Real-Time Stream Broadcasting Cookbook

9:50 PM

As I promised before, I will share with the steps to set up a webcam to broadcast real time video with Windows Media Encoder in this article.

Before I begin, please visit my webcam page to experience what you are going to create. (It will open a new window.)


There are two part of this article. The first part is the client side configuration. Please make you check you can view the content of my webcam from your Windows client. A simple troubleshooting guide is included.

The second part is the server side configuration. I will guide you to setup the hardware and software on the server side, so you can broadcast what your webcam captures to the whole world.

Client side platform supported

Your experience will depend on the operating system you are using.

  • Windows XP. You should not encounter with any problem if you are using Windows XP, since it includes Windows Media Player Windows Media Player 8.0.
  • Windows 2000. If you are using Windows 2000, which includes Windows Media 7.1, you will be prompted to install Windows Media 8.0 codec. Choose Yes if you want to continue to view.
  • Windows 98, Windows 95 I haven’t tried yet, but it should be more complex to get it work. It includes Windows Media Player 6.4 by default.
  • Mac. If you cannot view it, try download Windows Media Player for Mac OS X. To be honest, I haven’t tried to view my broadcasting on a Mac computer now.
  • Solaris Download Windows Media Player 6.3 for Solaris. I was working of Solaris when I was in Tele cooperation Lab when I was a senior in SJTU. But I believe not so many people is using Solaris now, especially for viewing online media.
  • Other OS. I don’t know how to view it. :-(

Bandwidth required

I am using broadband in my home. You should also use a high speed connection. I have tested it from different locations around China. It works very good for both broadband connection or T1. My friend Bill Lum also told me that he can view the video smoothly in San Francisco. For modem dial-up, maybe you can only see black window, with “buffering” always there on status bar. Try a faster connection.

Troubleshooting when connecting

Check the status bar of the Windows Media Player. The correct status bar sequence should be

  • Connecting…
  • Connecting to Media…
  • Buffering: xx% complete…
  • Buffering: 100% complete…
  • Playing

If you see Ready in status bar but the video does not come out, it means there is a connection problem, or the Windows Media Encoder is not running on my server side.

If you can only see stable Buffering, it must be a speed problem.

Hurry, tell me how you made it

Well. After addressing the client side requirements and troubleshooting steps, let’s take a look at the server side.


A normal computer that can run Windows XP is fine. Mine is a Intel Celeron 440, 256M Memory. Pretty low configured, isn’t it?


I am using Windows XP. Windows 2000 will also do.


Any webcam should be fine. I am using Samsung Anycam. The only annoying thing I met was, Windows does not natively support it, so I need to download driver separately for it.

Media Server

Broadcasting from home does not need a Windows Media Server, the only software you need is Windows Media Encoder. It is FREE. You can download the latest version from Microsoft web site.

Install the Windows Media Encoder

Download Windows Media Encoder (9 MB) first. Installation the Windows Media 9 Series is as easy as installing any other Microsoft product, even easier. Click Next forth and click the Finish button will do the work. The only additional step you need to go is choosing “I agree” at the End User License Agreement page.

Configure Windows Media Encoder

Follow the New Session Wizard. It should be very easy step, since more of the questions are easy to understand. Here are some tips:

  • Select “Broadcast a live event…” since you are not broadcasting a piece of video you have recorded.
  • Select the camera in Video source.
  • You can select your Audio source too, but don’t expect the sound effect is good. You can use a .WAV file as background music.
  • HTTP port. Just leave it as it was — 8080. Change it if you have to.
  • Always select Pull instead of Push, since you don’t have Windows Media Server.
  • For profile selection, you can try different profile that meet your needs. The common rule is, the higher the resolution is, the more bandwidth it requires. I am using 320×240 in size, 15 fps, and on 100 kbps.
  • Think carefully when entering Title and Author, it will be displayed on the viewer’s media player.
  • Finally, do NOT select save the video to file unless the video is really important or you have enough disk space.

After everything is done, click “Start Encoding”. Congratulations. The server part is done.

How about the client then?

