Link to Wangjianshuo’s Blog

You are welcome to link to Wangjianshuo’s Blog is you enjoy reading it. I offer the following text/logos with HTML code for you to link to me.

Option 1: Text



<a href="">Wangjianshuo’s


Option 2: Text with Description


Wangjianshuo’s blog

Read this blog for daily life in Shanghai, travelogues around China, and

interesting web resources and events. Written by young man working in Shanghai.


<a href="">Wangjianshuo’s blog</a><br/>

Read this blog for daily life in Shanghai, travelogues around China, and

interesting web resources and events. Written by young man working in Shanghai.

Option 3: Logo Only



<a href=""><img src=""

border="0" alt="Wangjianshuo’s blog" width="150" height="31"/></a>

Option 4: Logo with Description


Read this blog for daily life in Shanghai, travelogues around China, and

interesting web resources and events. Written by young man working in Shanghai.


<a href=""><img src=""

align="absMiddle" border="0" width="150" height="31"/></a><br/>

Read this blog for daily life in Shanghai, travelogues around China, and

interesting web resources and events. Written by young man working in Shanghai.

6 thoughts on “Link to Wangjianshuo’s Blog

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    From Glendale, Arizona, I send my heartfelt thanks.

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