. I admit anyone’s attention and brain power is limited resource. I just didn’t, and was not able to pay as much attention to the city I am living – Shanghai – as many years ago, and cannot focus on my life (personal life) as much as before. Yifan is a big life changer, and the business world is another.

Any reader felt the change over the last few years? I just hope I would be as helpful as two or three years ago, and report what is happening in Shanghai as before, but … I am no longer a normal citizen who take bus, metro, and taxi to hang around this city any more…

Did you Observe the Decline of Blogging?

In November, I just feel some changes in the blogsphere. It seems to me that blogging activities are getting declining in the past month. I check my Google Reader few times a day in Oct, and every time I can get many updates, but recently, I check it daily and still didn’t get too much update. I didn’t change the feed source. It turned out that people blogged less. Did you observe the same decline in blogging?

P.S. Me? Don’t worry about me. It was just occasionally travel times, mixed with my passion for coding this week. Will be back to normal soon.

7 Years of Blogging

Today marks the completion of my 7 years of blogging, and this entry is the first one in my eight years since I started blog on Sept 11, 2002. In the last 2557 days, I wrote 2498 entries on this blog, leaving just 59 days blank.

There is nothing to celebrate, since I am in the worst mood after Yifan was hurt yesterday. Obviously compared to the pain of the families of 911 victims, it is nothing, and every time I mark anniversary of my blog, I should have showed respect to the people who lost their loved ones in that disaster.

What happened to me in the last 7 years?

  • I turned myself from an engineer in Microsoft to an entry level entrepreneur.
  • Wendy and I got married and lived happily together since then.
  • Yifan joined us – what a great addition to the family (sorry, Yifan. I should not have allowed you to be hurt).
  • I traveled a lot – and recorded most of my travel on this little blog.
  • I thought a lot about the future of China, and I complained a lot, I suggested a lot, and I recorded a lot about this country.
  • I saw the change happened in Shanghai. I recorded many of the positive changes, and also noted the bad side from time to time.
  • I experienced SARS, H1N1, and other types of spread out of the diseases.
  • I completed many projects in the last few years in Microsoft when I have both the energy/idea and time to do it.
  • I met many new friends in the last few years, and that newly defined the boundary of my world.
  • I chased many things that is interesting to me, and learnt new things all the time.
  • I grew from 25 years old to 32 years old.
  • I witnessed the fall of Internet and the booming
  • I recorded my happiness, my exciting journey, my milestones in business and family, and sadness, frustration, and confusion.

I am actually not in the mood to write a lengthy post, but as a tradition, I think I should write something on anniversary of blogging.