To test, you can open Windows Media Player, click Open URL… on the File menu. In the “Open URL…” dialog box, enter your media source like this,

(It is valid source and you can try to open it)

Substitute the source with your server name and the port you chose.

If you can see the video, you can go ahead to create a web page so others can directly view it on a web page as I did.

You can copy the source code of my page into your page. You are free to do so and you don’t need to link back since I got the source code from MSDN sample.


If you have successfully setup your own Windows Media server and can broadcast to the Internet, I will congratulate you on the achievement. I will feel very happy for the 1.5 hour I have spent on this article. My only requirement for you is to write a comment under this article and share the URL of your online broadcasting station with my readers.

“Oops. It does not work as you said”

It may also be common. Write a comment under this article so all the community members, including me, can help you on that.

Happy broadcasting!


  • I am happy that Joe setup his cam using steps listed in this article. Thanks for linking back. See his cam Nov 24, 2002

95 thoughts on “Real-Time Stream Broadcasting Cookbook

  1. hi,

    sorry it doesn’t work. Windows media encoder says : the device is not connected

    but this is not possible.

    with other programms i don’t have any problems with capturing. I am using a ati all in wonder card

    Can you help me ?

    warm regards


  2. I got the cam up and running.. but I dont have the page source to create the page.. yr cource code has been altered so it will not broadcast anymore. Can u tell me what changes u made to stop the reocording so I can get it going on my site?? thanx Man. other then that.. it is working great! AND on Win ME too..

  3. I am using Windows Media Encoder 9 on an XP Pro PC connected to the Internet via DSL with dynamic IP.

    I followed the steps to broadcast live from my connected Sony DV Camcorder. Problem is that in the Wizard the Media Encoder sets the following http: and the problem is that is the Local Ethernet Adapter’s IP Address, not the PPP Adapter’s IP address.

    I can view the broadcast using my local Windows Media 9 player (entering the above http as URL), but someone else connected to the internet cannot pull the broadcast.

    Any help?


  4. i have the same problem as alex wrote with the ip adress. i can see the webcam but somone else not. thanks hans.

  5. Thanks for this helpful page (much more informative than any of the Microsoft pages!) I was able to get my webcam running very quickly.

    re: the above comments, I am using DSL with dynamic IP also, but i run an ipcop firewall which updates an DNS account everytime the IP address changes. This allows me to host a domain even though the ip address can change.

  6. in fact i want ask you please if you can tell me

    how to setup my computer after installed windows

    media server and windows media encoder to send audio stream to another computer that connected

    through the LAN network.

    please inform me as soon as possible.

  7. Hi,

    I managed to up-load the media player to my website and thought it was working great until i emailed a friend with a link and to my horror she said it wasnt working so i tryed it my self on another pc also using Broadband same again just getting the message Connecting to the media

    Then message saying Playing but still nothing on the screen this is strange since it is working fine on my own PC that i am up-loading the webcam from any idea’s whats going wrong why i can view the player on my PC but others can’t??

  8. I need to broadcast to Internet many cameras at the same time, so can i do this with USB cameras or I need to use IP cameras??

    Wich software do you recomend me to do this??

    Thanks a lot…

  9. In the text above where it says Always select Pull instead of Push, since you don’t have Windows Media Server.What does this mean and where can i find that option also looking at the source code that you can copy i am very confussed over that as well if i copy the url from the Window Media Encoder and put that in my code it works fine to me on my PC but others can not view anything am i doing that right for thats the only thing that seems to work if i put my home page URL nothing at all do i need to find out what Pull instead of Push means and is this where i am going wrong PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help. Emmaxxx

  10. Hi i have just thought does my web space need to except scripts for all this to work for the one i am using doesn’t IS THIS MY PROBLEM???

    if you see this message please contact me. (click on my name)

  11. ERC, I remember there is an option to broad windows media file in the encoder. Let me try to install and find out the exact location of the option for you.

  12. I have tried to setup it up as you guided but still have this error message; The device is not connected (0x8007048F)

    Is there something I am missing out.

