Shanghai Photo Viewer

I added a link to all my individual pages tonight. You may notice that at the end of every entry, there are some photos showing related photos of the topic.

Using the Shanghai Photo Viewer, I can easily find latest Shanghai photos, and then find out a good topic to write about. Any keyword search gets a lot of great images from the online community.

If you want to know more about Shanghai and want to see it with your own eyes, you can try using the tool.

Updated November 10, 2007

This is the most frequently asked question about this Shanghai Photo Viewer. I hope it answers most of your questions. If you have unanswered questions, please post in the comment section.

Q: Why My Photo is Here?

A: Because you published your photo to Google Picasa Web. This photo viewer is just a viewer program to use Google Picasa Web Data API to access publicly hosted image of Google Picasa Web. As the major destination blog for visitors of Shanghai, I am using some keywords like Shanghai, or Bund to locate these photos.

Q: What is Google Picasa Web Data API?

A: According to Google:

The Picasa Web Albums Data API allows client applications to view and update Picasa Web Albums content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user’s albums, photos, comments, or tags, edit or delete content in an existing entry, and query the content in an existing entry.

Currently, there are thousands of applications on the Internet using this API to create rich applications around photos.

Did you Steal my Photos?

A: Absolutely not. It is still hosted on Google, and I do not store it locally on my server. Also, under each photo (bigger version), I have given credit to the author – as you specified when you sign up Google PicasaWeb.

Can I Remove my Photos from you “viewer”?

A: There are several ways. One is to mark your photo “private” when you upload. This is not just for my viewer, it also prevent other application that leverage the same API to display your photo. If you mark it “public”, you explicitly tell Google to serve the photo whenever an API client application requests it. If you don’t like what Google is doing, you can also choose the second approach – don’t use Google Picasa Web Albums. There are alternatives like (please note that this service also provide similar API). The third approach is to setup a photo album by yourself.

Update December 1, 2007

To address some of the concerns that the photo owner really don’t have their photo shown on this viewer, I have developed a new function to help them.

Automatically Remove my Photos

A) At the top of your Album, you will now see a link with text: “Remove these photos”.

B) Click to this link, and you will see a confirmation dialog to ask you to confirm that you want to delete the photos.

C) If you click YES, your photos will NOT be shown on this Photo Viewer.

Hope this addresses the concerns.

This does not Makes Sense, How should I have my Voice Heard?

A: Easy. Just post a comment below, and I will response. I am happy to accept any good ideas or suggestions.

Here are one example of it:

Updated November 13, 2007

BUG FIX: The cached version of some photos showed the early version of the photo viewer that was still in development and didn’t show credit to the owner of the photos. Now I have cleared all the cache, so to make sure all credit information is attached to each photo (bigger version). Meanwhile, I strengthened the author’s credit information to make it more dominate in any photo attached to it.

I am embarrassed by this bug. I believed that I have attached credit information to every single photo that was taken by somebody else in this blog in the last five years – if you check the 2000+ blog entries in the last five years, I always tried my best to give credit, although 95% of the photos in this blog was taken by myself with my own camera. I tried to follow the same guideline when I created this photo viewer. However, as you know, development takes time, and in early versions, you don’t have everything. When I wrote this blog entry, the development has finished. However, due to cache, it does not reflect the final output of the code. That is the cause of the problem. Now, I believe the problem has been fixed.

I’d like to thank Bruce Flanagan and Ashutosh to point this out for me.

Updated Special Thank You January 4, 2008

During the creation of this blog, one of the Picasa users, Alvar Lopez sent me many emails and gave me a lot of suggestions. He started with a good feedback about proper credit (result of incomplete work), and then became an angry complainer, because of a “remove these photos” function (my bad, again, for the bug). Finally, his suggestion made several important improvement for the photo viewer:

  • Remove of Google AdSense code. This was out of curiosity about how the “imagine only” Google AdSense performs v.s. Text ads. Now the experiment is over, and I have removed the code. Also, I don’t have any plan to add any Google AdSense code for this photo viewer in the future.
  • Remove my photo function. I understand it is very important for the photo owners to have the ability to control where their photos appear. Although by sharing photos on PicasaWeb, and the public Picasa API, it is intention to share the photos publicly, I think it is the right thing to do to give as much control as I can to the photo author. Now anyone (even not the owner) can prevent their photos to be displayed on this photo viewer. Please note: it does not prevent other similiar application from display the photo. The only way to prevent it is not to share the photo on Picasa Web, or make it unlisted when you publish. Alvar Lopez also helped to figure out a bug that in certain situation, it does not work as intended.

