Featured in That’s Shanghai

I finally got a copy of That’s Shanghai. As Christopher put it, the editor of That’s Shanghai, their copies went away as quick as gold in Shanghai.


Cover of the Jan 2005 issue of That’s Shanghai. The cover story is Siteswapping. Image in courtesy of That’s Shanghai.

The cover story of this issue is called Siteswapping – the infinite links to Virtual Shanghai. Written by Christopher Cottrell, it is an article on how blogs and other English websites are helping foreign people in Shanghai. My blog was featured in this article. I quote part of the article here. Follow the link to read the complete story.

Philippine-born JM couldn’t take it any more. Her new job as manager of an events company was high-pressure personified. But getting to the office and back home – a nerve-racking hour and a half bus ride through Shanghai’s mean streets – left her ragged and worn before the day’s work had even begun. She needed help, and she found it online. At wangjianshuo.com, she clicked on a link that discussed the city’s transport system, which led to a quicker bus route, which in the end cut her commute in half. Another link, to shanghai-ed.com, provided info on the city’s restaurants, which led to another site, which …

Well, you get the idea.

Welcome to virtual Shanghai, where new and long-term residents alike can instantly find information on just about anything. Where one link leads to another in a seemingly infinite series of combinations. Where communities connect.

That such combinations are possible is entirely due to a small and dedicated band of tech-minded wizards. Like Wang Jian Shuo, founder of the eponymous site, wangjianshuo.com, one of the most visited blogs (websites with personal commentary) in Asia.

Originally from Henan, Wang works as a consultant for Microsoft. He launched the site four years ago with a story about the opening of the Pudong International Airport. In a short time the site became Google’s number one hit for searches on the airport. Over the next two years, Wang expanded the site to include in-depth information on Shanghai’s metro, trains, taxis and airports, making it the most reliable source for local transportation advice. Today, the sites averages one million hits each month and has been lauded by BBC, MSNBC and Salon.com. “The original idea,” says Wang, “was to help foreigners understand how to get around Shanghai…the streets can be very chaotic and lifestyle very different from their home countries.”

That idea has grown to include information on everything from finding a room to rent to help wanted ads for fly-fisherman. In addition, the site provides links to personalized Mandarin language sites – wangchen.com; pgao2003.com; Lijia.biz; 9718.net; and run2me.com – and interesting personalities in Shanghai, including Wang, who lists his hand phone number for those who want personal assistance.

Given the sophistication of Wang’s portal and its time-consuming upkeep, one might wonder why he doesn’t seek reward for his hard work by seeking site sponsors or advertising.

“My philosophy is not to make money but to be respected and be considered a good guide…helping other people is my deeper reward and the satisfaction that brings,” says Wang.

To read the full story, visit That’s Shanghai’s website

I’d like to thank Jelly for participation the interview of That’s Shanghai. Thanks Christopher for creating the article. That’s Shanghai is the No. 1 magazine published in English in Shanghai. Other interesting English language magazines are Time Out, Shanghai Talk and CityWeekend. The only one you can read in all Starbucks is CityWeekend though.

Wei renmin fuwu?

At the Website Review section of this issue, John Pasden reviewed Wangjianshuo’s Blog and claimed that “… It’s almost as if he’s being paid by the city to produce the website. Why else would he create an awesome (Chinese only) interactive online map of SHanghai? Why else would he write up detailed descriptions of what you can find outside each subway stop? Wei renmin fuwu (Serve the People) seems to be his credo.” Pretty correct guess on the second part, John! For the first page, I hope the government sponsor me and make the city more accessible for people from outside China.


That’s Shanghai reviews Wangjianshuo’s blog

New Press Report on my Blog

Some kind readers and friends sent me email or commented to let me my blog was mentioned on some media these days. I am certainly happy to know that. I don’t want to show off about the media exposure especially where I was just mentioned. I admit whenever someone posted me “Hey, visit this news site, your site is there!” I feel a little bit anxious. I don’t want anything to sensive repeated to bigger audience. :D

December 19, 2004 / New York Times

Your blog or mine by JEFFREY ROSEN

…”Mu Zimei has released the name of the men who has ever slept with,” wrote a Shanghai blogger named Wangjianshuo. “This is bad. I believe a blog can reveal whatever you want to show about yourself, but not others.” In response to criticism from the blogosphere, Mu Zimei deleted the explicit discussions of her sexual encounters when Sina.com began to serialize her work in November….

