How Many of My Readers Use FaceBook?

Facebook has a nice new release called Facebook connect.


It helps website like this blog to engage with Facebook users.

Facebook Connect is the next evolution of Facebook Platform – enabling you to integrate the power of Facebook Platform into your own site. Enable your users to…

Some idea I can think of using this tool on this website:

  1. Facebook users maybe able to use their identify to leave comment
  2. People can share their comment on both this blog and their Facebook profile, so others see your valuable comments.
  3. See if your friends are also on this blog.

The idea may be cool, but the first question I will ask is, how many of my readers are on Facebook. If there is not so many people, it may not worth the effort.

So, if you have a Facebook account, or don’t have one, would you please let me know by using comment section below? Thanks a lot.

26 thoughts on “How Many of My Readers Use FaceBook?

  1. I use facebook so much it is usually always in an open tab. Along with friendfeed and twitter, I would say it is at the center of my social web universe… and I am meeting more and more Chinese friends who are using it too, despite what many think (I am from USA and live in South China).

  2. I use it practically every day, its a very useful site for maintaining contact with both friends and relatives. I’ve met more than one old school friend on it too.

  3. I also has a facebook account, but I find there’s only few people use it around me. Wish the simplified version of the facebook can make it better.

  4. As you might have guessed, I’m not a Facebook user. Never have found the time to look into it/master the user learning curve, and from what I’ve observed, for people who *do* use it, it can be quite a time sink. Feel free to try and convince me, though :-)

  5. I have one….convinced by some of my friends in Asia that it’s a useful way to help keep in touch.

  6. Hi there,i’m new to your site and also new to shanghai! But as i read you can use FB here in China?how?not trough normal connection or so…. I miss FB cause for me here in Shanghai it is my connection to my friends and family from where i come from,Europe… Pls let me know!

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