Red Restaurant

Shanghai is a place with great restaurants and great people. I joined Willie to a wonderful restaurant named Red (website) on quiet Anfu road. The road is famous because the Shanghai Drama Center is located there. I visited the center frequently before SARS hit the city. (In case you want to know what happened to the center later, let me tell you, the performance was paused till now). It is the place mixed with the best environment and the finest culture.


The restaurant Red is a very unique. It occupies the whole 3-story house before the large grassland. If I can record the sound for you, you will hear the music and laughter from the second floor.


I had Pineapple Fried Rice there. It is very delicious. You can find it at the bottom of the decent menu.


I was surprised that even it is Thursday (not Friday), there are many people there. Most of them are expats in Shanghai. It was called mysterious night. I don’t know what will happen there because I left before the program begin at 10:00 PM. It may be a good place to go if you just come to Shanghai and want to meet new friends. I am very happy to meet Annie, Robert and Tina there.

My New Sony DSC-P8 Camera?

The pictures were taken by the new Sony P8 camera. I still don’t have time to bring it out to take day-light photos since when I go out of the office, it is already dark. So I can only take the twilight photo. So far, so good. It is not a serious camara. Small, cute and very good capatibility with Windows XP are among the top reasons I choose this model.

SARS update in Shanghai

Lynne wondered why there is no SARS news from this web site. Well. It is my fault. I thought people just don’t care about SARS now so I am changing my topic. I will change back. So here you go.

Currently, there are eight confirmed SARS cases in Shanghai. The eighth is confirmed today to be a train attendant from Guangzhou. Among them, two died. No.

Annie reported that according, Shanghai government is considering relax the quaratine rules in Shanghai. Maybe people returning Shanghai will not required to take the 14 days in house quarantine. Note: This piece of news is not personally verified by me yet.

Coming back to my normal life, slowly

To be honest, I am relax recently and begin to meet people and go to restaunants recently, partly because the number of SARS is not increasing, partly because the strict measures already in place – I am having my temperature taken every morning, and every noon (if I leave the building). The number read from the therometer is strange – from 33.2 degree C to 36.5 degrees. Do they really think the 3 degree variation is reasonable? :-)

Metro (subway)

I took metro today since I need to met Willie on time and metro is definitely the fastest transportation tool in rush hours. I think it should be OK now. Actually, I havn’t took metro for about two months since end of March – can you imagine it? I did take metro in the last TWO months. I always walk or take taxi to avoid crowded place. I thought metro should be safer now. So I happily choosed to take metro.

But I was really scared when I enter the metro station. So many people are still wearing masks. On the contary, only few people in the street wear masks. In the train I took, 7 out of the 12 persons seated there wore masks. I must look stupid to have my nose and mouth exposed to the dangerous air.

After I get out of the train and return to the Nanjing Xi road, masks disappeared again.

My Starbucks trip

I took the photo of Starbucks at Shi Men Yi Lu metro station. Here is the logo. But I don’t think I have visited this store since this photo is not qualified as a unique photo for this Starbuck shop. I believe I will use some weekends to walk from one to the other until I touch all the 26 stores. Then I will take photos. The standard I set for the photo is, you can recognize the location of the store from the photo if you have visited the store.


© Jian Shuo Wang

12 thoughts on “Red Restaurant

  1. JSW,

    I will surely try out the restaurant. Thanks for the photos. You are right Shanghai has one of the most diverse menus of anyplace I have traveled. You can go out every night to a new place and not get tired.

    Do you or your associates ever go to Mao Ming Lu? I was wondering if things were getting back to normal. There is a pub called Manhatten that is not much to look at but is the most fun and most crowded place on the street. ( Also the best managed).

    They have a custom if you are a frequent customer you can be immortalized by having your business card pasted to the ceiling.

    I think this place is pretty famous as its a big expat hang out.

    If you stop by say hi to Iris, Mickey, and Stella for me.

    Also please update us on SARs. Also how the city is getting back to life is encouraging.


  2. Hi Nick,

    Mao Ming Lu is a good place – the new road for good pubs to gather after Hen Shan road. I didn’t go there recently but I will definitely visit Manhaton restaurant there.

  3. Jian,

    You can go to Heng Shan Road around nine and leave about midnight and Mao Ming Lu is just waking up. Its more of an After party street.

    I often frequent Bourbon Street on Heng Shan Road. Also New Hong Kong Plaza has alot of very good restaurants, pubs and live music.

    Do you have any other places you reccommend?

  4. I heard so too about the post-party street of Mao Ming Road, but I have never try to go there that late. It is interesting that the bars and pubs in the street may be there only for expat. I don’t see much local people go there. Do you see the same thing?

    I love Bourbon Street too, especially the small garden behind the 3 story house.

    There are some place in the north Wumuluqi Road. I forgot the name but it is really nice. – It is just at the corner of Hen Shan and Wu Mu Lu Qi.

  5. JSW

    I heard Mao Ming Lu was restricted by the police do you know what is up?

  6. JSW

    By buddy said the street was closed and I read on shanghaiexpat that the bars were open but no music and there were like 40 police there. Some guy wrote he was beaten up by a gang of young guys. I am not sure its true was wondering if you could find out.

  7. Dear Jian Shuo Wang and others,

    I learned that government forbids the bars’s noise to the neighbor recently, so all the windows of he bars were sealed, thus casued not so many people go there to have nightlife. (in mao ming south road)

    If this is true, then i think because of bad public relationship with government.

    And it said, that government forbids this and that from time to time, but will recover soon from time to time.

    I am very glad to find this website, to read your experience about Shanghai. really wonderful!!!

    I was searching online for one karaoke-loving friend, about karaoke place of Shanghai. But few introduction about karaoke of Shanghai in English. I will apprecite your any help.

    By the way, I think English character being in Arial font in webpage is more convenient for reader to read.

    Best Regards.

    Alating fan

  8. If you are looking for karaoake places there is a cashbox on heng shen lu and Huai hau Lu across the street from maya. Also there is a very large cashbox in Fuxing park.

  9. Hi Wangjanshuo,

    Love your site. It actually was the only English resource I found when I first came to China and wanted to get WAP on my China Mobile phone. Sorry for posting this on your message board, but I don’t see an e-mail address for you here.

    Anyway…Could you add to your links page? It’s a search engine for bars, clubs, restaurants and apartments in Shanghai.



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