Thanks for Richard for notifying me and blogging about it.

January 4, 2005 / blogchina.com

Blog in China: Review of 2004 and forecast for 2005 by Kang Guo Ping

Top 20 Most Impressive Blogs in 2004

8. Wangjianshuo’s blog https://home.wangjianshuo.com The best English blog in China. The author’s open mind is good. Because his serious recording, it gained wide recognition among bloggers.

January 6, 2005 / KQED Pacific Time

A Chinese Blogger in America (Part 1) hosted by Nguyen Qui Duc

It was broadcasted on KQED Public Radio at 6:30 PM on January 4, 2004. It will be aired on many public radio stations in California, Hawaii, Illinos, Iowa, New York, Washington and Hong Kong.

Thanks Nina and Amy to make it happen.

Interviewed by my Favorite Magazine

I was interviewed by my favorite magazine in Shanghai. We had a great conversation. I cannot disclose the name or the reporter of the magazine at this time, before the article is published, but it will be very interesting after it goes out.

Readers of this Blog are Invited for Interview

The magazine is looking for some readers of this blog to participate an interview conducted by reporters in Shanghai. They are very interested to know how readers use this website. Volunteers need to meet the following criteria to be qualified:

  • The participator should be a frequently reader of this site (Wangjianshuo’s Blog). How frequent is frequent? If you think you are, you are.
  • The participator must live in Shanghai (relocated, visiting, or permanent residents, etc). The baseline is, you are in Shanghai when the interview is conducted. I am sorry that many very nice readers do not meet this rule. But this interview is conducted in Shanghai.

The reporter wants to discover how people (with an expat focus) in Shanghai use websites to survive in this city and improve their lives. My site was chosen as a good example. I’d like to take the chance to hear some voices from my readers too. The reporter is very professional and his questions are very interesting.

If you want to share some comments, and (maybe) be mentioned on a very good magazine in Shanghai, please enter your name, your day-time phone number, email address and a very short (optional) description about yourself in the form. All the information you entered will be directly mailed to me and the reporter. I don’t keep the information on the server so it will be used for the interview proposes only. The enrollment closes at 23:00, Dec 10, 2004, Shanghai Local Time.


Day Time Phone Number:

Email Address:


I am looking forward to your participation.

I Saw my Name on BusinessWeek

Matt who grow up in New York City picked up the latest BusinessWeek at work and read the special report named Cult Brands. In the report, he found a IKEA fan named Wang Jian Shuo who has a blog talking about his IKEA experience. He was very interested in IKEA and “wanted to read what you had to say about IKEA in China.”. After surfing on this blog for some time, he finally dropped an email to Wang Jian Shuo. In the email, he said “Just wanted you to know you were mentioned in BusinessWeek in case you didn’t know about it.”

This is the story I learnt this morning. Matt is the first one to tell me my name is mentioned in the special report of the August 2, 2004 issue of BusiessWeek. But he is not the only one. I got more email like this soon.

I was very surprised and went to Google News, then in Wangjianshuo and there is no result. Then I searched for Wang Jian Shuo and the online version of the article Matt mentioned came out.


Content in courtesy of BusinessWeek

The article on my experience of IKEA is More IKEA Furniture in my Home. I have more information on IKEA on this site. I have an IKEA category

IKEA (Shanghai) Pictures, IKEA Becomes Cheap in China and New IKEA Store Opens in Shanghai. I thought I will end my IKEA experience after I grow older, but Wendy and I finally did the largest Bulk Purchase from IKEA just one week ago.

Nice to be Noticed

I shared this information with my close friends and one said “Oh, my God!” when they see my name in the famous magazine. Wendy said “You started to be passionate about personality cult (Zi Lian) these days.” :-D Just as Cult Brands in the article, people started the cult of personality of oneself. :-D

It is just interesting. It does not prove anything, at least, I am not on the cover and the article is not about me. Wait a minute, what if I do put my photo on the cover? Haha. Just kidding.

The online version of the article is here:


The paragraph is under section “Group Think”. Check it out if you are interested.

Update Sorry again July 29, 2004

Oops. I thought I have fixed the email notification problem but it seems even worse. I sent out the same notification for 18 times today. I suspect it should has some relationship with MTBlackList. Sorry. Sorry. The good thing is, nobody complained yet. I will close the notification service for a while until I finally confirm the notification will never send multiple email.

