After I posting Living Cost in Shanghai last November, many people asked for more information related to house, tuitions, salary, even the cost of deliver a baby. :-)
I can understand that all such kinds of information are very critical to people who are going to relocate to Shanghai. I am trying my best to provide more….
The latest news (Chinese site), the average house price for Jan to March this year reached 5315 RMB / sq. meter, a 12.18% increase than the last year. The new apartment reaches 6555 RMB /sq. meter in May.
Typical houses in Shanghai are from 100 m2 to 130 m2. These are for normal Chinese people with relatively high income – above 4000 RMB, maybe.
Of cause there are always fantastic large house that is at least 300 sq meters. There are lot of very nice single house near Sheshan. The price is about 9000 RMB per sq meter.
Besides single house in nearby areas outside downtown Shanghai, very high priced houses are also available. The latest “Sheng Da Jin Qing” listed 2000-3000 USD per sq.m with 130 -300 sqm per apartment. It is exactly located in the CBD area in Lujiazui.
BTW, Beijing’s house price is much higher than Shanghai and is still the city with highest house price.
I am monitoring the car cost in Shanghai closely recently, since I am learning to drive.
People will get astonished to learn the car price in Shanghai. It is even higher than that in U.S. and Japan although the income standard of local people is much lower.
The typical cheap cars cost about 100,000 RMB (12,000 USD). They are the entry level cars in Shanghai, like Santana (from joint-venture of Volkswagen in German). It is cheap but too old-fashioned and I don’t think I would consider it.
The new popular car model named Polo (also comes from VW) may be a good choice. It is priced from 127,500 to 148,000 RMB (1USD = 8.3RMB)
Image credit:
BTW, Wendy like the silver car very much. There is one parking downstairs everyday. It is also silver – looks very nice, especially the two big lovely “eyes” in front of the car. The only concern is, the car is very nice for girls and women. Men typically don’t consider it.
Other cars like BORA (160,000RMB+) and Sail are also very cars.
Image credit:
Shanghai is expensive! At Xintiandi they charged me 45 RMB for a coca cola I thought about it later and that is $5 us dollars! The most I ever paid anywhere for a soda even worse than hotel!
Stick to Tiger Beer.served by very pretty Tiger girls!
Yes. Shanghai is not cheap, if you go to Xintiandi. It is a very interesting city with many places charging very high while people with salary of 100 USD per month can also make a good living here.
Thanks for the information on the cost of cars. Are there any other cost associated in maintaining a car in Shanghai.
ie. Road Tax etc…
What is the average parking rates like in the city?
To maintain a car, the road tax plus insurance maybe 10,000 RMB every year. The parking rate is typically 10 – 20 RMB per hour…
Just want to add my 2 cents about Shanghai’s parking rate.
The rate of many parking lots are around 10 RMB per hour. The daily rate could be much lower, such as 40 RMB for a whole day. And if you are familiar with the surrounding places or search a while, it’s very likely to find a cheap parking place. The daily rate could be as low as 10 – 20 RMB in some downtown areas/CBDs, but it need some searching efforts and luck.
Honda Accord is very popular here in Shanghai. They setup local factory in Guangzhou. So you can see Accord anywhere in the country.
For ACCURA, there is no local factory. But I believe there should be such dealers and services. There is a long road call Wu Zhong Road (Wu2 Zhong1) in west part of Shanghai. Almost all car dealers gathers at the street.
According to , Accura is not available in China market – Honda does not export this car to China.
very cool site.
I am going to China for the first time next month and I enjoyed reading your comments. I will be going to Shanghai as well as other areas three or four times a year for my company.
While I am staying at the Hyatt I would really like to get out and eat at some “local” places as well as go to some small shopping places. Would you be kind enough to suggest some?
Thanks a bunch and keep up the great site!!
This is an excellent site! Thank you for your valuable information, comments and insight. I will be travelling to Shanghai next month for the first time and will be teaching there for a year. The information that you provided here will help me tremendously. Thank you once again and keep up the great work!
Best of luck,
PS. Btw, do you know of any spa’s (reasonable rates) and salons in Shangahi that are REASONABLE? Also, how about GYM memberships and rates? Can you recommend any? Just wondering…. BTW, if you have any suggestions of your favorite spots, please feel free to suggest them. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This site is very interesting. I am relocating from Guangzhou to Shanghai soon, and my boss who tells me that in the 2 cities, the living standard is the same… XXXXXX
well, this will be a good argue !
