Wangjianshuo’s Blog Template Archives 2007

These are the templates I am using for 2007. In case you are also using MovableType and want to create a blog like this, this may be of help.

Master Archive Index

See it in action:

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<p><i>Daily journal by <a href=””>Jian Shuo Wang</a>, <a href=””>Shanghai</a>,


<h3>Current Column</h3>


<MTEntries lastn=”1″>

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<h3>Previous entries</h3>

<p>Here is a long list of all articles I wrote for Wangjianshuo’s Blog. It helps you to quickly locate a blog in the past.

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<li class=0>Press Ctrl+D to add this page to your favorite.

<li class=0>Click <a href=”” target=”_search”>here</a> to load the list into the search pane, making it easier to navigate through articles</ol>

<p>Alternatives to locate an old entry are:

<ol><li class=”0″>Enter keyword at the Search box on the right-top corner and click Search. It searches the site using Google.

<li class=”0″>Browse my <a href=””>directory</a> to see categorized articles.</ol>

<p>Wish you enjoy your stay at Wangjianshuo’s Blog. </p>


<MTArchiveList archive_type=”Monthly”>

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<li class=”<$MTEntryCommentCount$>”><a href=”<$MTEntryLink$>”><$MTEntryTitle$></a> <span class=”small-note”><$MTEntryDate format=”%B %d, %Y” $></span></li>





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long as you provide a link back to the original page. If you want to use the

<b>whole article</b> and picture on this site, please notify me before doing that – I

will often give you the permission free of charge.</p>


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Main Index

See it in action:

Please note: there are many modules in it. For a list of key modules, please see list at the end of this article.

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<title>Wangjianshuo’s Blog</title>

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<meta name=”description” content=”Events (in Shanghai) that affect my life (and others’). It is Wangjianshuos’s Blog including Shanghai travel, Shanghai hotels, Shanghai tour, Shanghai map, Shanghai weather, Shanghai bus, Shanghai photos, Shanghai travel advices, Shanghai dining suggestions, Shanghai shopping, Shanghai night, Maglev, metro, and taxi. It also covers Shanghai news, internet access, and mobiles in Shanghai.” />

<meta name=”keywords” content=”Shanghai tour, Shanghai Hotel, Shanghai map; Shanghai weather; Shanghai tour, shanghai taxi; bus, pictures, photos, hotels, attractions, shanghai china.” />

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Comment Module

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Update May 2, 2008

This is the latest individual archive template:

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Microsoft GTEC’s 10 Year Anniversary

Happy Birthday to GTEC (Microsoft Global Technical Engineering Center)! It is the 10th anniversary today. It is the first organization I have worked with, and feel strongest connection with this organization, with friends there, and the culture there.

10 years ago, Jun started a technical support center (a small team to be more exactly) in Shanghai. After that, it got many different names.

At the very beginning, it was called “Microsoft Great China Technical Support Center”, or GCRSC.

I joined the center at the end of 1998 (to be more exactly, I attended the campus recruiting on Dec 4, and got the offer one week later, then first work from Jan 18, 1999). At that time, there are only 50+ people there, and it is at the beginning of early expansion. I still remember the full house of the campus recruiting, and 4000+ students attended the written test, and 50 of them was interviewed, and I was the final lucky guy, who is the only person hired by Microsoft that year. I even cannot believe how lucky I was. As I told people, I have the confidence to be in 20% of the candidates, but never imagined I can got the single opportunity out of the 4000+ written test candidate. Then my email always starts with “Thank you for contacting Microsoft Greater China Regional Support Center”.

After that, it was renamed AREC (Microsoft Asia Regional Engineering Center), after it expanded the business scope from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to the whole Asia. Among the countries we support, Korea and India are notable. I started to talk with customers from the whole Asia.

Then, it was renamed again, as Microsoft Global Technical Engineering Center, when the online support business for both Office, and Windows was shifted to China. Following the consumer end product, developer support, and premium support from U.S. and Europe were also shifted to the center. It is really a global center there. It was then when I left the center for Microsoft Consulting Services, and then joined eBay to start Kijiji.

Now, it is renamed again as Microsoft Global Technical Support Center (GTSC).

I am with this center for more than 6 years, and many of my friends are there for 10 years. It is the biggest source of inspiration for me. It is where my career starts. I feel very grateful for the organization, and Jun, who started it and led it.

Today, we held a small celebrating party with Jun and many old GTEC people. We then had dinner together – a really big table.

Here are some pictures I got from my computer disk:

My desk of my cubicle in 2001.

My badge.

The badge in Metro Tower office building:

One version of my name card in Microsoft.

Me at that time – 2002

Photos of CNBloggerCon

Sitting at home (actually not in home today), and cannot attend the cnbloggercon (Chinese Blogger Conference), I have to rely on friends’ Flickr photos to get some idea about how the conference is going. The good thing is, currently, with more social applications, and more discovery methods (tagging, or RSS), and more rich media (video and photo), I feel I am almost there.

Photograph by Yining

Photograph by Yining

Such a big conference room!

To be honest, I just feel it is not as interesting as previous conference. It is too big, too formal, and too mixed of various people (not just bloggers)…

Anyone who attended, your comments?

P.S. I am complaining to China Mobile recently. There is no mobile signal in my home! Today, Will sent me a SMS and claimed that he has downgraded his rating of both Wendy and my mobile phones from “Phone” to “Pager”, since he never get through the line, and can only send SMS to me.

Cannot Attend the 3rd Blogger Conference

I attended the first Chinese Blogger Conference in Shanghai in 2005, the second in Hangzhou in 2006, and planned to attend all the rest, but this time, I have to miss the conference in Beijing.

I will track the conference with flickr – I believe all the attendants should post very nice pictures in real time to the site.

For all those who are in Beijing already, have great time there!

I have written a Chinese entry with the same title. As a gift to the conference, I listed all the 2000 blog articles I wrote in the last 5 years. You may want to take a look there – since the list is too long.