My Blog on Microsoft.com

As I said in this article, “blogging is become really, really hot in Microsoft”. Here are more evidence to it.

If you visit Microsoft.com today and click Communities under Resources on the left navigation bar, you will reach the community page (I love communities. I have been working in this division before). There is a blogs entry on the left navigation bar.

The link leads to the Microsoft Community Blogs portal.


Screenshot in Courtesy of Microsoft.com

Microsoft.com enable all Microsoft Full Time Employees to publish their blogs onto the website. I am still looking for ways to publish only Microsoft related topics to the site yet.

Search for Wangjianshuo with the search tool and you can see my blog there.

Wangjianshuo’s Blog is Famous

I am really flattered. Tchoo-Tchoo sent me MSN Message:

  • “You know you are really famous among foreigners…”
  • “I happen to discover that almost every French friend of me have visited your blog and are regular readers”
  • “I was so pound of myself to tell them that I KNOW YOU PERSONALLY”
  • “They were all surprised: Really? how do u know this guy?”

Thanks Tchoo-Tchoo. It brings me good mood to the day. I want to put a small announcement here: “Yes. I know a wonderful girl named Tchoo-Tchoo. She is a good girl with many independent thoughts.” I hope this give her some visibility among all her friends.

45,000 Unique Visitors

I checked my server log and was surprised to find that the average monthly unique visitors to this site increased 45,000 per month. That means, 45,000 persons from 109 countries visited my website every month!

People in the following 109 countries/regions are visiting Wangjianshuo’s Blog

    ae United Arab Emirates

    al Albania

    ar Argentina

    at Austria

    au Australia

    aw Aruba

    ba Bosnia and Herzegowina

    be Belgium

    bg Bulgaria

    bn Brunei Darussalam

    br Brazil

    bs Bahamas

    by Belarus

    bz Belize

    ca Canada

    cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands

    ch Switzerland

    cl Chile

    cn China

    co Colombia

    cr Costa Rica

    cu Cuba

    cy Cyprus

    cz Czech Republic

    de Germany

    dk Denmark

    do Dominican Republic

    ec Ecuador

    ee Estonia

    eg Egypt

    es Spain

    fi Finland

    fj Fiji

    fr France

    gr Greece

    gt Guatemala

    hk Hong Kong

    hn Honduras

    hr Croatia (local name: Hrvatska)

    hu Hungary

    id Indonesia

    ie Ireland

    il Israel

    in India

    ir Iran (Islamic Republic of)

    is Iceland

    it Italy

    jm Jamaica

    jp Japan

    ke Kenya

    kh Cambodia

    kr Korea, Republic of

    ky Cayman Islands

    kz Kazakhstan

    lb Lebanon

    lk Sri Lanka

    lt Lithuania

    lu Luxembourg

    lv Latvia

    ma Morocco

    mg Madagascar

    mk Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav republic OF

    mt Malta

    mu Mauritius

    mx Mexico

    my Malaysia

    na Namibia

    ni Nicaragua

    nl Netherlands

    no Norway

    np Nepal

    nu Niue

    nz New Zealand

    pa Panama

    pe Peru

    pf French Polynesia

    ph Philippines

    pk Pakistan

    pl Poland

    pt Portugal

    qa Qatar

    ro Romania

    ru Russian Federation

    sa Saudi Arabia

    se Sweden

    sg Singapore

    si Slovenia

    sk Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

    sy Syrian Arab Republic

    tc Turks and Caicos Islands

    tg Togo

    th Thailand

    to Tonga

    tr Turkey

    tt Trinidad and Tobago

    tv Tuvalu

    tw Taiwan, Province of China

    ua Ukraine

    ug Uganda

    uk United Kingdom

    us United States

    uy Uruguay

    ve Venezuela

    vi Virgin Islands (US)

    vn Viet Nam

    yu Yugoslavia

    za South Africa

    zm Zambia

    zw Zimbabwe

    Source: Wangjianshuo’s Blog Site Statistics of May, 2004

Even I cannot believe this. I started wangjianshuo.com in 2001, put some pages on to the hosted server at Hotsales, and was very happy to see two or three visitors coming to my personal page everyday. When I put the Pudong Airport information on to my personal site and it quickly went to the #1 result in Google for Pudong airport. I know a report about Shanghai from a local resident’s perspective may be interesting. I put more information like taxi and map onto the site and traffic is moving up. When I started my blogging site in 2002, the number of visitors kept increasing every month. Now I see about 2000 unique IP address in my server log everyday and I know a large portion of them are regular visitors (because 38% of page views comes from direct URL or bookmark). 5.5% visitors stayed on this website for more than 30 minutes and 2% stayed for more than 1 hour. I am very encouraged. Thanks everyone for your support. Well. Now it is a famous site. Haha.