BTW what kind of package could we expect considering I am a French expat?
Thanks !
Hi…I am new here. I would like to ask you a question.
Do you know the rental cost for a shop in Xintiandi and what is the size of the shop for that amount?
I am going to establish a company in shanghai . I mean small company . How Can I get the information about this procedure ? What about my visa ?
The procedure to setup a small company? This is the official English web site of the Shanghai Government.
I didn’t find the information myself. You can give it a try though and good luck.
Don’t understand some of these COL indices that I’ve seen. How can GZ, SH, BJ be more expensive than Los Angeles, USA? I’ve live in L.A. and GZ and SH. Everything is SO CHEAP compared to L.A.! I just dont get it.
I’ve lived in Guangzhou and moved to Shanghai. Food certainly cost a lot more here, at least 2x as much for standard Chinese fair. There are many many expensive restraunts in SH, but they can be easily avoided unless you want to eat swank ALL THE TIME. All American fast food chains seem to charge the same amount throughout China. But supermarkets seem to be cheaper here. Taxis cost more. 10 for flag fall vs. 7 in GZ.
45 RMB for Coke is plain ubsurd. It must have been a 5 star restaruant. Any normal place would not near charge that much. I didn’t see anyone mention anything about utilities. My experience was that utes are a LOT chaeper in SH. I was charged .9 yuan per KWH for electricity in GZ, vs. .3 to .6 yuan. Gas is dirt cheap, less than 10 yuan /month for cooking and hot running water. Rent is expensive as well. $6,000 US/month for the Ascott (serviced apt. in the financial district.) I think you could BUY an apt in GZ for that much.
Yes. Shanghai is sometimes more expensive than Los Angeles in USA. Don’t know why but Shanghai is indeed the 11th costliest city in the world.
Can somebody tell me what is the average price for the rent in a decent place and a decent appartment.
I would like to rent and appartment of 80 to 100m?
I shall need a precise infromation. Thank you in advance.
Hi Farzin,
For all information about opening the company in China, you can go and see the site “”. They have good infos for everything, I am sure that you can find your answer there.
By teh way, I only know that it is easier to open a company in your own country first and then open a branch office in China. Otherwise, it will cost too much.
Vesna, I can tell you it costs about 5000-6000 RMB per month to rent a house like the one I bought.
The average for a comfortable 40 sq. meter apartment in Shanghai with good location costs around 1500-2000 RMB per month. You can always find some very cheap house with less than 800 RMB if you don’t mind it is far from the downtown. (8.3 RMB = 1 USD)
Thanks Wang. I appreciate your help.
I heard that Gubei area is now more expensive than ever.
When I was in Shanghai, I rented and appartment of 100m?for about 200USD. Of course, we were three to share it.
If you have some new infromation about this area, I would like to know. We are planning to move to SHanghai in march 2005 and we will have a baby by that time.
Thanks one more time for your help.
Oh. You are planning so far ahead – I don’t have a plan for tomorrow yet. :-D
Gubei is a nice place for foreign people to live. The price should be more expensive than two years ago – any where in Shanghai.
yes, I do, because the time will pass so fast.
I understand that everywhere is more expensive now, that’s why I need to get ready for any situation.. :))
I can’t wait to get there, and I am sure that I will find a lots of new places for going out, dining, sports, etc…
Can you tell me what is your job. As I can see, you are Chinese, but are you born in China or elsewhere ?
Ha. Vesna, I don’t want to disclose too much on this, but many readers already know since it is “hidden” in some of the text on this website. So good luck that you can find it out one day. Merry Christmas!
hello,Wang xian sheng! OK, I found it, and it is true that I didn’t go to your web site at all, I just bumped one day on the topic “life cost in Shanghai” in which I was very interested. Well, it’s nice working in IT business, isn’t it? I mean, you can find thejob easily anywhere, not only in China. I know that you have to be really good in what you are doing since there are lot of people specialised in this field. I think that your web site is very good, it has many information for almost everything about China, chinese customs, life, people, etc… There are many infromation that are useful for all these who want to leave their countries and go to “Zhong guo”. We are all grateful !!
Well, I am still siting and working hard in my office (French are cruel) and who knows when will I leave home to prepare everything for tonight. I would like to wish you Merry Christmas and take a good rest (if you have any holidays)! Bye!!
hi, would it be possible to live on us$ 400 a month in Shanghai, rent and food incl.