Again, thanks Alvar for the patience, and the back-and-forth email communication. It is readers like him to help me create a blog that millions of people are using every year. It turned out that finally, after I corrected all the bugs, we are friends (I believe), and Alvar is even so kind to link to my site. The next time you see something wrong with the site, let me know.

64 thoughts on “Shanghai Photo Viewer

  1. What is the easiest and quickest means of transport from Shanghai PuDong airport to Haiyan City, Zhejiang?

    How easy is it for a European to drive a hire car?

  2. Nice pictures!We too took some good pictures at Pudong, when we got the top of the Oriental Pearl.There is some open air spaces (like balcony) just before you go down from the top floor.My fiancee lean his hand out of the balcony and tried to take picture of the Oiental Pearl like from outside standing inside!!Enjoyable, we got picture like GoogleEarth shooted the landscape.:) Later, when we went outside of the Pearl, we decided to shoot the top once more, and this time, luckily, there was an airplane passing through the top!!!So, it was great!!!!

  3. You are welcome to use a couple of my images but why are you using my entire birds of PA wallpaper collection? I would like them removed or at least add the appropriate credits.


    Bruce Flanagan

  4. @Bruce, would you please tell me the address of the photos you mentioned? I am actually using Google PicasaWeb API to access only public available photos on the topic of Shanghai. Also, I give credit to the original author with every photo. If you don’t want your photos be included in any services (including my photo view, and thousands of other applications using Google PicasaWeb API), you can either mark it as private in PicasaWeb, or don’t use PicasaWeb all all.

  5. Hi! I was searching for something on the net when this came up. As it happens, these photos were clicked by me!!!! May I know who you are and how you came across these photos?


  6. @Ashutosh, I just updated a FAQ section in this blog entry. Please scroll up and see the update. I hope it answers your question.

    Again, what I created is only a viewer of Google Picasa Web Photos.

  7. The URL of the page displaying my bird wallpaper images is

    there is no mention of me as the author or photographer. additionally, these photos were taken in the United States and have nothing to do with Shanghai.

    You are more than welcome to use my photos for your own personal use, but I would prefer that you do not post them as your own works. I would appreciate it if you removed them from your collection or at least mention me as the author.

    I love Google’s Picasaweb and I have many photos there for me to share with the world. an exploitation of the Picasa web albums API to present other peoples photos as if you took them is not how Google intended there services to be used.

    I appreciate your interest in my Bird Photos, but I would prefer that you link to my album rather than displaying the entire album on your site.


    Bruce Flanagan

  8. Thank you for updating the Bird Wallpaper images page to indicate that I am the author. You are welcome to continue sharing these photos now.

    Have a nice day,

    Bruce Flanagan

  9. @Bruce, it seems you have noticed the change before I notify you. Thanks for the comments that makes me aware of this bug – it is really a bug. Please see my comment in the main body of this blog entry.

    If you think there is anything I need to do to make sure the application adds value instead of causing confusion, please let me know.

  10. Angelo,

    Eu sou bisnona do Andréa Loss,(meu nome de solteira é Loss), e neta de João Baptista Loss estarei indo a San Bovo agora no mês de dezembro, espero ficar encantada com a nossa familia como voce.


  11. Este poema é de minha autoria. Foi publicado em 1986 e só chegou à internet em 1999 com autorização minha.

    Qualquer uso indevido é considerado plágio.

    Favor dar crédito ao autor.


    Mauro Gouvêa

  12. What’s the point of the story??? Your’ friend points at the tea and actually wants coffee. He asks for coffee when he actually wants to sleep!!!(maybe it’s FREE!)Landing and take-off are the most dangerous times during flight..Tables have to be put upright and cups and saucers cannot be left lying around or in one’s hand (no matter how tightly Nimish was holding it!). Cabin crew ensure the safety of all passengers. As far as I see..They did a good job! Your friend should be either 1) educated on flying 2) banned from aircraft…Nuff said

    well done China Eastern!!

  13. 1) Never saw better food on United or A.A

    2) At least you didn’t have to pay for it like on U.S. airlines!

    3) When you pay get monkeys (or in this case monkey food!)

    Strange…so many biased and unfair comments put up by cheapskates who want to fly direct…fly coach (cheap) and then complain. Hey man..nobody put an AK-47 to your head to fly China Eastern!! In this world we make decisions based on seceral come so many people bitch about their own decisions after making it! If it’s so come their flights are “over-booked” and mostly full?? I think most of you guys pay too little and ask too much..Next time try flying 1st class ok??

