I am an experienced speaker or trainer with long Speech and Training List. I am happy to share my tips and practices with other new trainers. Recently, I hold two-day training on Presentation Skills to 25 persons and got the following feedback (all are on 1 – 5 scale).
Training Result
Overall, I am satisfied with this training. | 5.00 |
The trainer did a good job on delivering the training | 5.00 |
The trainer provides enough time for questions and answers | 4.96 |
The attendees are encouraged to participate in discussion | 5.00 |
The training is very convincing and valuable | 5.00 |
The training is very helpful to my current work and development. | 4.92 |
- The training is full of knowledge and interests.
- Very helpful.
- Very Satisfied.
- Perfect.
- Hope to receive such high-level training later.
- The training is perfect.
- This is the best training ever.
- You make me know that training is also a skill which we can improve by learning and practicing.
- Very good and useful, a friendly trainer.
- If possible, it can last longer and I believe we can learn more in details.
I am happy with the result. Here is the Become a Good Speaker PPT (668K) (update: link corrected) if anyone are interested in becoming a good training or presentation. As stated in the last slide, some content used in the presentation are credited to:
- 21 Secrets to Become a Good Speaker – Kai-Fu Lee, Microsoft
- Creating Effective Workshop – Richard Ong, PAAP
- Personal Experience – Jian Shuo Wang
- PPT Template Adopted from Maryfj, BBFM