After Feedburner coming out for many years, now I switched my feed from my standard feed – my own XML feed file at to FeedBurner. The original feed file is still there so my previous subscribers won’t lose update from my blog, but new visitors will start to receive RSS feed from FeedBurner. Now you can subscribe to my blog via FeedBurner’s address:
P.S. One day after I enabled FeedBurner, it was banned by the Great Firewall…
Jianshuo, you are so lucky… I don’t use, feedburner services etc. because I believe GFW definitely will ban the them one day one by one. The interesting thing is one of my college mate is an Internet Police, he unhesitatingly denied the GFW existence when I talked about it.
Well. By not using any service outside China or that may be banned by GFW is actually an action to support GFW.
It seems that FeedBurner has been blocked by the GFW