Inspired a post on Jim Boykin’s blog, I think it is a great idea to provide a place for my readers to introduce yourself.
For most bloggers, they don’t know who their readers are. I am luck, because many readers turned into frequent commenters, and during the years of conversation, I learnt more about them, such as where they come from, and I even met many of them personally.
So, here is the simple question:
Who are you? Would you please introduce yourself to the rest of the readers?
P.S. Today, the Olympic Torch arrived at the top of the Everest.
how about this form? :)
[mac] male; 20s; student; Central China
[Self-sum-up] Until GFW resolves, i’m not sure i really would like to believe you, seriously and no offence. Yes, this is BIG. And NO, you don’t know how it feels. Thank you. (Net Nanny, beware here, watch me please.) And YES, right now i can only ‘IDENTIFY’ this problem, i can’t ‘SOLVE’ any of them. It’s funny because, you see, the way i see it, THIS WAY OF THINKING is acutally THE PROBLEM here.
The way i see it, [30 years of 改革开放] VS [? years of GFW], GFW winned and is still winning. Don’t bother convince me otherwise. I don’t belive you. For only GOD knows if you are HARMONIZED or SELF-HARMONIZED or not, including YOU, MR. WANG JIAN SHUO. NO OFFENCE. Thank you.
p.S I missed the torch reaching top live broadcasting, damn!!!
@jian shuo – I think you already know much about me over the years… in summary, Peter Breitkreutz – Australian living and working in Singapore – married to ex-colleague from Shanghai, Sammi (used to work together in Kodak). ‘Mixed’ baby Jaime Zheng Jiayang, born in Singapore on 27th August, 2007. Global Strategic Sourcing Manager for Marketing, Motorola.
I’m a new fan of your blog. My friend Joe( recommended your article “为什么喜欢启迪这个词”. After that I subscribe your blog.
I’m a Toastmaster(a non-profit international organization to improve public speaking, communication skills and leadership skills)
I’m an entreprenur. Our business focuses on online sales.
I have a lot of hobbies. Reading, Traveling, Painting, Photograph,…..
I will be an MBA student. In the future I’d like to be a successful entreprenur.
I’d like to learn from you and make friend with you. Hope you can come up with more insightful articles. Thank you!
Best wishes to you and your family!
I never commented on your blog before, I took this opportunity that you kindly offered :)
I’m Fabrizio from Italy, CFO Assistant that would like to visit his company facility in Ningbo (Zhejiang) more often…
Hi Jian Shuo
Long time have not commented on your blog, recently just one on Tibet’s issues.
I am a Singaporean living and working in Shanghai, General Manager of an investment company.
Hard boiled commander of an successful sales legion,
prone to sudden pursuits of stupid ventures.
Loyal servant to China,
Father to an unborn son,
husband to a stubborn wife.
And I will have my puppy…
in this life …or the next…
Hi, I am David from Singapore.
I run Shanghai’s hottest and coolest event site.
Hi Jian Shuo,
Wow, someone in Shanghai knows me! Looks like you’ve got a great company and team there. Maybe one day I’ll get to shanghai and we can meet!
Jim Boykin
I commented a few days ago. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. I’ll be moving to Shanghai soon and I find your blog insightful.
Sorry. Double post, didn’t introduce myself. I’m Bren from Colorado for the time being. I’m looking forward towards experiencing a new place. Young and loving life.
Hi, I’m Nic, from Singapore, beleaguered student of a tender 18 years, and hopeless Internet addict. I have a general interest in different cultures, especially the constantly evolving one of modern China. Tragically, I am Chinese by race, but my fluency in Mandarin has atrophied to such a large extent over the past few years due to disuse that verbal communication is now somewhat frustrating – thankfully my reading skills are a measure better. I love your blog for the reasoned and honest perspective it brings, and also the awesome photos.
