Tulip Blooms in my Garden

Hey. Look at my tulip!

Picture taken by Wendy

It sleeps for several months;

It wakes for several weeks;

and now it blooms in my garden!

Along with my tulips, other flowers and trees also welcome the arrival of Spring.

Picture taken by Wendy

Picture taken by Wendy

P.S. My cats? They are still doing well in my garden, but since I often forget to feed them, especially after long business trip, they left the garden to find food some where else. So currently, our relation is just like visitors and a bar. They visit the garden for fun, and sometimes sit outside the window of my reading room, staring curiously at me. They seem don’t understand how computer and Internet work yet.

Update: April 8, 2006

This picture is taken today.

Picture taken by Jian Shuo Wang

I am a little bit disappointed because the tulip dealer lied. They said there are five difference colors, and we picked from red, yellow, orange, pink… Even dark purple – they are more expensive than other colors. But it turned out every one is purple. Anyway, I don’t like the dealer, but I love the flowers, every single one of them so much.

P.S. At around 10:00 PM, the network seems to completely stop working. It should be the rush hours for network.

12 thoughts on “Tulip Blooms in my Garden

  1. jianshuo, enjoy your garden and weekend, don’t forget to feed the cats, starvation to animal is inhamane. I hope you have built shelter in the garden for the cats.

  2. Jian Shuo, they are beautiful!! We have been away for two weeks on vacation. I was so happy to see our dog again when we came home tonight, and can hardly wait to go outside when it is daylight tomorrow to see how things have changed in the garden. I checked your blog first thing after turning the computer back on just now, and will try to catch up very soon on all the entries I missed. Happy Spring to you and Wendy!!

  3. hey!

    Today is sjtu’s 110 anniversary.

    I am really proud that we have such a successful and humble schoolfellow like you. (Especially admiring your persistence.)

    Although you might attend very few classes in sjtu. :P

    (P.S : your garden is rather cute—)

  4. Stephen, those cats are really smart. I worried about them at the very begining, but later, I found they have enough skills to get food, and keep very fat – fatter than the typical image of a cat in my mind. I feed them irregularly, but don’t worry. They are doing very well, at least from what I saw.

    Carroll, welcome back from vacation. I believe your garden has changed a lot after two weeks – most of the changes of plants happens in spring. Thanks for checking. You did miss a lot of post in the last two weeks. :-D

    Wombat, I was at the party this night.

  5. YOur tulips are beautiful. It is always good to see such lovelyness in a city. I have been enjoying reading your blog – my youngest daughter has the opportunity to visit your lovely city next year and we are trying to learn as much as we can about both Shanghai and Bejing (her high school band will be visiting both) She is very excited to visit there. thank you for introducing fellow bloggers to your home country.


  6. jianshuo,

    The urban street is filled with bad food and poison and the cats cannot distinguish it, e.g. almost all motor fluid discarded at the gutter carries toxin and can kill small pet. Make sure your cat is feeded only with safe food.

    Just wish you have a happy and health cat!

  7. I think Stephen doesn’t know these are not your cats, but cats on the street…

    …All my pets (dogs, cat, fish )grow up well…why all my flowers are gone with the winter…Sob…I envy your flower…


  8. They are so nice. Is it possible to tell me where u buy the bulbs? Which company did you buy from? I am a student who is writing a report about the tulip bulbs. If know know something, please tell me. I will be appriate it. my email is lilyge5@hotmail.com. i will be hoping for your reply. thank you very much.

  9. js, make sure you have to cut the tulip below the stem now, otherwise you’ll not see the bloom next year.

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