Just now, Yifan finished his daily practice of language. Now, at 1 year and 10.5 months, he can pronounce number from 1 to 9 – pretty clear – in Chinese, of cause.
We count how many ducks on his quilt with me. Bingo. My little boy can count to 9.
– Note from a happy father.
It’s certainly no surprise if the son of Wang Jian Shuo turns out to be good with numbers :-)
Hi Jian Shuo ,
I know you and your wife can speak good English.
and I am just wondering , how about your cute son?
Do you talk to him in English some times ?
Well. He is not good at numbers. He just started to pronounce. Now, Yifan enters a stage to be noisy and speak a language from Mars.
We never speak English to him. Don’t have any intention to do that in the future, even in far future.
that’s the so-called “quiet beauty”, which is my dream, little jealous about u :)