Reviewed by ChinaHerald.net

Fons posted a review of Wangjianshuo’s blog on Chinaherald.net. It is the first formal and long review of my site. I guess I am the most interested person in the world to read this article. It gives me some feedback of the site from another point of view.

Feedbacks are always encouraging. I am very happy to see people posting comments on my articles; I will be happier if I see an incoming link; then you know how happy I was when I saw a review for my blog. Thanks, Fons. (I am not very sure whether the review was written by Ann Arbor, as signed at the end of the article, or Fons, who notified me of the review, or the two names are the same person. Let me assume Fons is the author. Correct me if I am wrong here, Fons.)

The IT-engineer Wang Jian Shuo is one of very few English language web logs that does not have the overly pretentious approach like most English language weblogs on China – including the China Herald. Here is Jian Shuo, telling about the daily worries of a Shanghainese citizen. Read on… (quoted in courtesy of chinaherald.net)

I don’t Mention my Employer Anymore

In the review, Fons observed that “The only thing he does not mention anymore is his employer.” Fons guessed “that they (the employer) called him in and had a talk. Companies do not like it when their employees blog about them. They might easy lose control.”

“Called me in and Have a Talk?”

Well. It was a reasonable guess. I would draw the same conclusion if I were an outsider. However, the real story behind that is just the opposite.

I never wanted to hide the fact that I am working for Microsoft, which I am very proud of. Microsoft is very open to blogging, more open than I could imagine. There are dedicated people within the company to drive the community effort, including newsgroups, online chat, web forums, and blogs. As you may know, I was the team lead for the Asia Community Support Team responsible to drive Microsoft employee in Asia (every single person within Microsoft) to join the newsgroups or local communities to help customers and listen to customers. The effort is continuing.

Regarding blogs, Microsoft encourages its employees to setup blogs and share his/her work “in a personalized, influential way, and to read about what (the) community is doing”. Check http://blogs.msdn.com/ to get a list of Microsoft guys who just started a technical blog. They are there to share what they are working on in a “personalized, influential way”.

More Microsoft bloggers are not on the http://blogs.msdn.com list than those on the list. For example, we have energetic and influential bloggers like Robert Scoble. He has made big impact with his blog.

In short, no body called me in and had a talk. If there will be some talk, there must be someone call me in and ask me to put more Microsoft information onto this blog. You know, it is the style of a Microsoft manager: “Hey. Do you think by sharing your knowledge on technology will help our customers? So just go ahead to do it!”

As an insider of the company, I observe so many changes inside the company that strike for better customer and partner experience. That is the reason I am still so passionate about this company after working here for 5 years.

The Real Reason

The real reason is simple. I just want to be known as a normal person, “telling about the daily worries of a Shanghainese citizen” (as Fons commented). Talking about job related stuff is out of the topic of this site. Actually, I am seriously thinking of creating another blog (not hosted on this site. Maybe another business oriented domain) and share my job related stuff with people who do business with my team outside Microsoft. Blogging is a better tool of effective communicating, then email, even website.

Back to Topic

OK. It is enough about the reason why I didn’t mention the little M in my blog in the recent one year). Thanks Fons for giving an opportunity to talk a little bit about the topic. Please be sure I am not defensive at all. If you give me a chance, I will tell you the happy life I am leading in business hours as I did for my personal hours.

I didn’t put the employers name because I don’t want the visitor to ignore that fact that I am just a normal citizen in this big city with 16,000,000,000+16,000,000+ people. (Thanks for Xu’s correction.)

P.S. another short correction: I rent cars and don’t own one yet. :)

Voted as Top 10 Blogs in China

I am honored to be voted as Top 10 Blogs in China 2003 (Chinese site) in the English blog category.