  14. Please do not include my album in your viewer. I have changed it to “private” now, but it still shows up!

  15. @sreerupa, OK. It is the cache again. I will do a change to the program, so the cached version gets expire quicker, so this way I can honor your request to keep it private. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  16. sayaka how are you this is benny i sent you now a phone and email of a shop in delhi in india

    be with them in contact

    india code and then:



    very best staff im here now

    soon done

    by by

  17. I have to tell you that this is not the Maglev train terminal. This roof belongs to the airport terminal in Pudong .The train terminal is connected to this building by a bridge ,which by the way, is very awful.Nice Photos.

  18. I would like to know is there any express (fast train) from Schenzen to Shenyang (lionin Province). Could you provide me information where can i get the train schedule.

    Thank you for your kind assistance.


    From Brunei.

  19. HA~ It’s CRH “D” series train whose speed near 200km/h. It took me 9 hours from Shanghai to Beijing, about 3 hours earlier than before. The other two photos were photograph in Shanghai Railway Station.

  20. Hello ,

    Was very suprised to see pictures from Shanghai .

    I worked for the Shanghai-Bell-Telephone-Company in 1985.

    In Fact we started the first factory.

    Is it possible to make a few pictures from that area?

    my family an d I lived in the Wanpingnan-lu in a building whihich belonged to the Chinese PTT.


    Lode Beumkes

  21. hello,

    I love all the products they are all gorgeous but am interested in the imported shoes, how do I get to the company for prizes and minimum order.

    These are the item codes—DSCO23O2JPG

    DSCO2863 JPG

    That is my email address for contact.



  22. Dear Sirs,

    Please let me know if there is a bullet train service from Beijing to Shanghai. If there is, please let me have

    the departure time and the duration of the journey.

    We need 2 tickets – first class – from Beijing to Shanghai on Thursday, 3rd January 2008. Please advise how I can go about buying these tickets, can I buy online?

    Appreciate your early reply.

    Thank you


  23. I worked at this Drive-In from 1976 to 2001 as a Projectionist. I can tell you just about anything and everything there is to know about this place. I was the one who originally scanned the outdoor church service picture you have on your page. Very cool to see that posted here. You saw the outside. I was inside. With a camera.

    The Projectionist


  24. Hello, I’m writting from Switzerland. I’m searching Ana Karina de Rojas, shown on the picture. I guess, she is my cousin wich I haven’t seen for ad least 20 years. My mother and her father were sister and brother from Peru. I hope, you can help me find her and send me her e-mail address. I thank you very much for your answer an remain

    Kyra Wegmüller-Futterknecht



  25. i really enjoyed looking at the photos and reading the information. my grandfather was oswald sveum, and florence was my mother. have always felt the tie to mcleod!

  26. Gilberto, boa noite. vi suas fotos, meu bisavô também veio da Caoria, chamava Andrea Loss e foi casado com Nicolina Corona Loss, seu pai se chamva Venâncio Loss e sua mãe, não lembro o nome, mas sei que seu sobrenome era Caser.

    Meu bisavô veio para Santa Tereza no ES e depois mudou-se para o Rio Grande do Sul com os filhos.

    Minha irmã esteve em novembro na Caoria e encontrou alguns parentes nossos por lá.

    Um grande abraço


  27. well quiet some collection of rahuri pictures.. hi i m rohit, vikas rajnoor’s son… how r you doing?? i m currently in the united states in forward me your number i will get in touch wit you… hows richie??

  28. Hi,

    I am a magazine editor for fashion, currently writting on qipao’s maker around asia. I would like to request the photo of the Shanghaixu store in large dpi-720 with minumum of 100kb. can you please send to my email at

    thank you

  29. favor dicer porque yo foamy si casa favor mami si clara maria gabriela sordo gusto si clara ok

  30. hola me gusta mucho la revista acabo de comprar la numero 28 la de julio y vi que en la revista numero 29 trae dulceros e invitaciones de kunfu panda y de eso le quiero hacer su cumpleaños a mi bebe; pero su cumple es en agosto, por lo que me urge la revsita para que empieze los dulceros ya que tengo que hacer 50, me la pueden mandar antes de que termine el mes de julio

  31. Dear Sir, I have done this earlier request

    the release of photos and personal name, the link below, you are hurting me, please remove your blog and especially the results of Google searches. In my picasaweb album, is not allowing this disclosure is restricted use and special

    For other pictures of beaches and nature of my city, I am willing to share.

    Prezado senhor, já fiz esta solicitação anteriormente

    a divulgação das fotos e nome pessoal, no link abaixo, está me prejudicando, por favor retirar de seu blog e principalmente dos resultados das pesquisas do google. No meu album picasaweb, não está permitindo esta divulgação é de uso restrito e particular

    Para outras fotos de praias e natureza de minha cidade, estou disponível para partilhar

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