Blog on WAP is the new wap page for my blog. I can get the latest comment entries on my mobile phone. I will post it later about the source and steps.

Do not try to use your browser to open this page since it is in WML format and can only be read in a WAP browswer – typically a mobile phone with WAP function. You can have a try using this WAP simulator.

Update December 25, 2005

The wap location is changed to

6 thoughts on “Blog on WAP

  1. The night of the day before yesterday, I added the hit counter to the WAP site so I know how many visitors to my site in real time.

  2. Mr. Wong

    Would appreciate if you can provide me a reliable tour operater who specialised the region of Shanghai/Nanjing/Beijing should I and my family wish to visit China after X’mas.

    You help shall be grateful as our last visit was not joyful due our operator directed us for shopping more than sightseeing.

    Awaiting you reply!


  3. Hi Jiang Shou,

    I visited your blog. It is fantastic!

    I am a photographer and I will be in China for 5 weeks, arriving in Shanghai on 18/11. I live in Brussels, Belgium.

    Is there anyway I can contact you? via email, etc? The reason is I would like some information in organising an exhibition in Shanghai like what you did with yoru group of freinds.

    Please do send me an email as I would really love to meet you. My travelling email address is



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