Logo in courtesy of wesnapcity.com

I’d like to congratulate those ten blogs in Chinese blog category, since the competition is much hotter there. 2003 is the year blogs got popular and attracted much attention. They did wonderful job. Here is the winners in the Chinese blog category.

English Blogs

In the English blog category, many are expats. Based on my knowledge, Leylop and I am exception.

I have to learn so much from them on English writing.

The Best of the Best Blogs

Although we got the prize, I know the actual winner should be the orgnizers of the award. Their blogs are listed on the right of the award page.

They consistently drove the popularity of blogs in China. Among them, we have the founders of CNBlog.org, Blogbus.com and Blogcn.com. The big names in the blog world in China. I have the honor to meet some of them and enjoyed their inspiration in minds.

The Prize

According to the Award Committee, I can get one-year subscription of E-Times Weekly, a sweater from CNBlog.org, coupon for Freeland Internet Bar and current issue of ESPN. Wow! Very nice. I know the organizers put their own money to sponsor the prize. Your effort (and money) is appreciated.

My Name is on Mars

Everyone knows the explorer rover “spirit” has landed on Mars successfully. It is expect to explore the surface of Mars in the following days, after it overcome the barriers before it.


Image courtesy of NASA

I am feeling connected with this little robot since it carried my name, Jian Shuo Wang, to the remote red planet.

Send Your Name to Mars Project

On December 10, 2001, I signed up the project and entered my name into it. Then my name has been burned into a DVD along with other participants?name. The disk bearing my name has been sent to Mars already.

I happily printed and kept my Mars Exploration Rover-2003 Mission Participation Certificate. The certificate is also available via NASA’s name query page.


The DVD is There!!!

Here is the latest image transmitted from the rover. It clearly shows the DVD.


A picture of the DVD from Mars! Credit: NASA

Here is the closer look of the DVD.


Image courtesy of NASA

Below is the same disk before it was mounted to the lander. You see there is a robot there and Hello. Around its rim is a message, written in a secret code of dots and lines. I didn’t try to decode it.


Image courtesy of Red Rover Goes to Mars

Below is the picture taken when the disk is installed onto “spirit?


Image Credit: NASA

“The red arrow above points to one of the DVDs containing the 3,551,645 names that are being sent to Mars on both of the Mars Exploration Rover. Click here to see a much higher resolution image disk! Learn how the DVD was packaged for space flight. Both landers will carry a copy of the Name Disk! “, the website announced.

Of cause, this project stopped taking names already. If you haven’t signed your name by November 15, 2002, midnight EST, you already missed the very good chance.

Now, there is a similar project: Deep Impact: Send Your Name to a Comet! I have got my certificate. Why not go there and sign up today?

P.S. It inspired me of a similar project – Send Your Name to Jian Shuo Wang’s Kitchen. Do you want your name to be sticked to somewhere in the heart of the city of Shanghai? You can sign your name on this page, and I will write it down (instead of burning a DVD) with my own handwriting and posted to the refrigerator in my kitchen. Two pictures will be taken and posted when the paper successfully lands on the surface of my refrigerator. The deadline for sign up is December 20, 2004, Shanghai Time. :-D Just kidding.

Wangjianshuo.Com Featured in Shanghai Magzine

I am surprised to find out that wangjianshuo.com on the local newspaper named Shanghai Magzine.


Image source: Page 66, Shanghai Magzine, April 2003

Here is the translation:

Being a personal website, Wang Jian Shuo’s is much more special. Under the completely English interface are the informative and practical Shanghai guide (such as where to rent a taxi for 7 persons), beautiful scene from travel around (from Xi’an to Seattle, from Hainan to Daocheng); There are also his sweet personal life (after 6.5 years, his marriage ceremony will be held in early May); There are even a BBS for visitors to post and communicate.

As a excellent graduate in the IT industry, Wang Jian Shuo take high command of technology of website. This personal website is clear in structure, the massive hyperlink looks just like a special maze – it is not intend to confusing people; it brings pleasure and enjoyment for visitors. For visit coming from aboard, this website is a window for Shanghai and a sketch of the young generation of Shanghai.

Thanks for Xiaolong for reporting my site in the popular magzine.

