I am just curious: is there anyone reading this blog at this time? Obviously blog is the “old” way of communication. If you are still here, would you please raise your hand so I can see you? (Well, leaving a comment seems better way for me to see you).
I still read when there is something to read.
My hands are raised up…
Dude, didn’t open my google reader for a long time… nor your blog.
I am still here :)
I do. Maybe I’m too old (37), but I don’t see how twitter and other casual social media can replace the blog format. Blog entries are like diary entries or short essays — places with room for thought and reflection. These formats are timeless and not coupled to a particular technology. I fully understand when people say they don’t have time for creating such things (and I was amazed and inspired about your persistence), but just saying that they are “old” seems a bit like an excuse to me … And a second thought that occurs to me is about the readership. I keep a personal diary very similar to a blog. I’d be very uncomfortable sharing it with the world, even though some entries might be of interest to others. So my readership consists of one person, and that’s enough for me to keep on writing. It helps me reflect on my life. So I guess my question to you would be, for whom are you writing your blog?
I’m following your blog for 3 years. Thanks.
Not many people, but at least there are still some. :-) So warm to be still surrounded by some one. :-)
Yes, still read it. Also, I agree with Tam, although everything evolves and so do methods of communication I also cannot see Twitter/Facebook/G+, etc replacing longform platforms. Not yet.
I set up an feedburner for this blog and subscribe it to its email. It’s here
Hope FB service went un-noticed during Google’s product review.
heads up. reading this blog via RSS reader.
i’m always here
raise up.
Hands up :)
Always here.
Yes :)
yes, I’m check-in ever now and then
Yes – via GReader before (now The Old Reader). BTW, the RSS feeder of your blog seems dead now…
…still here.
Yes! Did add you on Weixin too.
BTW, do you think you can make it as a RSS feed like olden days? so that we can follow more closely :)
Yep, still reading it. Had some problems migrating from Greader but I’m here :)
still read the tech blog
i’m in…
I’m new, I’m in, and I will follow.
me counted
me look to
Can’t you just check the no. of pings like everyone else? i have fat fingers and don like to raise my hands
yep. Has not checked in years.
hands up….
Yes, once in a while.
Moved away sometime ago, so I really appreciate the chance to see how things are going back there. Thanks for keeping it going.
i’m here
Yes! :)
Yes, I’m here. I was the student of your .net lesson in 2000 :>
I’v just read the article about Baidu’s aquisition of 91 wireless, very good analysis and I ‘v learned from it. I just did not think about to reply it, but I feel it is necessary to say something here:)
Me too! Ten years after you asked, of course, but still….:-)