Flying to Xiamen for YLF 2009

I am flying to Xiamen tomorrow to attend the YLF 2009 (Young Leader’s Forum). Very excited and cannot wait to see the great people there.

I will be in Xiamen from November 4 to November 11 with the main session from November 5 to November 7, and the extension trip from November 8 to November 10.

One thought on “Flying to Xiamen for YLF 2009

  1. Looking forward to your update on YLF 2009. Eager to know whom the “great people” you are to meet there, and what you are to discuss on.

    I had an interesting dream last night: I was sitting in the last row on a bus, and the guy sitting beside me was – Kaifu Lee – one of a few persons I admire so much! Is he attending this forum too? Are you seeing him there?

    I know he is your good friend. It’s really odd for me that you didn’t mention him in your blog in the past several months, during which so many things happened to him. I had thought you would start even another series for him and his new adventure. Anyway, I know your rule. Your blog. You deside what to talk.

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