This Site Listed on MSNBC.COM, as SARS Blog

To my surprise, I found my site was listed on MSNBC.com. Here is the URL:


In a similar vein, Shanghai blogger Jian Shuo Wang is using the help of e-mail from friends to disseminate SARS information on his blog. “Emails are always quicker than local newspapers,” he points out. As early as February 12, before the illness was even given a name, Jian Shuo Wang was relying on, and blogging about, reports from friends in Guangzhou about concern over the disease taking serious hold on the population there.


I love the idea of Weblog Central on MSNBC. It is the “gates to the world of personal news”. The best thing is that it gives chances for small sites to be listed on the famous news site. My friend R G runs his site of Tiger Cafe and was listed as Best Food Blog. He was also very happy about the link.

Face masks – I was scared, really scared

Want to know people really feel in a SARS infected areas? I can tell you. Before 11:38 AM today, I can still talk about SARS, the data of infected people and how serious the problem is with ease. At 12:38 AM, I saw the first person wearing mask on the street. At 12:40 AM, I saw the second.

I suddenly doubt the quality of the air – I felt shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. It is true – I mean physically. The world suddenly seems so dangerous – just like everyone is dangerous. Although I feel OK very soon, but I do remember the feeling of the shock at that time.

Feeling the danger

To realize the danger and to feel the danger are too different thing. When you realize the danger, you are not worried. What do you think if you know that in Guangzhou, the traffic accidents killed 1739 people in the city of Guangzhou in the year of 2002 alone? (source: pcauto.com [Chinese site])? You are not scared and the travel and business trip to Guangzhou will not be paused. This number is much larger than the number of SARS infected people in Guangzhou. But the world is just more concerned about SARS than traffic accident – it is not because SARS is more dangerous, it is because people can feel the danger.

Forbes Interview – cont.

Today I dressed very formal – business formal for the interview of Forbes. I am not used to dressing so formal actually – I am always a causual boy instead of a business man.

The interview is very interesting. Actually, I am very impressed by the friendly reporter from Forbes. She did very well in asking quesitons – detailed and tough questions. She even asked about where I came from. “Henan”. I said. “Then which city?” “Luoyang” “What is the population of Luoyang?” “About 2 million for urban area and 6 million in total”. You see, this is the profesionalist of a journalist. She really looks into details and want to find something special and interesting from the details.

It is a very interesting interview. Thanks to Robyn.

Forbes Interview

I am informed that I will be interviewed by Forbes tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong. I am interviewed not because of my accomplishment, instead, I am selected as the representive from GTEC to describe how GTEC can be so successful. This is not the first time for me to be interviewed. The history includes some famous media like People’s daily, China Youth Daily, Xin Min Weekly, 21 Economy Observer, Shanghai TV, but most of them want to know more about GTEC. Actually, I am on the should of a gaint. But tomorrow, it is the first time I am interviewed by a foreign media.

I have to say, there are many “secrets” behind the success of GTEC. I really love this place and enjoy working with smart people around me. Let me think about what I have to say to Forbes and update you with the experience tomorrow.

Attended Media Conference in Microsoft

The 30 medias cover almost all famous national wide or Shanghai local newspapers and television, such as CCTV, Guang Ming Daily, China Youth Daily, Beijing Youth Daily, CEO&CIO, Xin Hua News Agency, China News Service,

People’s Daily, Economic Daily, China Daily, Computer World, China Infoworld, China Business, Global Entrepreneurs, Jie Fang Daily, Wen Hui Daily, Xin Min Weekly, Xin Min Evening News, Shanghai Morning Post, Orient TV, Shanghai TV, Eastday.com and Shanghai Online.

I presented “Growing with GTEC?on my experience in Microsoft and Microsoft culture such as passion for technology, customer focused and broad opportunities.

Afterward, I was interviewed by Miss Huang Qinlei from Shanghai Broadcasting Network. The topic is about my experience in Microsoft, the training mechanism in Microsoft and employee life.

The report on China Youth Daily

For complete report, please visit web site of China Youth Daily.


Hereby, I would like to correct the fact in the report.I didn’t visited tens of countries as stated in the report. The number 2000 is not the number of customers. It is the number of cases.

The report on Economy Observer

For complete report, please visit web site of Sina.


Hereby, I would like to correct the fact in the report.It seems the reporter mixed the fact that I appeared only in the media conference held in Shanghai and the Beijing event. The fact is, I didn’t go to Beijing with Jun at that time.

Report on China Central Television Channel 4

P.S. This entry was previously published at 2001-11-30 20:35:04