SJTU = Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Today, April 8, 2006, is the 110th anniversary of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), where I spent my 4 years between 1995 to 1999. It is the first modern university in China, and is the oldest one.
Here are some pictures I took during the event.
My Life in SJTU
I didn’t realize I would appreciate the 4 years in SJTU that much when I was a student. At the very begining, I was very disappointed about what the university offered, and skipped a lot of classes. I said a lot of bad things about SJTU. Several years after I graduate, I start to understand how wonderful the university is, and believe I have a strong connection with the shool. BTW, my major in the university is automation (1995-1999). Wendy, (my wife, if you don’t know yet), majored in computer science (1995-1999), and computer science master degree (2000 – 2002). We went back to the Minhang campus today. My father was also with us. He studied from the same university in 1950’s.
The Event
I was so surprised to see the expansion of the campus, and the number of students in the last several years. Although I spent a lot of time to get back to university and chat with students in clubs, and visit the campus at least once every half year, the east campus surprised me a lot. It seems the current campus is 8 times bigger than the original one.
Today, two gates were announced to put into use – the south gate, and the east gate
. They are so funny to copied the historical gate in the Xuhui campus, and built a completely new but idential one in the new campus (1.5 times bigger though). Haha. LOL.
At the night, there is a nice party in the Jing Jing Hall, broadcasted live via Shanghai Oriental TV. The party is wonderful, as you can see from the pictures.
I am looking forward to the Li Zhi Forum (励志讲坛) on April 27, 2006 on Min Hang Campus. I feel honored to go back to the campus as a guest speaker 10 years after I stepped onto the campus.
I am the guide of Hansen’s. I can’t believe that it is you. When visting Hansen’s blog site, I felt familiar to your name. And now I got the answer, it is because of your blog. There are much useful info here which also helped me a lot. BTW, thanks for the dinner:).
Hi, Wang, we didn’t know each other (up to now ^_^). In the final year I studied in SJTU, it happened to be her hundredth anniversary. I am proud that kijiji was set up by you, my schoolmate. I like it! Now I works for a private equity of the U.S., and in the second half of this year I will set up a factory owned by myself (based in Shanghai). Probably we can go out to have a drink at a later date. How do you think?
Ting-Ting, I certainly remember you. Thanks for taking the time to show the group around, and it is my pleasure to have dinner with you.
Du Meng, good luck to your factory, and looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai one day.
Jianshuo, I also live in Shanghai. My cell phone is 13701765407. Call me when you are available. We can set a date to meet together.
So you are my college-mate….
I entered the university in 1999, when you graduated.
Time is flying away – it has been almost 3 years since my graduation (and 7 years for you)!!
I am a student in sjtu. Glad to see your blog .I love sjtu,and I believe I will be success years latter!