Sanya Bay

Unlike Yalong Bay, the 5-star hotel bay, the Sanya Bay is still highly utilized as a transportation hub. From our hotel window on the 7th floor, we see the whole bay with many boats:

Although it has limited hotel facility, but looking out, the vast area is public ports – noisy, but exciting.

The artificial Phoenix Island raises from nothing with the ambition to beat Dubai. The 7-star hotels are under construction. (I am always confused about what 7-star means. Is it accepted standard?)

On contrast, Yalong Bay is just tree, water, and islands.

When we arrived in Haikou, we didn’t find anything close to either Sanya Bay or Yalong Bay yet. We are very disappointed about it.

4 thoughts on “Sanya Bay

  1. (I am always confused about what 7-star means. Is it accepted standard?)

    It doesn’t mean a thing, there is no standard – it is pure marketing. In China hotels can get certified as 1 through 5 stars based on facilities (not quality of service.) Some other countries also have star rating systems. There is no accepted international rating. So Phoenix Island can call itself seven star, or 34 star or whatever, but it has no meaning. Same for the famous burj al-arab hotel in Dubai.

  2. I’d love to see the photo of Haikou. As for me, Ilike the landscape that is in the last photo. I like when there are mountains and sea. It is so beautiful! Speaking about 7 star hotel it is not standard at all. You may find some nice films at shared files SE . I was surprised to see that some 5 star hotel has even rainy gardens where it rains when you want.

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