Back from Ji’An Trip

Just back from camping in the mountains of Ji’An in Zhejiang Province with Kijiji team, media and community members. Here are some pictures I took during the trip. See what happened on the date of 2005-10-23. Obviously, we only have this day once in our entire life.

Thanks for Flickr (of which I am a pro users). It seems I can use only very few percentage of the bandwidth limit they set for me – 2G.

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P.S. I realized I am always in too rush time to publish blogs these days. Most of the blogs are updated after midnight, and I start to think whether I should spend more time on each entry while write less, so always keep the blog interesting for both my readers, and (I think more importantly), to myself.

9 thoughts on “Back from Ji’An Trip

  1. Gorgeous pics and hilarious trip! BTW,where is “Ji’An”? Having stayed in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province for many years, but seems never heard of this place.

  2. (of which I am a pro users)

    -> of which I am a pro user.


    Most of the blogs are updated after midnight, and I start to think whether I should spend more time on each entry while write less, so always keep the blog interesting for both my readers, and (I think more importantly), to myself.

    1. “and I start to think …”

    –> better to say ” and I couldn’t help but wondering…” haha a phrase i learnt from those tv series..(blabla and the city, or desperate blabla…)

    2. “whether I should spend more time on each entry while write less”

    i understand what you mean..but this sentence reads very … weird..

    And yes, i think you should write more about the trip instead of only showing us some pictures, which, to my surprise, are way too small and there’s no way to click on!

    I went through your blogs this afternoon. It actually started from one of my random search on google. It’s interesting to find someone who’s never been living abroad sticking to post English blogs on the internet for so long a time. Not to mention how popular he has become now. (Look at the click rates!) I sometimes write in english, too, although I’ve never been abroad, either. :-p But once in a while i will have to change back to chinese: people around me complain a lot.. they say they never read carefully what i write in English. In this sense, you are lucky enough to have so many clicks every day/month and to have so many comments on nearly every blog (mostly positive ones). Cherish this..

    I’m lazy in typing capitalized letters, eg, “i” instead of “I”. Sorry about that. But today’s journey on your blog is a pleasant and unforgettable one. Will drop by later.

  3. heihei,潜水太久,出来冒个泡泡!我很久米有出去玩了!速降很刺激的,我先前也玩过呢,夏天还可以玩溪降哦!

  4. I have setupped my own blogsite following you. I really admire your power to continuously maintain this site. I have never insist on something for so long a time so I want to challenge myself in your way. I almost copy all your site at first, pls pardon me for I am not familiar with web design and know little about the blog technology. Thanks!

    BTW, where is Ji’an? I only know Ji’an in Jiang’xi province is the most famous general county for there are more than 200 generals come from there.

  5. 王先生,加了您的msn 可是没”见过”你一次啊,我是小刚,参加过你们9月份的上海聚会,还有幸在I时代露了脸 哈哈 我对分类很感兴趣,对网络也越来越热衷了,很看好客齐集的发展思路和方向,当然这离不开您的个人魅力和魄力,听说您每天要约见很多人谈合作,真的很辛苦,祝福您事业芬达… 我对分类的感觉是,的确是个好市场,可是需要时间的磨砺… 总的建议如下:深入生活,如社区、校园(你们已经走的)、城市(二级城市开始);资源整合(客齐集与企业联合规避真实信息、客齐集与媒体联合带动传播实效、客齐集与运动联盟展现网络互动新风…) 请您看看我的博客,才写的关于分类的分析(简稿) 希望能看到您的留言,可以和您面谈一次! 谢谢 期待中!

    分类市场,战事云,一动一静,话筹谋道酝酿… 胜败终有数,成功者以将自居,谋而不动,动则惊天下,兵四环,败则消,黯生无。春以冬来,水流长,岸到桥头自成河,垂柳兮兮,浪花舞….小刚静坐,目肆方,微微笑然!





  6. 王大哥,你这组照片很漂亮。如果能把倒数第二行最右边的两张移到最下面,整体形成一个方形或许更美。

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