namespace Graph;
class CompanyAccount {
…function occuredRevenue($startTime, $endTime) {
……$money = 0;
……if($endTime > time())
………throw new Exception(“Refuse to tell you future, because that may be inaccurate”);
……$s = new Searcher(
………new AndQuery(
…………new Query(‘type’, ‘Order’),
…………new Query(‘paid’, 1),
…………new RangeQuery(‘startTime’, null, $endTime),
…………new RangeQuery(‘endTime’, $startTime – 1, null)
……foreach($s as $order)
………$money += ($order->occuredRevenue($endTime) – $order->occuredRevenue($startTime));
……return $money;
class UserAccount {
…public $balance; // money + credit;
…public $ratio; // money / balance;
…function in($money, $credit){
……$this->ratio = ($this->balance * $this->ratio + $money) / ($this->balance + $money + $credit);
……$this->balance += $money + $credit;
…function out($mondit) { //mondit = money + credit
……$this->balance -= $mondit;
…function pay($order) {
……$order->pay($order->listPrice * $this->ratio);
…function partialCancel($order, $time) {
……$refund = $order->price – $order->occuredRevenue($time);
……$ratio = $order->price / $order->listPrice;
……$this->in($refund, $refund / $ratio * (1 – $ratio));
class Order {
…public $unitTime = 24 * 60 * 60; // 1 day
…public $paid = false;
…function occuredRevenue($time) {
……$money = 0;
……$unitPrice = round(($this->price) / ($this->endTime – $this->startTime) * $this->unitTime, 2);
……for($i = 0; $occuredTime = $this->startTime + $this->unitTime * $i, $occuredTime < min($time, $endTime); $i++)
………if($this->endTime – $this->occuredTime <= $this->unitTime)
…………$money += ($this->price – $unitPrice * $i);
…………$money += $unitPrice;
……return $money;……
…function place() {
……$pa = new BiddingPrice();
……$this->listPrice = $pa->price($order);
…function partialCancel($time) {
……if($time >= $this->endTime)
………throw new Exception(‘Cannot cancel completed order’);
……$neg = clone $this;
……$neg->startTime = max($this->startTime, $time);
……$neg->price = $this->occuredRevenue($time) – $this->price;
…function attributes() {
……$ad = graph($this->adId);
……return array_merge(
………’categories’ => cg_array_upto(array_reverse($ad->category->path()), $this->category),
………’areas’ => cg_array_upto(array_reverse($ad->area->path()), $this->area)
function cg_array_upto($arr, $c) {
…$result = array();
…foreach($arr as $a) {
……$result[] = $a;
……$if($a == $c)
…return $result;
class DingPrice extends BiddingPrice {
…public $capacity = 12;
…public $sensitivity = 0.5;
…public $bottom = 3;
…public $tolerance = 30; // day
…public $basePrice = 10; // RMB
class RefreshPrice extends BiddingPrice {
…public $capacity = 12;
…public $sensitivity = 0.5;
…public $bottom = 3;
…public $tolerance = 30; // day
…public $basePrice = 10; // RMB
class BiddingPrice {
…function price($order) {
……$s = new Searcher(
………new AndQuery(
…………new Query(‘type’, ‘Order’),
…………new Query(‘paid’, 1),
…………new Query(‘area’, $order->area),
…………new Query(‘category’, $order->category)
………array(‘order’ => ‘startTime DESC’)
……if(count($s) == 0)
………return $this->basePrice;
……$currentPrice = $s[0]->listPrice;
……if(count($s) > $this->capacity) {
………foreach(array_slice($s, 0 floor($this->sensitivity * $this->capacity) as $o)
…………if($o->listPrice != $currentPrice)
……………return $currentPrice;
………return $this->increase($currentPrice);
……if(count($s) <= $this->bottom &&
………time() – $s[0]->startTime > $this->tolerance)
………return $this->decrease($currentPrice);
……return $currentPrice;
…function increase($price) {
……return $price + 10;
…function decrease($price) {
……return $price – 10;
class DingAds {
…function ads() {
……$v = new Visitor();
……$s = new Searcher(
………new AndQuery(
…………new Query(‘type’, ‘Order’),
…………new Query(‘paid’, 1),
…………new RangQuery(‘startTime’, null, time() + 1),
…………new RangeQuery(‘endTime’, time(), null),
…………new Query(‘categories’, $v->category),
…………new InQuery(‘areas’, $v->area->path())
……$dingAds = array();
……$negAds = array();
……foreach($s as $o)
………if($o->price >= 0)
…………$dingAds[] = $o->id;
…………$negAds[] = $o->id;
……return array_diff($dingAds, $negAds);
* 1. AccuralBasedAccouting DONE
* 2. Ding (Category, Filter, City, Province, China) DONE
* 3. Place order, pay, refund, partialCancel DONE
* 4. Pricing (Ding bidding based pricing, Refresh bidding, list bidding) DONE
* 5. User Account, real money, fake money DONE
* 6. Ding display DONE
* 7) Refresh 5 RMB
* 8) listing fee 10 RMB
* 9) Sales tools
* 10) Automatic invoice
* 11) Port service
* o—–o—–o—–o—–ø–
* ^ time
* o—–o—–o—–o—–o—-
* |——|——|——|——|——|——|——|
* ^ startTime ^ endTime
* Order
* =====
* orderId
* starTime
* endTime
* listPrice
* price
* paid
* area
* category
* adId
* 1. Order never change after paid.
* 2. Range [startTime, endTime)
* 3. price, money refer to real money,
* 4. listPrice, $credit refer to fake money.