My Spring Airlines 9C8807 to Xiamen is further delayed to 18:20. I am still at Hongqiao Airport waiting to get on board at a restaurant. Yesterday, I just read Feld’s suggestion: Pretending You are Luggage when you are traveling by air. I agree. Luggage never complain and is never in a hurry. The reception at the outdoor grassland of YLF will start soon, and this big luggage is still in Shanghai. Hmm…. Don’t complain. Drink some water, and continue to pretend I am a luggage.
Update November 04, 2009
I finally sit in my nice sea view room at Seaview Hotel. The flight was delayed by 3 hours, so I was stuck in the airport for 5 hours today. When I arrived in Xiamen, it was already 9 o’clock.
It was so nice to my old friend, Jan, Jon, June, Matt, Stacy, Rose, Jennifer, Biao, Reihan, and new YLFer there. Will go to bed now, and expecting the great session tomorrow.
It seems that the luggage has been delivered to Xiamen. Congrats!
Share some well-designed funny luggage with you:–Design–Gear.html
You’ll love them if you’re waiting for delayed flight/train in some crowded traffic terminal.
hey jianshuo,
i came across your blog, recommended in my Google Reader. i am quite pleased reading through your posts. :)
oh, do you still remember me? ;-)