Well. I think it is good enough for the living stand of a person graducating from university in the first two years.
Helo, can anybody advise me the website for the people who want to go an live in Tiwan. Actually, I am looking for the infromation regarding the salaries of expatriates in Taipei and the living cost. Thank s in advance.
Hello, can anybody propose me the website for the people who are interested in living and working in Tiwan. Actually, I am looking for the information regarding the salaries of expatriates in Taipei and the living cost. Thanks in advance.
Why not try this site:
Hi, Can someone advise me
1. what is the average cost of renting a shop ina mall?
2. which are the top three most popular bookstores in Shanghai in order of popularity now?
Many thanks.
Gilert, I cannot give you any advice on your first question since the rent fee varies soooooo greatly depends on the location of the mall.
For the second question, I have clear answer.
1. The largest one is the Shanghai Book Mall on the Fuzhou Road.
2. The more decent one is the Scholar Book Mall in Xujiahui and Fuzhou Rd.
3. The book store provides best books are the Ji Feng 季风 Boookstore in Shaanxi Rd. (S) Metro Station and many other locations around the city.
Hi, can anyone help me?
1. what is the average costs of renting a small shop (around 12 m2) in Najing road, it’s for a fast food bar.
Hi, I am looking at moving to Shanghai to work for a multi national company as an independant consultant. My question is related to income taxes in China ; is it true that for independant consultants/contractors the tax is at a flat 20% ?
Es, I never heard of the flat tax rate of 20%. I only know there is a standard scheme for all.
Is it easy to find a place to stay for around 200-300$US a month, that is not too far out of the city, I want to move to shanghai for a while but i dont want to live anywhere flash, just want the basics. ANd how would I go about finding a place like that? I know all teh foreign real estate websites are rip offs.
Yes. You can easily find a plac ewith 200-300US, with hot water, bath, kitchen. But don’t expect too much from the house – they are generally of poor neighborhood environment if the house is in down town.
I don’t know any English website for such houses. :-( It is a pitty. When you arrive in Shanghai, you will see the real estate agencies everywhere in the city. So take the chance to step into some and ask them to find the house for you.
Great webiste you have here. I was wondering if you could help me.
I would like to start import/export business and I would actually like to live in China to explore the market. My stay will be approxematly 7 months and Shanghi as my base. How do I go about finding a flat about 50m2 and would I need any special type of visa to stay for 7month period.
Any other information to help me setup would be nice.
Great webiste you have here. I was wondering if you could help me.
I would like to start import/export business and I would actually like to live in China to explore the market. My stay will be approxematly 7 months and Shanghi as my base. How do I go about finding a flat about 50m2 and would I need any special type of visa to stay for 7month period.
Any other information to help me setup would be nice.
Jian Shuo Wang,
It is interesting to me to compare the price of the house with the salary.
It seems like the price/earnings ratio is very high.
Using your figures above the average house may cost 531500. A relatively high income person will earn 48000/year
So the p/e ratio is over 10! A person would need over 10 years full salary to pay off the loan, not to mention interest. How long does it take a typical Chinese person repay their mortgage?
In the UK there is some concern because the ratio is now over 5. This indicates a bubble in the market that could burst, with a fall in house prices and an economic depression. A typical mortgage takes 25 years to repay, but as prices are increasing, so do the repayment terms.
Wow… so much information… and still I nd help???
Anway, we (my husband, my 2yrold son & myself) are relocating from Singapore to Shanghai very soon. We wld like to hear recommendations for a safe neighbourhood for a small family like ours in PuDong… with convenience stores, child-care centres, market or supermarket nearby. Hubby’s company is located at Jin(1)Zhang(4)Rd (sorry, I took HanYu PingYing in school so here it goes). For a budget of abt 3000rmb to 3500 rmb, can we get a 3bedroom apartment with an area size btw 110 to 130sqm?
Hi all! I’m going to work in Shanghai in an IT company. From this web site i retrieved interesting infos. However, I still have some questions that need the answer:
1. Other than Food, how is the price of Clothes for winter, normal clothes there? And Drinks, shoes?
2. In case we want to cook for ourselves, is it easy to buy things in the market or somewhere?
3. Normally do the companies there have to work at weekend? And what time they usually leave the office?
Thank you!
