Jian Shuo Visits San Jose (Again)

Hope this is not too surprising. I am visiting San Jose again from Dec 3 to Dec 10. This time, I transit in Tokyo.

In the last few weeks, I went to U.S., stayed for 10 days, went back, and stayed for 2 weeks, and then will visit U.S. again, and will stay for one week, and then fly back to Shanghai. I am just like a clock… Ding dong, Ding dong ~~~

Jet lag can be tough for me. I am the jet lag type of person, and hope this time, the sleep method still works.

7 thoughts on “Jian Shuo Visits San Jose (Again)

  1. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Jian Shuo. Sleep seems to work all kinds of miracles for you!

  2. Reading this guy’s blog is just like reading the official People’s Daily. It is just another government’s mouthpiece.

    It is amazing that this guy can curry favour with both the chinese regime and the innocent Western audience.

    I guess that is the reason the government censors allow his website to live compared with hundreds of other websites which really try to tell the stories of a true China but get banned or unplugged by those ruthless censors.

    For the innocent Western audience, I suggest you hand in your own passport, apply for Chinese citizenship and live a common Chinese life before reading this guy’s blog with rosy glasses. Otherwise, you are just another what Lenin called “useful fool”. (BTW, Lenin used the term to refer to those in the Western world who defended the practices of the new-born Soviet regime in the early 20th century.)

  3. Ahh, the beautiful world of many human views. Some cannot tolerate critical/grey voices. You’d call that censorship. Some others cannot tolerate positive/rosy voices. I’d call that censorship 2.

  4. JS,

    I can see that the travel part is quite demanding for your job. Do you mind sharing with us how Wendy copes with it?


  5. Jian Shuo,

    Have a good trip. You probably don’t have any free time when you are here, but I’m happy to meet up again on last minute notice (in China style) if you do. A local restaurant review site I like is http://www.jatbar.com. They don’t do a great job with Chinese food, but they do with most other foods. Email me if you want any specific restaurant recommendations.

    China-watch, I think JS would acknowledge that his life is far from a “common Chinese life.” BTW I’m personally a bigger fan of Alexis DeTocqueville (who wrote about the French Revolution) than Lenin…

  6. sorry to say that,but i will say.i mean i should not say it in you blog Jian Shuo,i want you can alow .

    that is ,i want to know more about ‘china-watch ‘

    i think ,i will know more about he(you) if he (you)will get there again.

    because of the Comments:

    “I guess that is the reason the government censors allow his website to live compared with hundreds of other websites which really try to tell the stories of a true China but get banned or unplugged by those ruthless censors.”

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