Oct 1 to Oct 7 are the National Holiday in China. In the next few days, the nation will enter the holiday theme. Happy holiday, in advance.
Oct 1 to Oct 7 are the National Holiday in China. In the next few days, the nation will enter the holiday theme. Happy holiday, in advance.
Let me be the first one to wish you a “HAPPY and Wonderful holiday for you and your family”.
Hope YIFAN enjoys the holiday time more with this father & Mother.
Happy holiday!
Yes, another holiday to celebrate one year closer to the end of the current regime. Happy holidays, everyone.
That’s right, Happy Holiday. And you will also see people with huge suitcases and large appliances on every bus and train.
forget about 钓鱼岛
history is sometimes hard to swallow, but necessary, let’s move on. the hard lesson learned is we need to wisely solve territorial disputes before they become unsolvable.
“And you will also see people with huge suitcases and large appliances on every bus and train.” If these trains and buses are moving somehow, its not really holidays for everyone out there in China, isn’t it? It seems to be very unique in the whole world, that a country has got holidays for over a week for most of the people. And people who has to work on this specials days, should be paid double and tripple, please! We will see, how long your goverment is having these holidays. I find that a bit spooky. What the hell are you doing all, if you are not visiting a family? Are you takin gthe chance to visite the rest of the world?