Hello everybody! I wanted to know how much is the everage salary for a foreigner with a local contract (not expatriate) and who speaks 5 languages including chinese – mandarin, both written and spoken, with experience in international trade.I am 29 and will soon become french, I am still serbian. :) This information is quite important to me. Thanks in advance to all of you. Vesna
I am moving to Shanghai, along with my wife, from India this october for 1 year training assignment with a French MNC in engg. field. They had given me a service apartment containing TV , Fridge , A/C, Room heater, microwave , Gas, washing m/c ,etc. Transport to & fro office is free. They are offering me 330 RMB per day, which they say, will be required only for Lunch / Dinner ( Food ) expenses & telephonic expenses. We will be cooking for ourselves in-house. We are a average class ( not very high spending ) Vegetarian family. Are there any more expenses in Shanghai other than I mentioned? Will this amount be sufficient for we two? What is the saving potential, if there any?
I will be extemely thankful to you if you give me exact information.
To all of you well-heeled expats interested in Shanghai housing prices — WangJianShuo is a good person to ask, because he is clearly quite well-educated and well-paid! ^_~ His website ROCKS — however, I have a different take on housing costs in SH — i believe a family of 3 or 4 can live quite comfortably and safely in SH for less than 3000 RMB/month. There will be some adjustments — only one elevator may work, the shower may not produce hot water 100% of the time, and the building may be less well-insulated than you are used to, but millions of Shanghainese enjoy life in this manner, and so do I. In NYC apartments ALMOST as good as these would run you well over $1300/month — SH is no NYC, but it’s a real bargain. Why come to Shanghai to spend all your time and profits attempting to re-create your life abroad?
I have recently gone apartment hunting in Hongkou qu in Shanghai. I am writing up a page on it now. ok, done; it is very poorly laid out — i hope no-one gets a headache reading it — but it has, at the bottom, a link to a bevy of photos, of real apartments, available in SH last month. it shall be at for now. send positive feedback, and i might get around to making it proper ;)
Paradise Villa. Or Tianyuan Villa
Ad Posted on 5/31/2005
No.888 Jianhe Rd. Near Hongqiao Rd,Xianxia Rd,Changning District, 200336
Contact Name:
Mr Guotao Xin
City/ Country:
Shanghai/ China
Minimum length of stay: 12 Months
First floor is 2 halls, one kitchen, one toilet, baseroom, one garage, and a small swimming pool, there are 5 bedrooms, 1 storeroom and 2 toliets in 2nd floor . Luxury furnished.
Cable TV of SONY 50 inches. Air conditioner, refragator, Auto washing machine. All round there are villas, tennis, gym and so on.
Special Rates (Use our Currency Converter)
Room Type Size
(Sq.m) Monthly
5-Bedroom 204 2,600
If you really need help about liviing in shanghai and the price of apartment for ren in shanghai, maybe you can ask me for help. I’m a realty broker, I have one real estate agency in luwan ner Xuhui district and Hupu district which is located in the cener of the city. I can supply the detail information about price of the apartment for rent, the villa for rent and the apartment for sale and exchage. I know everything about how to buy and how to rent an apartment or villa for living in shanghai. I just supply my help for free. If you can trust me, just send email to me. Or you can also chat with in by
I really appreciate your friendship.
Best wishes to you and yours
My email
Hello ,
I will be joining a training program of 3 months in shanghai from Oct-Dec. The company has borne charges of accomodation,food, transport. On top of it company is paying around usd 5
for personal allowance. With such a merger amount do you think we will be able to enjoy the city. Also I would like to know any Indian restuartes available in Shanghai.
Will it be possible to get some electronic items like handycam,camera etc…
Where can be rates of electronic goods available.
My family is moving to Shanghai in Dec and I have a few questions about the living cost and so forth. I have been looking on Shanghaixpat for rentals and average cost seems to be around 8,000 usd these seem very high. We only need a 2 bedroom rental and we were looking to pay around 1100 usd a month is this enough to rent a apartment in a expat area. Also is 65,ooo usd a year a competative wage and will it allow us to have a good standard of living. Thanks for any help or comments.
Great webpage!!! The information placed here is very interesting and useful. I am an 18 years old mexican student planning to go to FUDAN University to study for one year; thanks a lot for the important facts about living in Shanghai!!! I loved the part of 10 things to hate and 10 things to love about Shanghai
This is replying to Kari.1100USD will equal to 9000rmb which is a decent amount for rental.But websites are not the best of the places to look have to contact with local real estate agents in person there are plenty available.
