Bus from Luoyang to Zhengzhou

There are at least one bus from Luoyang to Zhengzhou every hour.

Here is the schedule.


Start from Luoyang. The travel time is 2 hour and 30 minutes, just good for watching a DVD on the bus – if you include the annoying TV commerical interval in the DVD.













Where is the Bus Stop

The bus stop in Luoyang is at the Tianying Hotel (天鹰大酒店) at Jinghua Road and Wanzhong Road (景华路皖中路). There is a small shop selling tickets, and you won’t miss the place – there are many huge buses waiting there from morning to night.

The Bus

Inside the bus:

The seats:

They have drinking water on board:

and best of all, they have toilet on board:

This is the bus:

The Bus Stop in Zhengzhou

The Bus Stop in Zhengzhou is near the Minhang Hotel (民航大酒店). It is just one cross road away. You can transit to the Airport Bus there. The interval is 30 minutes, and the price is 15 RMB to get to the airport (it takes 70 RMB to take taxi there).

The Trip

The trip was good.

Other Routes

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