Yifan Broke Another Cup

At night, Wendy, Yifan and I had dinner with Run, Eric Zheng, and Apple Zhu.

Yifan felt boring when the adults discussed about something that he was not interested. He got some dishes, and a glass cup and played wit it. Not surprisingly, very soon, he dropped the glass cup to the ground, and broke it.

Finally, we paid 11 RMB for it to the restaurant, and Run was kind enough to pay the penalty for Yifan. Thanks, and here is just for the record.

Yifan already learned to walk very well. Most of the time, he just enjoys wandering from room to room to look for something attracting his attention. Very cute now.

Last time, Yifan broke a bow in Hangzhou and we paid 10 RMB for it.

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