Today I dressed very formal – business formal for the interview of Forbes. I am not used to dressing so formal actually – I am always a causual boy instead of a business man.
The interview is very interesting. Actually, I am very impressed by the friendly reporter from Forbes. She did very well in asking quesitons – detailed and tough questions. She even asked about where I came from. “Henan”. I said. “Then which city?” “Luoyang” “What is the population of Luoyang?” “About 2 million for urban area and 6 million in total”. You see, this is the profesionalist of a journalist. She really looks into details and want to find something special and interesting from the details.
It is a very interesting interview. Thanks to Robyn.
nothing more to say, just admire you so much.
I hope my son could be such a great talent like you…
I just added a link on my blog to your site. If you ask me to remove it I will, but I put it there because your site is so wonderful and it makes me happy. You have good information here! I’ve never been to Asia but would love to go someday. Thank you for sharing your photos and for helping answer questions about your country!