Microsoft Office Online: Create an effective reference system
Small things done consistently in strategic places have major impact.
Microsoft Office Online: Create an effective reference system
Small things done consistently in strategic places have major impact.
Microsoft’s version of GTD?
Not really, GTD is doable with any tool, here it’s more “tips for using your 500 bucks software”.
I will write an entry to explain why I posted links like this.
My method of handling e-mail is:
— use the Outlook Express e-mail client with POP
— leave it all in the in-box. Don’t file or delete anything (Occasionally I copy something to a special folder) (If the Inbox becomes larger than 2Gbytes, NTFS cannot handle it, so occasionally I archive my in-box)
— turn off the feature that makes the e-mail “read” (not in bold type) automatically.
— when I have looked at e-mails, change them manually to “read” state.
— if I need to reply, reply immediately, or “flag” the e-mail.
— flag e-mails that need attention in the near future or that I might want to refer to again in the near future.
— forward all e-mails automatically to a gmail account, because it has very rapid search features. This allows me to find any e-mail quickly without filing it.