Just get back from SVB Bank Wine Tasting event. SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) is a very special bank. Based on my experience with them, they know what they are going to do, and have some great people in the team, and of great culture. It is like a family.
The event happened in Le Platine in the Xintiandi area. The venue is a very nice place for such private meetings. They mixed their partners, VC clients and entrepreneurs. The first part of it was not very interesting (I just want to be honest with myself), but the last part, I had the opportunity to talk with Hairong Ji from Focus Media (I learnt he was in SJTU for 8 years), and David Wu (my school mate of the same department. SVB folks joined the talk after they sent most of their guest out.
I had great wine – although every time wine tastes great for me. I had a lot and get a little bit dazzle after it. As Terrence put it, not every bank can provide good wine…
I won’t shy away from my praise of the SVB, just like I am a happy customer (and friend) of MovableType. SVB team is like a family, and as a customer, I am feeling happy…
P.S. Pretty busy days, but I have made up my mind to put most of my time into the business for long enough time. So time flys quickly for me.
Wow! You’re enjoying a fulfilling life. BTW, I’m drinking a litte bit red wine before sleep at night these days, haha, expecting to make my eyes brighter. ^-^ +U
Hi! Jianshuo, I’ve found that three of my recent comments are signed in the color of darker green, different from the ones I always leave. I think the reason is that I just made some mistakes when typing my email. It is a matter of big concern whether I could get the sepecially designed golden medal in the far future, so could you do me a favor to make some correction in the database when you have time? I think you can just select the top 6 comments by Michelle in the comment talbe, and update the email in the records by the one I left before. I really appreciate it if you could make any correction. And I think I will tick the checkbox ‘remember my information’ and not clear the cookies when shutting down the browser to aviod the same mistake in the future.
Haha, sorry for that. I’m that kind of person always in pursuit of perfection, because my horoscope is Virgo.
@Michelle, don’t worry. I will be happy to help you to do the change.
Wow! Now it’s perfect. You are really quick, efficient and helpful, Jianshuo. Thanks! ^-^ Please accecpt this sincere commendation from a Virgo.
Jianshuo – thanks for the comment. I’m glad you had a good time enjoying the wine from napa valley with friends and I’m sure you are not the only one that found the evening an enjoyable one. cheers Steven