Sleep on Airplane

Late sleeping last night took effect today. I fall asleep as soon as I sat down at a 10F seat of MU flight. This is the first time in my life that I didn’t enjoy a flight – I didn’t know when the flight took off and when it landed. All I know is, I sat down, slept, woke up and went home. Amazing! It seems I should stay late every time before a travel thus the boring time during the trip will be easily skipped, as if it hadn’t existed. Oh. There was even a book at Amazon to teach people to Sleep on Airplanes. LOL.

Munich’s Glass

Wendy sent back some pictures from Munich.


Munich Airport. Photographer: Wendy

If Munich is made of glass, then Shanghai must be made of people.


Stairs at People’s Square Station in Shanghai. © Jian Shuo Wang

6 thoughts on “Sleep on Airplane

  1. Hi JS,

    I need the telephone number for the Sony DSC factory in Shanghai. Can you send this to me?

    Appreciate your help


    Gary Cotter

  2. The phone number is +86-21-64359600


    法人代表:高浦靖也 职务:董事长





  3. I was in shanghai last week and I took the subway from PUDONG to PUXI. I think the guy who designed the exchange between No.1 and No.2 should be prosecuted.

    I like the dynamics of Shanghai, although I grown up in Beijing.

    Thanks for the tips for Taxi fare.

  4. Haha. You got the point. The transition between Metro No. 1 and No. 2 is horriable. The exchange in Singapore is much better since the two lines interchanages. The other line is just at the other side of the plateform.

    However, the current situation may make some sense when considered two more metro lines will arrive the People’s Square very soon. To design the four metro stations at its seperate location and connect them with long tunnels may be more easy if there is no better solution.

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