I guess you are from US or Europe otherwise you would not be worried with living cost with such high salary. 65K USD a year !This is almost a joke for locals & many expats too who get the fraction of this but can live a decent lifestlye here.(I hope you are not kidding)
You can save plenty even after having higher life style than your present living standard.Though your salary will permit taking TAXI everywhere you go you can consider taking the flat near any of the 3 subway lines preferably line 2 or 1.
65,ooo us dollor a year ?Expensive .I think good location cost about 6000 RMB/month.
gubai road,lujiazhui,huahai road,nanjin west Road.
shirley, 65K USD a year is their salary not the rent.Kari says clearly that (s)he is looking for 1100 USD a month apartment which should not be a problem.
Hi. How much are cigartetts in Shanghai?
China is a heaven for smoker! lots of local and imported brands. some are expensive, most just cost you USD 2-3, such as Marlboro
Phil, cheap ones are 2-3 RMB/pack, most expensive are 45 RMB (for snobs or for gift).
Don’t bother the signs of No Smoking, every smoker does it anyway.
(I don’t smoke, so I just have to leave the smoky restaurants…)
Keep your breath in most of the taxi’s, or smoke !
What about nightlife?! I will be living in the Pentox building (pudong). Where should I go and how much is it? And last but not least crime? Is it safe to go alone somewhere at night?
hi! I wonder if somebody can help to know how much can cost the rent of a shop in xintiandi area or in the downtown anyway.
Thanks to everybody and have a nice day!!!
I heard, that it is difficult to get antiperspirant as well as soap in shanghai. Is that really true or just a widespread myth?
I’m Anoop from India. I’m a software engineer. Recently i got a chance to work in china. The company is offering me 10000 RMB per month. I just want to know whether with this salary i willl be able to live a decent life in shanghai. on average how much will be the expenses and how much i can save per month.
thanks for all the information on the site…I’m going to be relocating to Shanghai from Michigan and I just want to know if there are any bars or pubs where an expat can hang out? and where can I get a good burger in town! I love Chinese food but the food here is a little different then the Americanized Chinese food I’m used to.
i am going to Pudong,shanghai…,next month.i have got an offer from US based multinational company in Pudong .The company is offering me 14500 RMB per month…is it good or bad..I am not married,and 6months down the line i would be. i have to bear housing,food,travelling and also the taxes.
any information would be of great help.
Hi Pria,
Honestly, you will definately survive with that salary. A lot of local people earning lower than that figure… so you definately will survive.
Well, in Shanghai you can be spendthrift too. It all depends on the lifestyle that you would like to have.
Hi there,
Just needed to ask what is the current average monthly salary of an average individual in Shanghai?
What is the lowest monthly salary of an expat in Shanghai?
What is the average monthly salary of an expat in Shanghai?
Where is the best place to live if I work near the music conservatory at huaihaui lu?
I was there last year feb to march for work and I am going to be relocating there by end of september but I still don’t know how to negotiate the package because I still have no idea on the daily expenses of an average person.
How much in RMB is the average daily expense on food and taxi?
Thanks a lot. Anybody who can answer would be an angel.. Thank you very much.
Please e-mail me at
Im sorry. please comment here in the forum. if there is a need for you to let me know through e-mail, my e-mail is there.
I recently returned from a business trip to Shanghai, and would like to send an appropriate gift for the hospitality shown to me. What do you recommend?
I am relocating to Shanghai from India with my wife.CO has offered 1120 USD per month.Is this a fair amount to meet our life over there?Kindly let me know.
I wish to settle down in Shanghai, China. May I know the cost of living( say rent of an apartment) cost of transport, any legal formalities to be undertaken with the Chinese Government. I wish to start an Export Business from China. Please guide me in the matter.
Hi! Does anybody know where can I buy english magazines in Shanghai? Stuff like movies (Empire) or music (Q, Mojo). I’ve been living here for 3 months but I can’t find it anywhere. Small problem, but it would be a great help. Thanx.
