Added Comments RSS Feed

Inspired by this post, I added the comment feeds in RSS 2.0 format to this blog.

If you want to subscribe the latest comments, use this feed:

I created a new index file with “Comments RSS” as name, and comments.xml as filename. This is the content of this template.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”<$MTPublishCharset$>”?>

<rss version=”2.0″>


<title><$MTBlogName remove_html=”1″ encode_html=”1″$>: Comments</title>


<description>Latest comments for <$MTBlogName remove_html=”1″ encode_html=”1″$></description>


<lastBuildDate><MTComments lastn=”1″><$MTCommentDate language=”en” format=”%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S”$> <$MTBlogTimezone no_colon=”1″$></MTComments></lastBuildDate>



<MTComments lastn=”20″ sort_order=”descend”>


<title>Comment on “<MTCommentEntry><$MTEntryTitle remove_html=”1″ encode_html=”1″$></MTCommentEntry>”</title>


<description><$MTCommentBody encode_html=”1″$> <p>- <$MTCommentAuthorLink show_email=”0″ encode_html=”1″$></p></description>

<guid isPermaLink=”false”>comment<$MTCommentID pad=”1″$>@<$MTBlogURL$></guid>

<pubDate><$MTCommentDate language=”en” format=”%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S”$> <$MTBlogTimezone no_colon=”1″$></pubDate>





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