Conall, 30’s, male from Dublin, Ireland. Work in sales and marketing. I’ve subscribed to your blog for years. Odd that my first comment was a few weeks ago.
I like this direct call to say hello. Thanks.
We’ve met in person, but this is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your other readers! I’m the proud mom of two wonderful young men about your age, happily married for 40 years this coming month, living in Cupertino CA, and hoping someday to have a chance to visit Shanghai. Until we have grandchildren of our own, it gives me great pleasure to think of myself as Yifan’s unofficial “Honorary American Grandmother” :-)
Hi, I am entirely a Shanghaiese. Born in Shanghai, growth in Shanghai. I heard about your blog in Culturematters on ICS channel.
I am 27, male, an oridinary clerk in Expeditors International, a logistics company which headquarter in Seattle, US.
Hello I am Ally from Perth, Australia.
I was born in Hong Kong but came here when i was a child. I am studying Nutrition and Food science at univesity and i will be coming to Shanghai in October for the 14th World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
I’m studying Mandarin at uni as well because i hope one day i will get the chance to work in China!
I guess I’ll be a first time commenter coming out of hiding. I’m Ben, I’m a university student studying biology and chemistry near Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. I found this blog while searching for Shanghai hotels, and found it very interesting, especially since I’m in a class on Chinese Politics this term.
i am chinese native. came from hangzhou silk-town zhejiang i read your blog everyday for the reason learing english.
and i admire you for your free english thought , no matter how hard i try, my head still work slow and awkward in english operation-system.
hi ,jianshuo. my name is hezhanchi.i’m from shenzhen.i’m a new reader of your blog for about 3 months. when and how did i find your blog?m…i didn’t remember. your blog is really very intresting and i read it everyday.
Hi, Jianshuo,
hi, all,
I live in Düsseldorf, Germany; 65 Years old (Ma), write myself a weblog (and a ch’an- phorum). I read this blog since two years and attached it on my blogroll. My own blog is a melange from politics, medicine, lyrik, prosa, cartoons and musik. My interests are far- reaching, also my blog. The blog is in german, but if anyone wants to leave a comment in english, thats not a problem. The blogs name “Buettchenbunt” is an synonym for this. Times ago my profession was psychoanalist and, at time, journalist. Now I’m pensioner, because I’m handicapped. I love dogs, at time, because my handicap i’ve only a loan- dog.
Thank you, Jianshuo, for your very interesting and instructive weblog and all the hours you spend on it.
Hi Jianshuo,
My name is Susan and I live in Pudong Shanghai. I work as a technical writer for National Instruments. I love reading you blog!
Hi everybody.
I am Ji Haidong, a transplanted Chinese in Chicago area for more than a decade now.
Pure rural Shandong stock, grown up in the 70s. Undergrad in southern China for 4 years, slacker in Beijing for less than a year. Came to the US in 1995 and stayed. Currently self-employed doing database consulting and training in the US. Would love to work on projects in my beloved homeland, and in fact all over the world.
I made a few comments in the past, had a hiatus, and came back for great discussions during the whole Olympic discussion. For the most part, I am a silent observer, I learned a lot from different people’s perspectives. So thanks Jian Shuo for such a wonderful platform and your great attitude!
By the way, thanks for a lot of thoughtful readers’ comments too! It is discussions exemplified in spaces like this that give me a profound hope for China, the world, and our common humanity.
Hello Jianshuo,
My name is Yin and I believe I’m the same age as you. I went to sjtu as well and graduated in 2000. Now I live in florida and working as an actuary. I am a Shanghaiese and never leaved shanghai before I came to States. I’ve been reading your blog for years but rarely comment. At first, I read your blog because I was homesick. Now I found that your blog is interesting and useful because someday, I may be come back. you just never know..
Hi =) I’m Jovine from Singapore, budding software engineer with a taste for Java. Thanks for the fun and insightful stuff you’ve brought us! Wishing ur family esp Yifan well!
