Top Commentor of May

I am very happy to announce that the top commenter of the month award for May 2003 goes to:

Caroline 36

Luo 36

annie 17

Congragulations and thinks for your contribution.

Top ten list

Luo 36

Caroline 36

annie 17

Carol 13

David 11

Nick 10

Vivian 6

Tim 5

rockzhz 5

Li Jingyi 5

Isaac 5

Top 11, actually since there was a tie for 4 persons. Thanks.


In May 2003, 175 visitors contributed 453 comments to this website.

In April 2003, 157 persons (distinguished by display name) posted 437 comments.

In the first 5 months of this blog (Sept 11, 2002 to March 31, 2003), 216 persons (distinguished by display name) posted 478 comments.

Keep sharing with us

I am happy to find Caroline and Luo are the second time to win the Top Commenter of the Month award since last month. Caroline shared her experience about going between Shanghai and Hongkong and the two-week long quarantine. It is so good to know Caroline is free from the post of yesterday. Caroline, I did passed by your Pottery Workshop on Taikong road this morning at about 10:30 AM, hoping to see you there. But the workshop is not opened yet. What I see is the green “Make a Peace” anti-war party advertisement on the door.

Luo shared lot of value SARS information on the website with us. You seem to read all kinds of newspaper and reports around the world – in China, U.S even in Pakistan. :-) Your comments are the longest and I am sure your count of words in comment will absolutely be No. 1 in the month too.

Annie mix the news report and her experience in Hongkong and Shanghai. Now you are in Hongkong. I think Shanghai is just good to come back in one month. So keep in touch.

Thanks all the rest for the great comments, for example, I am always excited to see my friend Isaac appears in this blog and quote the stuff I wrote, such as the webcam and the top commenter award itself in his blog.

I will announce the top commentor of the month in Jun on July 1.

4 thoughts on “Top Commentor of May

  1. Jian Shuo:

    Wow! So honoured to have made it to your top ten list…

    I am so glad that you used the pronoun “you” when you were referring to me. I guess that puts three women on the very top of the list. I guess women are just more talkative and they make more prolific writers?! :-)

    Anyway, got an exam tomorrow… gotta go.

  2. Hey i actually made the top 10 list! thats great!!! hehehe!!!

    thats right, us women have it all! hehehee!!!

    anyway, jianshuo, keep up the good work. I am sure things in China will get better.

    am praying for you guys!

    Take Care,


  3. I can’t believe that I am in the top 10 list. hehe…

    This is a great website, and that is the only reason why I come in here. Great Job, everybody ^_^

  4. 您好:


    台湾 叶于圣 敬上

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