    Please help

    Itayi Masona

  13. It means your webcam is not working – either not connected or the driver does not work. First troubleshoot with the camera to make it work before you try to broadcast. One way to check whether it works is by using application such as Microsoft Word.

    Insert -> Picture -> From Scanner or Camera…

    You should be able to insert the picture from the camera. If you cannt, something wrong with the camera and you need to fix it. How to fix? I don’t know. It is out of the topic of this article.

    Good luck.

  14. Well I am just about to try your steps as ouline as per the above aticle, I will let u know the outcome.

    Thx in advance

  15. I have installed and follow your instructions as per setting up the windows encoder however I wish for a friend of mine to see this over the internet but she is unable to do so, can u give any assistance on this problem?

    thanks in advance.

  16. Let me know what the error message is. Meanwhile, check if you can see it by yourself.

    Ask more people to try. Just paste your URL here so we can tell what happened.

  17. Cheers m8 the information saved me a lot of time in this field and has got me started, i’m well impressed.

    And after all time is one of the most valuble commodities.

    Cheers again.


  18. Hi

    I don’t have a web cam, so i used the eye of a bull that i got from the local butchers. I tried connecting the eye to my pc with a USB cable but discovered that the bulls eye does not have a USB port. I used some sticky tape to attach the cable in the mean time, but when prompted to select the video source, ‘Bulls Eye’ is not displayed.

    Do you know how to configure a bulls eye for windows encoder or server. Your advice would be appreciated.

    Please be quick as the eye is starting to smell odd.

    Thanks Gareth

  19. Hi

    I don’t have a web cam, so i used the eye of a bull that i got from the local butchers. I tried connecting the eye to my pc with a USB cable but discovered that the bulls eye does not have a USB port. I used some sticky tape to attach the cable in the mean time, but when prompted to select the video source, ‘Bulls Eye’ is not displayed.

    Do you know how to configure a bulls eye for windows encoder or server. Your advice would be appreciated.

    Please be quick as the eye is starting to smell odd.

    Thanks Gareth

  20. Hi

    I don’t have a web cam, so i used the eye of a bull that i got from the local butchers. I tried connecting the eye to my pc with a USB cable but discovered that the bulls eye does not have a USB port. I used some sticky tape to attach the cable in the mean time, but when prompted to select the video source, ‘Bulls Eye’ is not displayed.

    Do you know how to configure a bulls eye for windows encoder or server. Your advice would be appreciated.

    Please be quick as the eye is starting to smell odd.

    Thanks Gareth

  21. I followed the steps and in seconds i had my images on the web. I have to tell you, this is awsome.

    This method of yours saved me a lot of time and work.


  22. i have looked at a few tutorials on windows media encoder… well a couple… there’s not that many out there. and it just won’t work. i don’t understand how it’s supposed to magically connect to my website without telling the software anything about my website. the only thing you tell the software is a port number, and it has my computer name, not even an ip address. and i don’t want to put my computer name in a web page. but i just CAN’T get it to work with http://mywebpage:8080 it won’t connect, it tries then says ready. and my camera is working on my end, the software works, i just can’t get it to connect on a webpage. could you please help me? email me?

  23. oh by the way… i can’t even get it to work with my computer name on the web page, even tho that’s what wme wants. so it’s really bad. please help?

  24. hi i had a problem and i realy hoppe you can help me, i buy the samsung anycam mpc m122 but wen i try to intall in windows xp the sistem rebote and don´t work i already went to the page where you download the driver and is off can you tell me how to install the cam or where to get the real driver



  25. I am using Windows Media Encoder 9 on an XP Pro PC connected to the Internet via DSL with dynamic IP.

    I followed the steps to broadcast live from my connected Web Cam. Problem is that in the Wizard the Media Encoder sets the following http: and the problem is that is the Local Ethernet Adapter’s IP Address, not the PPP Adapter’s IP address.

    I can view the broadcast using my local Windows Media 9 player (entering the above http as URL), but someone else connected to the internet cannot pull the broadcast.

    Any help?


  26. Jian Shuo,

    I think you have misunderstood my question, I know how to find out my externalID address, but windows media encoder always default the URL to and it is protected, I can not change it.

