Individual Entry Archive Template

Below is the Individual Entry Archive Template for my site. It is the code behind the page you are looking at. Share with MovableType funs. Please note: Changes always under way but the major elements will be stable for a very long time.



<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″ />


<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” />

<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”<$MTBlogURL$>index.rdf” />

<meta name=”description” content=”<$MTEntryExcerpt$>” />

<meta name=”keyword” content=”<$MTEntryCategoryLabel$>” />

<link rel=”start” href=”<$MTBlogURL$>” title=”Home” />


<link rel=”prev” href=”<$MTEntryLink$>” title=”<$MTEntryTitle$>” />



<link rel=”next” href=”<$MTEntryLink$>” title=”<$MTEntryTitle$>” />




<a href=”/”><div id=”banner”><$MTBlogName$><br />

<span class=”description”><$MTBlogDescription$></span></div></a>

<$MTInclude module=”Header”$>

<div class=”blog”><div class=”blogbody”>


<span class=Adsense>

<script type=”text/javascript”><!–

google_ad_client = “pub-8513779941474461”;

google_ad_width = 120;

google_ad_height = 600;

google_ad_format = “120x600_as”;


<script type=”text/javascript”





<MTEntryCategories glue=” “>

<a href=”<$MTCategoryArchiveLink$>”>

<img border=0 src=”http://<$MTBlogHost$>/archives/2003/03/26/<$MTEntryCategory$>.jpg” alt=”Category: <$MTEntryCategory$>” vspace=5 hspace=5 align=”right”>




<p class=”small-note”>by <$MTEntryAuthor$> | <$MTEntryDate format=”%A, %B %d, %Y”$> | <$MTLinksDirectory$> |


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<span class=”posted”>Posted by <$MTEntryAuthor$> at <$MTEntryDate$>


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<$MTInclude module=”Newsletter”$>

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<span class=”comments-post”>Posted by: <b><$MTCommentAuthorLink show_email=”0″$></b> on <$MTCommentDate$></span>



<div class=”comments-head”><a name=”trackback”>Trackbacks</a></div>

<div class=”comments-body”>TrackBack URL for this entry: <$MTEntryTrackbackLink$>


<br/><br/><a name=”<$MTPingID$>”></a>

<a href=”<$MTPingURL$>” target=”new”><$MTPingTitle$></a><br />

<b>Excerpt:</b> <$MTPingExcerpt$><br />

<b>Weblog:</b> <$MTPingBlogName$><br />

<b>Tracked:</b> <$MTPingDate$></span>



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<input type=”hidden” name=”src” value=”” />

Name: <br />

<input name=”author” /><br />

Email Address: (will not show)<br />

<input name=”email” /><br />

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Comments:<br />

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2 thoughts on “Individual Entry Archive Template

  1. Jian Shuo, I think this web site needs a specific “pictures” folder. I’d love to see some “up to date” photos of Shanghai and the developments in it. Maybe you could write a simple script that would automatically scan each directory for photos and then show as small thumbnails (enlarged when clicked).


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