This is the Top 356 Blog?

Kenlee‘s blog reported that Feedster announced the TOP 500 Blogs. It is updated every month.


I couldn’t not check it because the domain was blocked by the Great Firewall. I believe one or more URL in the list must triggered the filter, so when I try to access it, my Internet connection is completely closed. So I can only have the chance to try twice in the last 10 minutes (5 minute OUT OF Internet punishment for every try). Well. I may find ways tomorrow to see it.

What is interesting to me is, Kenlee said Wangjianshuo’s blog is the only blog from mainland on the list, and is ranked 356 this month. Hnmmm. Interesting. So when a company is pround of being a member of Fortune 500, I may be proud of the first round of Top 500 Blogs in the world. :-) Just take it as fun …

13 thoughts on “This is the Top 356 Blog?

  1. no need, if you can access it, access it, if you can’t, just dont

    but yes! congras to your blog!

  2. is your site ok? it seems the old (just 1 or 2 days old) post is now just an empty page.

  3. congratulations!

    u r in the list and it is the world top 500!

    hold on & express ur idea as u like.

    actually the list is just for fun.

  4. Congratulations!! Your blog is really good, I’m happy for you to see it among the Top 500! Cheers

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