The 60 Anniversary Parade will be on show tomorrow morning.
But, I still don’t really understand the need for a military parade.
I understand that many people want a celebration, but what is the military function of the parade? Anyone wants to share some idea?
I am confused not only by the Parade tomorrow, but also the parade in France, and other countries. It seems there are just small number of countries still doing that.
Interestingly, there is no military blood in my body. I just don’t enjoy guns, and canons. That is maybe the reason I am not excited about the parade, but many of my friends are looking forward to it just as to the world cup. See? People naturally have different types. I am more of an IT guy, than a military guy by nature.
On one hand they are talking about “peaceful rise” and on the other they are showing off their military might, the government is really all about paradoxes isn’t it?
In a way, I think big countries behave like kids. But I think a show of force is needed some times. The audience of this Parade is both domestic and international. I don’t want to belabor about domestic effect (need, whatever). But I think there are some people in the west will be very interested: for instance, the defense contractors will exaggerate what they saw, and lobby hard in DC: see, China got A, B, C now (in reality China may only have A), we got to have D, E, F to counter it. BTW, D, E, and F cost a fortune.
Some reasons why I think this is necessary: there are still a lot unstable factors in neighboring countries, so a show of force can have some intimidating effect: vs. sending real force over, much more costly. Don’t you even think about this, otherwise we will crush you. (the implied meaning). In this uncertain world, with ever increasing use of resources to lift up people’s living standard, and limited resources on the earth, a large country has to maintain a strong force to get its fair share of resources. Otherwise nobody will give you a (fill in blank here).
Just my 2 cents.
Could it be that having military parade in certain countries is their tradition. For instance, in Taiwan, the parades on its National Day, Oct. 10th, has also been mainly a show of its military force. China for sure is changing fast, you never know if one day there could be parades like the Rosebowl Parade with ofhundreds of floats. I would love to see a parade with all races of China showing their unique costumes and folklores.
What a person is trying to show off is usually what he lacks. What does China lack?
1. Sense of security.
Chinese people had suffered too much invasion & abuse by foreign forces since 1840. All children are educated in primary school that “laggards are doomed to get beaten”. A strong military power is an efficient relief, patching up the missing brick at the foot of Maslow’s pyramid for Chinese people.
2. Pride.
This is of a higher tier on Maslow’s hierarchy. China used to be literally the “Middle Kingdom” of the world. But we have lost that halo for 200 years. China became the symbol of poverty & chaos. Now things are changing (gradually, and very slowly on some aspects). People here are craving for any opportunities to tell the world “don’t look down upon us anymore, we are rising on our feet again”. Nobody likes the feeling of being despised. And you can hardly understand the eagerness to have a prosperous motherland, if your own country didn’t have a miserable history in the recent century. Do we have a better way to express ourselves? China’s GDP growth has been continuously over 10% for years. That’s shiny point to display. But it would be stupid to parade, holding a big banner on which writes “10%”. New types of military hardwares are much better impression maker for foreigners, and hence more significantly, a big ventilator for Chinese people to spew out the deep brewed grievance.
I wish all foreign friends watching the parade with your sun blinkers off (mentally, instead of physically). I deeply believe that the Chinese nation doesn’t have much aggressive gene in its culture. (Those who want to mention Tibet problem, please read more history books before you shoot.)
I’d say Chinese people have developed a sort of obsession with hardwares since the 19th century. This is still very true now when you see “development” in China is all about building the tallest skyscrapers, building spaceships, “developing” China’s own maglev trains, building the largest dam etc. etc. while nobody seems to care about how to reform the corrupted system and bring justice to people.
There are all sorts of reasons for military parades but I think some of the efforts to reduce them into some sort of national insecurity is a bit overdoing it. Frankly, it has more to do with projecting a sense of legitimacy, even deterrence, both domestically and abroad, and has been done in many forms by almost all countries/powers since time immemorial.
It seems rather depressing than proud… terror than celebration.
This is the army’ showtime… everybody got their parties last summer. If there was a need to make a worldly announcement of China’s achievements… the Olympic did it already. The endless needs of showing the “proud” is a bit crazy. This “celebration” is forcing people to get out of the city and stop their life… to empty the city for a show… what kind of the message is this. Yes, China has money to burn. But China has so many people whom that money could be used for for much better causes, and produce real proud and celebration for the future generations.
well, i think it is a tradition thing. Many countries have it as a formal ceremony. If the US decides to have a parade, it will also be a huge one. But personally, I don’t think they need this, cos they are doing it like everyday all over the world … :D
I would disagree with GN that the parade
“seems rather depressing than proud… terror than celebration.”
But absolutely agree with his follow up
“The endless needs of showing the “proud” is a bit crazy. This “celebration” is forcing people to get out of the city and stop their life… to empty the city for a show… what kind of the message is this. Yes, China has money to burn. But China has so many people whom that money could be used for for much better causes, and produce real proud and celebration for the future generations.”
Just finished watching the parade, don’t look that extravagant. Pretty standard march by with some icky moments.
Frankly there is no better time to showcase your military power during peace time.
Is quite a tradition for some countries in the world to do that. S’pore does it every year.
People will judge your army capabililty & hardware during peace time. How you organise the parade, the discipline of the
various army units and the will of the people to celebrate the happy occasion.
Is not realistic to believe that China GDP can grow every year at 10% and not want a strong defence ?
China knows that peace can only come about with a very strong army.
China is a huge country with huge population. With a strong armed forces is definately a plus point and a strong deterrence
for a would be aggressor.
So clearly is showtime for China.
My one cent worth !