Cold Shanghai and Hot Hotmail

Cold Shanghai

Shanghai became cold from yesterday. Compared to the hot weather this September, it is hard to believe it is the same city. I wore T-shirt for the whole summer and just changed to shirt yersterday. However, the sudden drop in temperature gave me a big surprise. It was really cold last night. I was almost frozen before I found a taxi and escaped into the warm cab. So I withdraw my suggestions to those coming to Shanghai – at night, you need to wear coat instead of shirt. :-)

Hotmail inaccessible in China

According my a lot of my friend, they cannot access via China Telecom – the major ISP in China. People get very confused. They still can access MSN Messenger, just to see the number in mail box keeps increasing but cannot read it, or delete it. This has been lasted for quite a while. Along Hotmail is the Yahoo!Messenger. Lots of my friends encountered technical difficulties to connect to that service. Is there any relationship between this and the Google Ban?

6 thoughts on “Cold Shanghai and Hot Hotmail

  1. tutu:

    Cold is only cold, the best way to beat it is just passing over it, believe the every cell in our body has the power to resist such enemies that got in in our careless moment.

    Just pump up ! You can do it !

  2. Will it work? I cannot verify it since my hotmail works via my ADSL from China Telecom. I do hear from my friend that he can access his mail via his SmartPhone, but not from browser.

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