Hello everyone is anybody know how much a commercial property ( shop) is for metro square?? many thank
HI: are u the first time to come shanghai, not yet have any idea about shanghai? do u want to get a appartment or hotel in a reasonable price? are you expat? u want to rent a appartment for a short time within 6 monthes? u are going to study in jiaotong university or fudan university and want to get a appartment to stay? i am chris, specially offer this service to foreigners who come to shanghai for expat work or study. i can find good and cheap appartment for you . now the chinese new year is coming , during these time, most of real estate will be no working. but i can offer you this service during the chinese new year days. if you are feeling trouble in finding appartment, or you don’t want to spend too much to stay in hotel, just inform me here, i do can find an good place for you stay. my contact: cellphone:86-1367.189.7173 best regards chris shanghai china
I’m heading to Shanghai end march for 6 days, just a quick trip to see my suppliers and also find a place to live in June/July
If anyone knows of and cool small designer hotel (must have extremely clean and modern bathrooms) please let me know! your help would be greatly appreciated.
Also if anyone is in the fashion industry (I’m a designer and developer) love to hear from you my myspace is
thanks for reading..cheers rodney
hi guys,
im lookign fwd to open a branch office in shanghai , can someone advice me the safest service apartment office cum residence for three person with all amenities.
Also advice the cost of house rent n food n travelling n phone/mobile cost.
I am a 19 year old uni student, living in Sydney, Australia. I work in an accounting firm in the city. I want to go and live in Shanghai. Is it worth me leaving Sydney to go there now or wait untill i finish my studies. Is there study options over there.
Thankyou in advance,
My husband is thinking of taking a job over in shanghi and usd he is saying will be 14,000 per month. we will be keeping
stateside home as well for about 1 year until our son is out of school.
My question it this exactly how much usd will it take for him to live over there so we can maintain the stateside
address. can he make it on 3000 usd a month ?
Hi! Great site, by the way. Could anybody tell me what is the easiest way to get a job in shanghai for a foreigner? Is there an agency for that? I’ve been living in Shanghai with my wife (both 20’s) and both of us are looking for work. Is there any more than the few they advertize in newspapers? Thank you in advance for help! Nick.
I have a brand new shanghai trading (exporting) company and I would like to sell it. We just set up this company, but our investor decided to leave the project. So if you want to save the hassle and time (about 6month) to set up your company I’m willing to sell mine. If interested email me. Nick. (
Hi.This is an excellent site.I am relocating to Shanghai by the end of this month.The Company is paying me around 1500 USD per month then is it a good living for me?I am a bachelor and would be workin in Pudong area.Please help me.Thanks.
@Deb, sounds not bad.
hi! iam going to shangai for a job.
my company provides me accomodation and food, and pays for me 1000 RMB.
Will it be sufficient to lead a life there?
your answers may help me.
hi there im posting again,
As i said before my current salary is 29k a year Im supposed to get an offer soon from a company branch in SH pudong (american compnay) After reading all the posts here SH look very expensive unless your income is very high, my plan is to sign on a 2 year contract and I am expecting for 40k a year (if this will be the offer) with 40/29k I can live in a good area in SH and save as well?
@kobi, welcome to Shanghai. With the amount of money, you can survive in Shanghai, but don’t expect too much from the city. No one would say Shanghai is cheap. It is getting to one of the most expensive cities in the world.
@Thank you Jian Shuo, it is look like SH is the most expensive city I will live in,I probably will demand higer salary :)
What is the avaerage salary for forigner in SH anyway…? :)
@kobi, it is very hard to define “average” salary for “foreigners”. As you can imagine, there is no right answer for this question. Some data I can tell you though, is that the minimum salary in Shanghai is 840 RMB per month. Some expats get 1 – 5 million RMB per year. You get the idea of the range…
I got an opportunity to work in China(probably in Shangai city). I am not sure how the cost of living is in this city. I might get 14k Yuan as salary. What could be savings out of these? An approximate figure of total cost of living. Thanks in advance for your help.
I got an opportunity to work in China(probably in Shangai city). I am not sure how the cost of living is in this city. I might get 14k Yuan as salary. What could be savings out of these? An approximate figure of total cost of living. Thanks in advance for your help.
i will be taching english in shanghai and will earn 8000rmb per month + get a housing allowance of 2000rmb per month. is the 2000rmb sufficient for an apartment, i do not need to live in luxury, a one bedroom aprtment is fine, but i would like to live relatively central?
what are the average food costs for a month if i for example eat out once a day (lunch) but eat breakfast and dinner at home?
i will be taching english in shanghai and will earn 8000rmb per month + get a housing allowance of 2000rmb per month. is the 2000rmb sufficient for an apartment, i do not need to live in luxury, a one bedroom aprtment is fine, but i would like to live relatively central?
