Brick Road in the Garden

To spend few hours to do labor work brought my great happiness. Today, I made a brick road in my garden by myself.

The Area

The 1.1m x 3.0m corner at the inner most of the garden was full of wild grass. I didn’t have the right time to cut the grass, so they grew wildly. I felt embarrassing at the very beginning – I know to left grass like that is very bad thing for neighbors, but recently, I found the grass of my neighbor is even worse. :-)

So this weekend, I decided to use bricks to cover the area, and leave some space for flowers in the future.

The Bricks

I found when you do it by yourself, it is much cheaper. This is what I did.

We drove to Hengda 恒大 Stone Market.

All kinds of stones were sold there in the warehouse way.

We bought 36 piece of 200mm x 400mm x 10mm bricks. They are heavy! It took me quite some time to move it to the back of the car and to the garden – two piece at a time. We calculated again and again how heavy it is to ensure our car is OK with the stones at the end. The conclusion is, the 100kg stone is not heavier than three persons sitting in the back. So we were on the road.

Removed the Grass and Lay on the Bricks

We removed the grass, and laid on the bricks. We didn’t have time to pave the ground yet. Will do it later.

It looks not so good so far. I hope when we paved the soil and lay the bricks again, and put some grass seeds, decoration stones in the spaces, it will look better – I hope so, at least.

7 thoughts on “Brick Road in the Garden

  1. Good question. They are not in this area. This is the East Area of the garden. The Tulips were in the South Area, but they disappeared (I guess it is because of either less of water, or waiting for the next year’s boom).

  2. Hello do Jian

    By reading this blog interesting I think that it would be very useful to have the photograph driver.and.bull of chongming Island to illustrate a page on Jiangzi Jiang, in preparation on the noncommercial site That is possible?

    With my thanks

    Cordially Jose

  3. in a metropolis where the main chromatic color is gray, from the road dark gray, concrete bulding grays… sky for over 220days a year gray….. any little natural green shall be preserved, cared for…

    there is machine that help to cut the grass and on week end or free time during day off is also nice to do so.. :-) and if the space is very small and dont we want enjoy it, there is long scissors, that in small space will do the job nicely… :-)

    in my house (not in SH) despite we got plenty of garden space, try to avoid concrete, stone pathways as much as i can, giving nature a nice garden that we enjoy anytime we seat , relax lookign at it.. green is much more relaxing color of gray concrete…

  4. Jian Shuo, I think you have done the unit stone wrong!

    First you have to remove all the grass and soil about 6″ deep, put 3″ of gravel at the bottom and put 2″ of sand on top of the gravel, compact it with tramping machine and then put a layer of waterproof membrane before laying stones. The walk way must tilt slightly towards the gutter for drainage.

    Laying the unit stone without proper footing will result in uneven settlement or the water will decay the house foundation.

    How the satelite disc is facing the wall rather than pointing towards the sky?

  5. stephen, thanks for all the suggestions. I know it requires a lot of work to lay the tiles in a professional way. However, it is just a corner of my garden, and the major goal is to prevent grass growing madly. I still need some soil to grow some plants and flowers. For the bricks, just put them there. No expection for even, or lasting…

    For the satelite disc, both are pointing to the sky. It seems to be pointing to the wall, but actualy, there is an open space to the sky. It works very well.

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