Happy New Year everyone! We are at the beginning of the year of 2009 now. Wish everyone has a very lucky, happy, and rewarding new year!
Here are some peronsal plans for 2009.
- Making long term and big goals to accomplish in 2009. I always wanted to ask the question: “What did you accomplished in the previous year?” This is the test question that many of us, including myself, feel embarrased to answer. To make the 365 days collectively meaningful is more important than individual days, and seperate actions.
- Focus by eliminating goals. I know I am the typical P (Perceiving) type of person, who would like to follow my internal passion to anything that appears interesting to me. The problem though, is I am so able to start projects, but hard to conclude it, and leave many things open unfinished. By focusing on several things that is really both important and meaningful, I believe I will have a better 2009.
- Keep learning. I read from Feld’s blog about “Live as if you would die tomorrow, learn as if you would live forever”. I am only 32 years old but sometimes I started to feel the tendency of keeping what I have been used to do, and resist in learning new things. No good trend. I believe I will keep learning about management, leadership, and to live good life. I just want to keep shaping my characters to archive more (or more importantly, learning what real archivement means).
- Be a good person in real life. This is a wired goal, but let me explain. In 2008, with the raise of SNS, and all kinds of “new technology”, we get more and more engaged with people online, and with many people that you don’t have the chance to keep in touch in old days. It is more and more easier to live “virtually”. That is a good thing, but meanwhile, I want to keep my friend and family circle closer, and smaller. In real life, I am a father, a husband, a son, and a friend. I need to make sure I take care of people around me first by spending more time (offline), celebrate holidays, and creating memories that we will remember in long run.
- Excercise. I ignored excercised in 2008, espeically the later half. It is the time to pickup my excercise routine and keep it as important as…hmmm.. my blog routine. I hope I can also share about my progress on this blog with my friends.
- Finally, I want to be a good person, with good mind, and peaceful life. I want to archive more while keeping my personal life happier than ever.
The world around us, both international and in China, was crazy in 2008 – with the natural disaster in China (snow, and earth quick), and financial crisis, and then the ressession, 2009 won’t be another too sunny and bright year. However, I would love to celebrate the year everyday, and always try to stand out of the daily life to get a sense of direction. I hope I would right more items than I did this year.
Again, all my friends and family, happy new year!
Hi, I would like to wish Jian Shuo and everyone a very Happy New Year 2009! May all our kind wishes comes true in 2009…
Thanks Tin Chew, and happy new year too!
Happy New Year Jian Shuo! Blessings to you in 2009 and hope to see you IRL (in real life)!
I received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour in 2008 and I was able to live with passion and joy every day ever since. Last night I was even able to preach at the local church. Your plan #4 and #6 are so wonderful and you can achieve them beautifully if you can allow Jesus to have presence in your life:)
Best wishes!
Elliottng, do you have plan to visit Shanghai this year? Hope to see you.
Shane, I believe religious people are easier to get happy, and have strong sense of guidance. I visit church from time to time to get inspiration too.
Happy New Year! ^-^ +U
It seems that I also need a plan for 2009. The first and the most important thing for me in 2009 is to improve myself and find a better job.
Jian Shuo – Just allow me to say a few words more about *religion & church* because I think it’s really important. If you are not yet 100% sure that *if* you die today you will be in heaven (soul never dies, it’s either in heaven or hell) with Lord Jesus, please make it sure by receiving Jesus as your Saviour. Being good man itself doesn’t make a person go to heaven, but receiving Jesus does.
happy new year 2009 – with the best wishes from germany.
Happy new year Jianshuo.
I have been concerning on your blog for approximately 3 years till now, and I’m very thankful for your useful and interesting things you shared.And here I have a personal questing hopefully you can kindly give some advice when you are not so busy. I have read an artical on your blog talking about Houkou in China. I’m graduating from Tongji University on March this year, and now I have an opportunity to work in England for 1~2 years as as temporary engineer. After that I want to return to Shanghai. I’d like to go but I’ll lost my opportunity to get Shanghai Hukou for that. Is Shanghai Hukou very important to living here? And what’s your advice.?
Happy new year, good wish to all your family! Good luck in 2009!
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