Welcome Jack to Visit my Home

Jack don’t need privacy protection. I know it, and that is the reason I used his name in title – correct me if I am wrong, Jack. :-)

Just kidding. But I had wonderful conversation and dinner with Jack Gu in my house, and we talked a lot. Let me record just a few so it reminds me to write something about it (maybe on my Chinese blog)

  • Internet industry analysis starts from eCommerce – according to Richard
  • Online and offline are two worlds – to promote offline business in pure online site is as ineffective as promoting websites on offline media
  • We need some way to manage relationship – when you reach the stage that relationship are your most important assert, and source of happiness
  • Google AdSense in China does not help bloggers and web 2.0 companies as much as it does in U.S – less than $0.01 eCPM is not rare
  • Connection and training are two most important thing when someone is still in a big company
  • De-attachment is key for releasing pressure
  • Sometimes to go along a circle and getting back to where I seemed to be does not mean it is the same – the mood and feeling changes dramatically – just as the fishman’s story told us

Just list a few of them. Sorry that I don’t have time to explain every single item here, but I hope I can write more about these interesting topics.

Thanks Jack for sharing with me or listen to what I want to share.

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