what are the average food costs for a month if i for example eat out once a day (lunch) but eat breakfast and dinner at home?
thank you
lunch:15-20 yuan RMB/per day
food: 1500 yuan RMB /1 Month
chinese food is cheap
2000RMB for apartment
(luxury house at gubei road is 4000-5000RMB)
I am a young (40yr old), successful, US citizen, thinking of moving to Shanghai or GuangZhou. I have a couple successful companies that are doing business with and in China from an import and export standpoint. I have been considering opening a Shanghai or GuangZhou office but am not sure if it is the right move. If I relocate to China, how long can I stay at a time? By stepping down from my companies as the COO and focusing all of my efforts on my Chinese business partners, I will reduce my gross income to around $75,000 US per month, leaving enough capital in HR to hire a new COO for the US side of the companies.
My question is (and I am sorry for dragging on but felt it was important to describe the lifestyle that I am accustomed to);
1) Will I be able to live the same type of life that I am used to living in the US with a yearly gross salary of 220k per year?
2) What are the tax implications if I were to give up my US citizenship and remain in China?
3) I would be remised if I failed to tell you that I can speak enough Mandarin to get by in social situations, but not in business situations, I cannot read Mandarin nor can I read pinyin.
4) The work that I would do in China would barely be called work and would take me no time at all (maybe 7 to 10 days per month and mostly travel and dinners and such) and would be left with a lot of free time for myself so disposable income shall be an important factor.
5) What can one expect to pay for a full time car and driver?
Thank you for your help and attention as I feel that I am at a crossroads in my life.
USD 75 K permonth? = 75 x 7.3 = 547 K RMB
Great 300 sqm apt in pudong cost approx 20 K Rmb
House maid cost approx max 2K / month
Electricity etc approx 1-2K /month
Food cost (depends on what you like to eat)….
Driver cost 2 K per month
hell… with that kind of money, you can live like king in shanghai. Go figure!.
Dear all,
this is really a great website where i can get useful info if living in shanghai.
for my case, i’ve just got an offer by a US MNC in shanghai; offering me mthly salary of RMB 18,000, housing allowances of RMB 4500, insurance cover… so u guys think is this a fair deal? what kind of housing i can get with the allowance given? so guys, need your advise on this.. as i’m still considering the offer….
need your help….
With a gross salary of USD 75K/month and/or annual intake of USD220K/year, you wouldn’t be asking this personally – especially online. You’re personal assistant, lawyer and accountant should be.
I wouldn’t easily forgo or even neglect your American citizenship right away (without picking up on a long-tested “rule-of-law” citizenship of another country) due to mere tax implications and/or for the pleasure of living in a low-cost “paradise” like China without having stayed there for any length of time. The grass always look greener on the other side.
i got job in shanghai.they are offering me it suffcient money to survive a simple life there in each aspect whether it is food,housing or other things too.give me answer as early as possible.
shiv from India
Does anybody know where I can get information on which MNCs offer how much as cost of living allowances for their assignees to Shanghai? And also which companies offer which amount as reasonable housing allowance?
In general, does anybody know of any kind of scientific research exploring and comparing the practice of international assignment management among a couple of MNCs?
This post is a redirect from an earlier post which is attached below.
Sorry. Should be yearly reduced income level to USD$75k/year. Not per month. My question is can live well on this amount as I would reduce my income from USD$220/year so I can afford to have someone still working my position in the US.
I have been to China several times since 2003 and am quite familiar with many of the major city areas, including Shanghai. I have just never considered becoming an expat until recently.
Sorry for the typo earlier.
Posted by: Troy on February 2, 2008 4:45 AM
I am a young (40yr old), successful, US citizen, thinking of moving to Shanghai or GuangZhou. I have a couple successful companies that are doing business with and in China from an import and export standpoint. I have been considering opening a Shanghai or GuangZhou office but am not sure if it is the right move. If I relocate to China, how long can I stay at a time? By stepping down from my companies as the COO and focusing all of my efforts on my Chinese business partners, I will reduce my gross income to around $75,000 US per month, leaving enough capital in HR to hire a new COO for the US side of the companies.
My question is (and I am sorry for dragging on but felt it was important to describe the lifestyle that I am accustomed to);
1) Will I be able to live the same type of life that I am used to living in the US with a yearly gross salary of 220k per year?
