I am based in Xujiahui, and I took many "landscape" photos of the area in the last few years. Here are some of the entries:
- Photos of Shanghai in May, 2008
- Sunset in Puxi
- Xujiahui – Night
- Night Scene of Xujiahui
- Xujiahui At Night – Part II
- Twin Tower Rise in Xujiahui
- Shanghai Scenery Around Xujiahui
In those pictures, you can see the surrounding areas of Xujiahui (other district, including Pudong) changed a lot, but the core area of Xujiahui didn’t change too much in the last few years during my blogging.
I’d like to post the "repeated" photos of the area again, just to record what the great area is today, and hopefully some day later, people are able to take it as a "walk back machine" to see of Shanghai "at the beginning of 21th centaury".
Below: The white building with a arrow on the top is Shanghai Library.
Below: The library of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
The area of old house is always multi-million dollars in value, but the life in the houses still remains miserable – too many people in the same house.
The Boxue Building at the gate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
These are the high-raised building built in 1980s or early 1990s. At that time, as the very few skyscrapers of the city, people must be very excited about the heights of the residential area – a sign of development of Shanghai, isn’t it? But now, it looks ugly.
This is the east-ward of the Xujiahui.
Middle House of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
New Upper House and Engineering Building of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Xujiahui – Metro city.
The Zhaojiangbang Road and the Tianyaoqiao Road.
Many cars. The Pacific Store is under renovation.
The Shanghai No. 6 Department Store.
Real Estate broker.
I have a condominium at Orient Manhattan and it is stone’s throw from your office, it used to be a very good residential compound six years ago when it first completed, but now parked vehicles occupied the entire drive way, motor bikes are parked up-stair in front of the door way, dog excrement are littering the pathway and the building starts to show its age.
Yes, I agree with you, it looks ugly now!
您好 王先生
我是CSA( http://www.chinastudyabroad.org )公司的Edward.Wang. 有幸欣赏到您有关上海交通大学及周边的摄影作品 , 被其高超的摄影技巧和绝美的风光所吸引。 由于我们是从事外国留学生教育的咨询机构, 您的佳作可以帮助我们的外国留学生更好的了解中国的大学,现向您恳请将此图片应用于我网站的许可,我们会注明图片作者,转载出处。希望得到你的同意!
Edward Wang
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Go ahead to use it, Edward.