Upgraded to Movable Type 4

This is my first comment to the new MovableType 4. Let me just write a short sentence, and then test if everything is OK.


It turned out the upgrade is very smooth – without any problem, and everything simply works.

The only problem I encountered with is, I didn’t find out the Rebuild button anywhere in the Admin page.

Also, since the template was still the old one, and most of the new features are not immediately available now. Please wait for sometime, and I will be able to add it along the time.

P.S. Interview

I was just interviewed by the International Herald over phone. The topic is about this blog, and the questions are very similar with That’s Shanghai.

P.S. Sun Island

I am back from a company event in Sun Island in Qingpu today. Did I mentioned Sun Island on this blog? Not yet. It is one of the few very good place to go for company meeting in Shanghai… I will talk more about it in the future.

4 thoughts on “Upgraded to Movable Type 4

  1. Update: after using MovableType 4 for some time, the biggest regret I had was about MovableType 4.0. I should not have upgraded. I am trying MovableType 3.2 and it works so nice! If there is a clean way for me to roll back to MovableType 3.2 or 3.3, I will do it.

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