2) What are the tax implications if I were to give up my US citizenship and remain in China?
3) I would be remised if I failed to tell you that I can speak enough Mandarin to get by in social situations, but not in business situations, I cannot read Mandarin nor can I read pinyin.
4) The work that I would do in China would barely be called work and would take me no time at all (maybe 7 to 10 days per month and mostly travel and dinners and such) and would be left with a lot of free time for myself so disposable income shall be an important factor.
5) What can one expect to pay for a full time car and driver?
Thank you for your help and attention as I feel that I am at a crossroads in my life.
I think to gain information on living standards and cost of living in Shanghai, you have certainly come to the right place for advice.
However, as for the question concerning US citizenship and taxation implications, my advice to you is to seek professional advice. Although you may get some sound opinions and first-hand experiences here, this blog is not the appropriate forum for this sort of advice. Taxation is a very personal matter, and each individual will face different issues, depending on income, assets, investments etc (at home and abroad).
To outline this a little further, let me share my own experience. I have lived and worked abroad for a number of years. Now I know obviously, Australian and SG tax laws are much different to the US and China – I am merely offering my case as an example of why professional advice is warranted. My family and I are currently, residing in Singapore on P1 employment pass and dependent passes. When I made the shift to SG, I was allocated the services of a ‘global’ taxation partner (PCW) through my company, who assisted in my tax matters in both Australia and Singapore.
It became glaringly obvious early, that the state of my residence in SG had some (but very little baring) on my tax position. There are many taxation advantages by residing in SG whilst maintaining a ‘non-resident for taxation purposes’ in Australia…. this is the critical point – if I retained substantial assets back home (eg. house, shares, other investments, etc) or received any form of income (inc. significant interest dividends etc) in Australia, I would need to continue as a ‘resident for taxation purposes’ in Australia – this would negate any taxation benefits in SG, because I would have to pay an ‘equalizing’ tax (or if you like, double tax). By ‘liquidating’ and selling off Australian assets, I am now taxed only in SG at a much much less rate than I would be if I were still in Australia. This as I said, as an employment pass holder… we will become PRs (permanent residents) of SG in a month or two, which offers a couple more percentage points in tax advantage, but to move toward citizenship would offer only a further small incremental gain. This would not be acceptable given my loyalty to my country and heritage (Australian through and through, regardless of where in the region I reside). Also, although Australia recognizes dual citizenship, SG do not (nor do China), and I would not be relinquishing by Aussie status for one or two percentage points of tax gain – totally unacceptable to me.
Finally, a very important point to note, is the usage of the term ‘expat’. Although, all of us on overseas assignments ‘generally’ refer to ourselves as expats, it is critical for you to understand the business implications and translation of this term. If you are an ‘expat’ in it’s true business sense, your company will be sponsoring all your costs (living away from home allowance, driver and vehicle, regular R&R and associated travel costs, etc etc), and this money would be paid from your home country (hence the potential for heavy taxes), but generally these packages are quite attractive – I suspect this is not the case for you, because a US$75K package wouldn’t cut it (wouldn’t even come close). Your HR dept should be able to advise you on this – that’s what HR professionals are paid to do – they should have the knowledge base on this.
Anway – I’ve been super long-winded – in short, you MUST engage professional advice on the taxation matters – as you rightly point out, this is a life changing opportunity and you should therefore give the decision the respect it deserves by doing your homework completely.
PD: Disposable Income? – depends on you – how do you spend your time? Window shopping or shopping at Gucci? That’s a real tough question without the background.
I’m from Mexico and I’ll move to Nanjing very soon.
I have some questions:
It’s a good and secure city to live?
Where can I work?
What’s the best district to live?
Common man can not bear the Living Cost in Shanghai.
i got job in shanghai.they are offering me it suffcient money to survive a simple life there in each aspect whether it is food,housing or other things too.give me answer as early as possible.
Shanghai to Yiwu is only 300 km, drive car in 3 hours.
I’ve lived in Guangzhou and moved to Shanghai. Food certainly cost a lot more here, at least 2x as much for standard Chinese fair. There are many many expensive restraunts in SH, but they can be easily avoided unless you want to eat swank ALL THE TIME. All American fast food chains seem to charge the same amount throughout China. But supermarkets seem to be cheaper here. Taxis cost more. 10 for flag fall vs. 7 in GZ.