  27. Jian,

    How do I setup a port rely or port mapping on a Ad Hoc Wireless network (only connect to PCs via wireless network card, I am not using any DSL router.

  28. Jian,

    How do I setup a port rely or port mapping on a Ad Hoc Wireless network (only connect to PCs via wireless network card, I am not using any DSL router.

  29. Hello all,

    I’m having the same problem as Kin Shum, I am using Windows Media Encoder 9 on an XP Pro PC connected to the Internet via DSL with dynamic IP. Windows media encoder can not find my internet ip, but only my local network ip, therefore people outside my network could not see my live cam.

    I can see my cam from my external ip address, but only from the pc running the encoder, I have disabled my firewall but it doesn’t help. and encoder can not see my external ip, only my local network ip. please help me.


  30. I’m using Windows Media Encoder 9 to broadcast live TV, which the source is come from my TV capture card. It works very well until yesterday, a error message “The device is not connected (0x8007048F)” is shown. However, when i use my own software WinDVR to watch TV on the screen, there is no problem.

    can anyone help me? thank you.

  31. hi i had a problem and i realy hoppe you can help me, i buy the samsung anycam mpc m122 but wen i try to intall in windows xp the sistem rebote and don´t work i already went to the page where you download the driver and is off can you tell me how to install the cam or where to get the real driver



  32. Hi…

    I have the same problem…!!!

    Nobody know answers ??

    I am using Windows Media Encoder 9 on an XP Pro PC connected to the Internet via DSL with dynamic IP.

    I followed the steps to broadcast live from my connected Web Cam. Problem is that in the Wizard the Media Encoder sets the following http: and the problem is that is the Local Ethernet Adapter’s IP Address, not the PPP Adapter’s IP address.

    I can view the broadcast using my local Windows Media 9 player (entering the above http as URL), but someone else connected to the internet cannot pull the broadcast.

    Any help?


    ps. By other Friends i see his IP like so he can stream to the net.

    here i see my computername by internet outgoing..??


  33. To make sure I can help you, would you please let me know how you connected to Internet? Are you using ADSL? Do you use anything like router, Wireless base station, proxy or any other equipment? It seems something has blocked external access to your broadcasting server.

    Since you said your local address, it means your local computer get the IP address of from an equipment (should be a proxy, or router that dynamically assign IP to your LAN computer) while this equipment connects to the Internet directly with public IP address, like The proxy may be using technology like NAT (Network Address Translation) or other ways to enable you access the Internet.

    However, this kind of proxy does not allow any one from outside to connect to a server inside the proxy. For example, if three machines in your LAN with the following IP address, and are behind the same proxy and share the same public IP address, how can the external machines (or the proxy) know which of the three server a inbound request should go to?

    The solution is, configure your proxy, router or whatever to forward all request to the 8080 port to your server inside the LAN. The ways to configure are different from equipment to equipment. Let me know which solution you are using to access the Internet first.

  34. i have a samsung anycam couple like your’s.

    and it does not work with windows 2000.

    where did you find the driver? couse the link on the page does not leed 2 the driver instalation.

    i am looking for the driver but i can’t find it, i will be greatfull if you can send me the link for the insyalation of the driver.

    thanks :)


  35. Hi i have downloaded Windows Media Encoderand i have tried copying your souce but i dont know how to edit it what do i change for it to work with my ip address ? i have give my freind my ip adres and if he opens wm player then open url and puts my ip in it works fine but i need to have it on my website :-)

  36. Hi (again) i don’t know if this can be done but can i have the streaming cam but take a still image of it to use on a 30 second refresh ? i know it can be done with other streaming webcam programs

  37. Hi i don’t use WME but dose anyone know if i can put a buttion under the webcam image and when a user clicks it it will atomaticaly attatch the latest image to an e-mail and send it to me ????

    i use webcam32





  39. Hi,..

    1) to find you Web IP use

    2) Did anyone know why the encoder says “device not connected” ?? it IS connected and works fine with ALL other programs also Messenger.

