I felt strange that there were no new comment after I posted my last comment at 25, 2005 12:55 AM. I thought it may because of weekend. To my surprise, I found the site stopped accepting new comments after that.
The reason is, I put “…” into the banned world list of my MT-Blacklist tool. Three dot means to match any three chracters. Some readers may lose some comments that they spent much time to write. Sorry for that. The good news is, the system is back to normal…
Test if it works.
Works ok for me also..
ok, now it’s ok again.Thanks for your email at half past five this morning, I wonder when do you wake up, half past five o’clock is too early.
We are U.S. citizens considering a move to Taicang (near Suzhou). Does anyone know how to estimate the cost of living there?
test test test =)
This comment looks fine:)
I have nothing particular to comment only lurking and enjoying the view of Shanghai
and your viewpoint on the world.