I’m Alfonso. A Spaniard from Spain. Living in Madrid. I’m Software engineer. Find your blog fascinating. Like your photos a lot. Specially about live, cities and new constructions in China.
Wow, a lot of first time commenters…So I guess I should reply here.
Yiding. Male. 31 this year. Consider myself as Buddhist. Local Shanghainese and still living in Shanghai. Software related.
Following this blog for several years, firefox first and then switch to google reader.
Hello. I’m Daniel, from Fremont, CA (near San Jose). I don’t comment much but I subscribed to your blog months ago when I was visiting Shanghai. I now live and work in Shanghai and continue to enjoy your posts.
@all, thanks all for your self introduction. It helps other readers to know who are reading and commenting on this blog – and give people (including me) some idea about the distribution of reader across the world – I have more diversed readership than I thought.
Hi Jian Shuo, I’m Lily. I grew up in Shanghai but have been living in the UK for the past 7 years. I randomly discovered your site about 3 years ago, when I was searching for some English text on Shanghai for my friend who was about to visit the city. I’ve been a 忠实读者 since. I may have commented once or twice on this site, but most of time only 潜水ing :p I’ve also been reading your friends’ blogs, to keep up with what’s been happening in SH. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for bringing your world so close to me.
I would really love to meet you in person one day. If I remember correctly, did you use to organise meetings with students at Starbucks? If it is still ongoing, I hope you won’t mind if I tag along once? (I graduated from uni not long ago myself :p ) I work in a bank, so any conversation not centred on finance would be refreshing to me! :p Otherwise please do let me know if you happen to be visiting London!
Haha you must be wondering yourself how amazing it is to make so many friends from (truly) around the world by writing blogs at home ^_^ Best wishes!
Hi Jian Shuo,
Krish, Male, Indian, Working in Shanghai for the last 1 year, mostly a silent passive reader of your blog and originally favourited your blog more than a year back when contemplating a Shanghai Move. I thank you for lot of specific information that have made me adapt to Shanghai life ( Too many to mention individually )
Warmest Regards…
I’m Jean-Felix, from France, living in SH for 5 years now.
I like to follow your blog, be it for practical information (for trips for example) or more recently about the more “political” issues.
If you have time someday, I’ll be delighted to meet you in person and have a coffee/dinner/drink.;-P
Hi, I’ve been reading for over 9 months, my name is Arianne – I added you on facebook :-) I go to JiaoDa and also live about 10 minutes from XJH. I have recommended your blog to all my friends as I find it the best, fairest and most candid place to find information about life in Shanghai. When friends back in Canada ask me how Shanghai (and China) is like, I send them to your blog because the answer is not simple and it’s all about perception – on this site I think they can find a balanced glimpse of Shanghai life.
I am GN. I grew up/educated in China… live and work, as an independent communication designer (brand communication etc.) in the Northwest, US. Every year I spend about two months in China… haven’t been in Shanghai yet. I came across your blog a few months ago when googled something related to internet blocking. Enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing the photos.
Best wishes to you and your family… safe and happy always.
Hi Jianshuo,
I grew up in Shanghai, transplanted to US a decade ago. I found your blog when I searched for IKEA and was surprised the growth in China. I have been reading your blog for a year now and found other blogs from your links are interesting too.
I saw you in a TV show last time talking about the blog. This is great. Keep up the good work!
of course i like your blog JIANSHUO
i am living in shanghai and i am always a 100% shanghainese
you know i just watch many thngs in my own way but with reading your blogs i feel that i can understand a lot things in many angles that’s good for me, i like this feeling
my name is James.P i work as a small government official
according to my memory, may be i just commented once?
best wish to you and your family…
Hi I am Chris, I lived in China for the first 27 years of my life in China and now I am in Sydney. No surprise, I am in IT, doing web development using Java etc. ;)
I have been reading your blog for about 3-4 years, I really enjoy it and get a lot from it. Thanks :)
My hometown is in Henan too… I am proud of this fact that we are Lao Xiang :P
hi,jianshuo,I have read your blog for years. the first time I know you is from keso’blog.
through the years,you english improve a lot and also have a nice son.
for myself, I lived in shanghai now and also have a lovely daughter.
hope one day have a nice drink together.
sednasun,28,from dalian china.