    Thanks :O)

  40. Jianshuo, you said “You can copy the source code of my page into your page. You are free to do so and you don’t need to link back since I got the source code from MSDN sample.”, but I guess you have updated the source code page so that I could not find the source code.

    Where can I find it in your site?

  41. I am getting this error message from Windows Media Encoder 9.

    The device is not connected (0x8007048F)

    Can any one help me?

  42. I also bought a samsung anycam MPC-M122 and I’m not being able to install it in my computer. I have Windows XP. Can somebody send me the address where I can download the driver? I’m desperate…. I’ll be really thankful!!

  43. I followed the steps to broadcast live TV. Problem is that in the Wizard the Media Encoder sets the following http:

    I use the window media player and type the internal lan address in it.. it works. but my friend use the the URL above it cant see it..

    I wants to ask

    your example …. “home.wangjianshuo” then what i type in this part?

    Thank you very much .. I wants to watch EURO2004… thankyou

  44. Hi how are you? I have a question about a web cam I hope you can help me, I bought a samsung MPC-M122 but i cant install it on windows xp, it has drivers but windows does not recognize them, besides samsung does not offer any kind of support . I´v been searching many hours on internet, besides y emailed samsung to get any info about the web cam but i get no answer, may be you can help me to get updated drivers to install it on winxp.

    Thanks in advance, have a nice day

  45. I have an old Nvidia STB Pro TV Tuner card which relys on Conexant’s BtPCI Capture Driver in order for XP to see it, the card was originally designed for Win98. I am able to see and stream video using Webcam Tracker Live and several other free streamers, but Windows Media Encoder 9 and 7 refuse to capture this image and reply with the error:

    “The device is not connected. (0x8007048F)”

    After researching this error message I’ve concluded that there is an incompatability issue between the driver and the Encoder supplied by Windows.

    Since the video card and driver DEFINITELY work and DEFINITLEY stream accross the net and LAN, is there someone who might know of an alternate driver which will see both my old Nvidia Capture Card AND Windows Media Encoder?

    I’m running on an Athalon 2500 1.8 with a full gig of RAM. Windows XP Home.

    Thanks in advance for any help you might provide.


  46. can someone help me..i’m doing my research on title ‘fruit recognizer and grader based on colour extraction’.my problem is i dont know how to link my webcam (samsung truition) to my Visual C++ sofware? if only i know how to built the driver or modified the existing driver……

  47. Hi!!!

    interestint Web!!!

    I’m trying to make a radio station by web, I install windows media encoder, an put the radio like LINE IN of the encoder, I can see that Media Encoder is emiting, but I can’t connect via internet, I think is problem of the Firewall, Can you tell me witch port/s use?

    please, send me an e-mail!!!

    thanks for all


  48. Windows media encoder 9…. I tried it back in 2002, and after receiving a face full of errors, gave up.

    2004, re-taking that plunge again to re-try it, and I’m STILL getting the same old “the device is not connected” message, same as everyone else, it works in all other video cap programs, aswell as Vidcap32 and AmCap.

    Oh well, time to give up for another year and go back to encoder 7….


  49. Jackie…your problem with the internet URL being the same as your local IP.

    I have spent an hour trying to work it out and got to this forum. However, if you give your IP address to someone and ask them to access it – it WILL work anyway. It has for me!

    Hope that helps.

    Mail me if not.

  50. Hello, your article is great. However, I’m having some problems getting this to work correctly. I downloaded the software, installed it, and started broadcasting. My problem is that I cannot connect to it to see it. Not even locally. I’ve tried using http://myip:8080, http://localhost:8080,, http://my_computer_name:8080 and none of them let me connect to the encoder. I use Zone Alarm firewall and Avast anti-virus but have disabled both of them to test it and it still doesn’t let me connect. I’m running Win XP with a Logitech USB cam. I can see the image it’s supposed to be broadcasting in the encoder window, just can’t connect to it. Have any thoughts on why I can’t even connect locally?


  51. I have everything working, but my smartphone (MPX220 with Win Media Player) wont read the file, it gives me an error, please help i am so close!


