Voted as Top 10 Blogs in China

I am honored to be voted as Top 10 Blogs in China 2003 (Chinese site) in the English blog category.

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I’d like to congratulate those ten blogs in Chinese blog category, since the competition is much hotter there. 2003 is the year blogs got popular and attracted much attention. They did wonderful job. Here is the winners in the Chinese blog category.

English Blogs

In the English blog category, many are expats. Based on my knowledge, Leylop and I am exception.

I have to learn so much from them on English writing.

The Best of the Best Blogs

Although we got the prize, I know the actual winner should be the orgnizers of the award. Their blogs are listed on the right of the award page.

They consistently drove the popularity of blogs in China. Among them, we have the founders of, and The big names in the blog world in China. I have the honor to meet some of them and enjoyed their inspiration in minds.

The Prize

According to the Award Committee, I can get one-year subscription of E-Times Weekly, a sweater from, coupon for Freeland Internet Bar and current issue of ESPN. Wow! Very nice. I know the organizers put their own money to sponsor the prize. Your effort (and money) is appreciated.

28 thoughts on “Voted as Top 10 Blogs in China

  1. Congratulations, Jian Shuo! :-) Among the billions and billions of web sites out there today, it is not easy to make a distinction!

  2. Different from ELLEN’s view, I will read weblog first (if I do have time to read newspapers:) because bloggers introduce facts arround them with no filtering and good bloggers like Jianshuo are quick because they don’t need permission to speak out.

    Well done, Jianshuo! We will see the world’s change in 5 years.

  3. Ni hao!

    Wo jiao anonyMoses. Wo shuo yingwen. Ni hui shuo yingwen ma? Ni dong le ma?

    Well…I tried.

    Congratulations on the success of your blog!

    I found it by doing a Google search on 10 best blogs, and yours was up at the top.



    Charlotte, North Carolina, (USA)

  4. Winston Churchill once said “…………was so much owe by so many to so few”


  5. CONGRATULATIONS from Venezuelafor your prize as agood chinese blogger. I have looked at your blog once or twice.

    Keep it. I am sure you understand the importance of your work, being a main land chinese IN ENGLISH.

    Congratlations again.

    By the way, I keep one blog “The Jolly Corner” with comments on Venezuela and the Americas issues. In it I mix english with spanish in order to attract more visitors.

    Bye, bye…

  6. I am really interested in how the blogging community connects to itself, like how does someone in China like you get people to start reading and taking an interest in your blog? I am pretty new to this!

  7. We all want to know how to get pics into China — especially into Chinese Google — that China won’t let in (pics such as the Tiananmen Square Massacre). Any ideas?



  8. Hi Jianhsuo,

    Sorry for writing off the topic, how can I contact you and is it possible to exchange links with you?

    I am hosting a series of free Mandarin Chinese podcast lessons (, I’m sure they can be useful for your readers and help them learn some basic Mandarin.


  9. The book “White Male Privilege” might be of use to some of the people in China in regards to help defeat racism. It is available on and The United Kingdom Amazon has a synopsis of the book.

  10. I learned something about wang jianshuo from 21st century.I learned that wang jianshuo is a very popular and talented gentleman. i want to communicate with him by e-mail.

    I want to know the e-mail address of wang jianshuo .

    I want to know the e-mail address of wang jianshuo .

    I want to know the e-mail address of wang jianshuo .

    Mine is

  11. I am a teacher of english in a senior middle school in hebei province. I am crazy about english . I want to communicate with wang jianshuo in english to improve my english.I want to communicate with wang jianshuo in english to improve my english.

    I want to communicate with wang jianshuo in english to improve my english.

    I want to communicate with wang jianshuo in english to improve my english.

    I want to communicate with wang jianshuo in english to improve my english.

    My e-mail address is

  12. Mr. wang jianshuo ,

    i am a teacher of english in a senior middle school of a small county of hebei province.

    I am a middle-aged woman.I am crazy about english but i have little chance to practise my oral english in my everyday life .All my colleagues are too shy to speak english face to face. They only use english in their class .i really hope to chat or write some letters in english with some friends on line.

    It is very interesting that we have the same family name and my given name is jianyun.

    I am eager to find a friend to communicate in english.

  13. The 2010 TIME 100 Poll

    Kim earned South Korea’s first ever Olympic figure-skating medal, a gold one at that, during the Vancouver Games. Her graceful command of the ice – her Olympic programs earned the highest scores from judges since a new scoring system was instituted in 2006 – is single-handedly making skating the sport to watch in her golf-obsessed nation,28804,1972075_1972078_1972684,00.html

  14. Its great to get the list of blogs from china at an single place. This site provides me an immediate search result of what i need. Thank you.

  15. Mr Jianshuo ,

    I have just started blogging in English which is not mother language.

    I am searching and learning on how to blog successful.

    Right now I am rambling … congrat for being voted

  16. 平时看英语都头疼,不过时常去国外的博客上溜达一圈,发现自己英语阅读水平上去了,可写的水平一直未曾见长~

  17. Greetings from Oregon. america. I am just looking to find what is available for English conversation with china citizens!!Your president was just here and I was looking to write him,can’t find a e-mail to his office! I am very concerned about the nuclear issue as China and India are going to join others in substantial investments in this source of energy. Are you free to hear my views on the subject? I attended the Hoi Concert in 1982 when buisiness reps came from China and were attending this concert as a tribute to China and America partnerships. I have witnessed a great change , inspiered by a people who are doing well by each other. If you are interested in conversing. please contact me,Jamie

  18. 按计划阿拉伯风格的抗议活动中警察鼻烟


    路透社 – 50分钟前





    北京/上海 – 警察驱散聚集的人谁上周日在北京市中心电话后,分散在网上呼吁由中国在中东地区的抗议集会启发民运集会分数。






    “他们为什么要带我走?我只是一个匆匆过客,”那人说,谁不愿透露姓名。 “民主是什么呢?”














    鄚之酗,北京持不同政见者,他还简要地说,在上周末举行。 “警方担心茉莉花革命。这是荒谬的,”他说。他说:”革命的电话是一个希望的表达,但为时太早的发生这样的事情讲。”



    该网站已阻止埃及的讨论。上周末,消息连锁店使用的”茉莉花”中的话 – 像在中东茉莉花革命 – 被封锁了。

    “这似乎是一个玩笑,说:”一个大学生,谁只是想为韩而闻名。 “我不认为很多人根本不知道这是什么游行代表。”

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