Pictures in Shanghai Metro

Share with you some pictures I took with Nokia 6670 mobile phone. How exciting that in China, 45 million mobile phones with camera capacity will be shipped this year.





17 thoughts on “Pictures in Shanghai Metro

  1. jianshuo showed that how more and more phones with built-in camera change our daily life. it is just a little bit part of mobile usage i think, but more interesting.

  2. Not really relevant to this topic – but I hope that Jian Shuo doesn’t mind as he is in favour of education and the betterment of people’s lives.

    I just want to let you know about a special Career Development seminar being held in Shanghai in November by one of Australia’s leading corporate coaches. He works with companies such as Coca Cola, GE, Sun Microsystems, AMP, QANTAS and Honeywell. So if you want to know how to get ahead and have a successful career with a companies like these – have a look at:

    Jian Shuo – if you were interested, we would love to have you attend as our guest!

  3. “I cannot figure out what is exciting for?”, this is cute, kevin, :-)

    I have a Canadian friend told me about his accent pointed out by Londoners: “Why are you always so exited everyday?”, hehe…

    What I really mean here is, JianShuo is apparently a positive thinking person, and there are lots of things that I, as a Chinese fellow living outside China, don’t feel so exiting too: there are better and far more advanced metro system in US and Europe, there are better cars and fancier digital gadgets (Palm Tero, BlakBerry, PSP, XBOX… other than just a Nokia 6670 with a buildin camera), but he manages to figure out his pettet daily amusement, in boring urban life, and my point is: upon the time that you are no longer exited by something around you, some tiny things that are truly cheerful but easily be neglected, then you’ve lost the Zen of life.

    Smile, and find your happiness around you, don’t be afraid to be seen as naive or silly, as long as you are “exited”, whoelse would care?

  4. as a Chinese fellow living outside China, don’t feel so exiting too: there are better and far more advanced metro system in US and Europe, there are better cars and fancier digital gadgets (Palm Tero, BlakBerry, PSP, XBOX… other than just a Nokia 6670 with a buildin camera)


  5. 我在海外生活,相信我用英文的时间比你长,所谓低级,以你的程度很难理解,英文是phonetics,天生比中文低等一级,你喜欢吃sour grape你自己吃。

  6. 你真的丢了生活禅了,没看懂我在说什么,还要给语言分等级。用流行的话来说,鄙视你一下。呵呵。

  7. To tosamdl: great, this is getting interesting man, you are living in overseas, oh, big deal! Nigeria or Combodia? you jump to the conclusion that ur comand of English is higher than mine, I guess you are right, because at least you know what sour grapes means.

    I only have three words for you: “SHAME ON YOU”

    btw, I am a kindergarden kid in Shanghai.

  8. Would webmaster please delete those irrelevant / coarse comments? Or, create a junk folder?

  9. Jian Shuo,

    Happy birthday to you. Its my first time into your blog site – and I must say, Im impressed. I wanted to know about the Aussie fellow who will be giving a Career development Seminar here in Shanghai in November. Are you able to provide any leads that will help me to contact him? Thank you.

    Keep up the great work your doing! :o)

    P.S. Dont worry about the distractors and their comments, they’re just jealous because they dont have a blog (or wouldnt know how to go about building one ha ha) of their own (or if they do, then it must SUCK, cos’ they’re in your site dumping – LOSERS!))

  10. Hi Jian Shuo, excellent blog!

    I live in Belgium and will move to Shanghai soon.

    Is it allowed to take a folding bike to the metro? and if it’s allowed, considering the crowds during rush hour, do you think it is physically possible to take one?


  11. Hi, i will be going to shanghai soon. will like to know what is nice there which we can visit and cant miss?

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