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  53. For all of you that are getting the device not connected error using media encoder 9 uninstall it and use media encoder 7.1 instead, it worked for me where as i tried 2 different tv cards with version 9 and allways got that error, now i just need to sort out how to stream beyond my home network and through a router.

  54. Hi ,I lost my anycam driver – it’s difficult find this driver on the web,because i have winME and I just found for wniXP.Please,can you help me?? I’m desperate!

    Thanks in advance


  55. Thanks Wangjianshuo.

    Your solution works great and your article was very well written.



  56. Okay, after lots of previous frustration trying to do this I came to this page and I realised a few things.

    1 – After you do all your set up as directed above click the Encode button above the preview screen in Windows Encoder.

    2 – When you add script to your website to embed Windows Media have the video properties point to mms://ipaddress:port instead of http://ipaddress:port as was posted above by Brodie_np on June 3, 2004 07:05 AM.

    Thanks to all for thier help!

  57. I have followed the above instructions and it dosnt work

    it wont connect to my webserver

    so i used my ip and i can see it but nobody else can

    Please help me

    Thanks For All Your Help

  58. Thanks a lot Wangjianshuo. I worked with your deailed step by step instructions, and it worked great with my setup. I am very pleased with the information that you have provided all of us.


  59. Dear Mr.Wangjianshuo

    I’ve tried to checkout your sample link to visit a broadcasted webcam , but it dosn’t work. may I have another link to check it out?

    Thank you


  60. Dear Mr.Wangjianshuo

    Thank you for your reply.I did start successfully broadcasting my webcam in a local network ., but now i dont know how can i share it to get by a dial up phoneline. can you please let me have the tutorail of this item or something that can help me.or please let me have email address of other members that can help me.

    Best regards


  61. Hi,

    It’s nice of you to put the steps up here. However I encountered a problem of my WebCam. I could not even display it in the Windows Media Encoder, since it is not directly connected to my PC. I can access the WebCam through an internal IP. How can I set it as an input in WME? Thanks in advance!



  62. Neat O

    I learned something new today. Awesome, cool. I can broadcast my cam.

    Thanks a bunch.

  63. im using media encoder 9..when pluged in straight from computer to cable modem it gives an ip adress of 67…..and works great

    then when i hook up my linksys router the ip adress is 192…..and looks like its broadcasting but my friends cant log on..i disabled fire walls-did the port forward-port trigger-even dmz to open all ports on the router. i see others having the same problem.

    anyone get the encoder to work running through a router?

    please let me know


  64. i am using a net gear router and am maping it so that it picks up to my local ip through my external, does anyone hve any advise as i have been having real problems linking them externally

  65. I believe that you have to configure your router to allow external visit. You can link a visit to a port to your router to an internal IP address and a port. Without that, visitors outside don’t know which internal IP address they are going to connect.

  66. Hi JS Wang,

    When I launch Media Encoder, it will automatically recognize internal IP as Internet IP. I cannot edit the IP for external access on my Windows XP Prof. Can you advise?


  67. I’ve setup the encoder and watch my cam from windows mobile 2003se… but when I use windows mobile 5 it says “The parameter is incorrect”. Why?



  68. Nice tutorial. I came across ur blog while I was searching for video conferencing sites. Any idea where I can find more information on multi point video conferencing site for home users?

  69. hi there. i just came across this website. im trying out though while waiting for the downloading of WMencoder to finish. i was wondering whether its posible if i use an ip Axis camera? it is connected to a router which is connected to the PC.

  70. I am trying driver for Model: 2008 webcam ‘Havit’. Can’t find anywhere since last 5 days. Please anyone help me…………..Thanks and Best Wishes

  71. Dear

    i am having the same problem that people outside my network cant listen my stream. can u please solve this prob. i hv embeded the code but the prob is the same. i m using TP Link wireless router

  72. i’ve done all these configurations, i’ve got the stream running but i can not access it locally or pushed to a WMS server. i’ve configured my computer in the DMZ and added port forwarding to my router. everytime i try to access the stream i get could not connect to media. HELP!!

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