My name is Anastasia (Nasijia). I’m from Moscow,Russia. I’ve been reading your blog for 5 months and I like it a lot. I also sent you a real letter by post 3 months ago. Did you get it?
This year I graduate from Moscow Linguistic University and I’m going to study at Jiao Tong University from Sept.2008. In 2 months I’ll get my red diploma (red means that I have all best marks) of lawyer (civil law) with English and German. I’ve been also learnig Chinese for 3 years. I was in Shanghai 2,5 years ago and I liked the city very much, that’s why I’m going to continue my education there.
I also give private German and English lessons. Actually I have 5 students. This is the way to earn some money while studying.
If you are interested in some questions about the situation in Russian Federation write me back.
You have great blog with a lot of information. I have followed your blog since one year after you started it. However, you delete most of my comments. But that’s OK, I guess.
You have great blog with a lot of information. I have followed your blog since one year after you started it. However, you delete most of my comments. But that’s OK, I guess.
Hi everybody,I am cathy tao,female,26 years old,single:),working at pudong shanghai area,charge for garment merchandiser in a garment trade company.
I heard of your blog several years ago,but just start to comment it recently.
Hope to meet more friends here.
Hi everybody,I am cathy tao,female,26 years old,single:),working at pudong shanghai area,charge for garment merchandiser in a garment trade company.
I heard of your blog several years ago,but just start to comment it recently.
Hope to meet more friends here.
I started reading your blog when I was first offered the position here in Shanghai. I am still visiting as it is informative and enlightening.
BTW, I am 37/Filipino and an eye doctor.
i am a old farmer from the Netherlands, and don’t ask me how i got here, somehow i ended up as a tag in yr archives, got stuck due to the fact we hardly have info about you lads over here.
keep on pumping those posts.
Hi, Jianshuo:
I am Christina, 28, from northeast, and have been in shanghai for more than 4 years.
I first knew your blog from the TV show-” culture matter”, and then read your blog everyday.
It’s a useful blog with your own personality.
In my memory, I had no comments before.
Thanks for giving me this chance to improve my English and study much from your blog.
Best wishes to you!
Hi, Jianshuo:
I am Christina, 28, from northeast, and have been in shanghai for more than 4 years.
I first knew your blog from the TV show-” culture matter”, and then read your blog everyday.
It’s a useful blog with your own personality.
In my memory, I had no comments before.
Thanks for giving me this chance to improve my English and study much from your blog.
Best wishes to you!
you are one of my blogging mentors, and enjoyed the meetup last week.
Elliott Ng
serial entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley
family is originally from Hong Kong (and Guangdong province) but I was born in the US
cares about East meets West issues and blogs about it at
my day job is at a semantic travel search engine,
I have 2 kids, 6 and 2
I would be pleased to take to Vietnamese food next time you are here in Silicon Valley!
Hi JianShuo:
I have visited your blog several months ago,but never give some comments.
I work in medical engineer company in shanghai,.
I hope have A chance to chat with you face to face.
Hi, my friend.
I read your blog for several months and this is the first time to leave the messages here.
I can’t remember how I click and visit your blog, but when I first came here, I was deeply impressed your articals and I collected your address at that time. Is this God-guide?
Jian Shuo,
I am a Malaysian living in Taiwan for the past 10 yrs; born raised in Malaysia, worked in the states for 5 yrs before ended up in Taiwan.
I came across your blog while I was searching for travel tips on Shanghai. I like it after reading the first note & impressed, thus becoming your blog reader. You ‘ve given your readers notes that are helpful & worth reading. Thanks !